dirty dancing wow what a movie and ghost also . no one could have made a movie like that to make you feel it deep in your soul . he will be sooooo missed !!! he gave it his all and the fight was long , i just wish he could have survived , but we must all go someday . he is dancing with the stars now .. will see you again someday patrick till then you took the love with you as we can all look forward to as well

Whether they are in their 20's or 60's; men or women; all the people in my office were saddened by Patrick Swazey's death - they spoke of him as a gentleman and a terrific entertainer who was all heart!

Rest in Peace Patrick Swayze!

one of my favourite actors what more can i say the very first dvd i bought was roadhouse a classic movie your in our hearts patrick forever rest in peace you live on through your work like all great artists

one of lifes great gentlemen now in gods hands

I have seen just about all of your movies and will remember you as i keep on watching them. You will forever be in my heart. Luv ya Patrick!

I will miss you

I was 19 when Dirty Dancing came out...I was just finding my feet as an adult and getting over my first love....this film helped me believe there was love after a break up and to this day, it holds a special place in my heart because of Patrick and Jennifer's roles...
I will miss seeing Patrick in new films.
May Almighty Allah keep him safe,
Rest in peace,
Nadene, UK

Forever in the hearts and minds of all your fans, your memory will live on xxxxxx

You have touched so many peoples lives not only with your wonderful acting but with your amaing courage, strength and believe! You and your family will remain in our hearts for eternity. xxxxx
May you continue to dance with the angels x

I was in the elementary school when "Dirty Dancing" movie was popular.Often I remember these days...and the movie that we all worship...RIP Jonny...you'll never be forgotten...

Was one of the most beautiful people by all means. Died so young and had been a little bit forgotten for several years. But lots of fans will remember him forever, and will always cry watching Ghost or Dirty Dancing.


I have lots of great memories of Patrick! I loved him and hes movies for a long time,it all started with NORTH& SOUTH, He was a great actor and will be in my memories for ever,
Thank you Patrick for all the wonderful years you have been given me!

i luv patrick swayze since i saw him in dirty dancing today he is dancin with the angels u will forever in our hearts may u dance forever

You gave myself and the world much enjoyment with your movies,you will never be forgotten and remembered forever in your fims...thank you for the laughs.May you rest in peace.God bless your loved ones. <3
A huge fan .....Tracy S



RIP Patrick.... (semilin from Hungary)

my memory
When I first became aqainted with the name patrick swayze it was in his role in the movie dirty dancing. I was just going through a breakup with my girlfriend that I dated for 5 1/2 years . My breakup and the movie seemed to go hand in hand involving a relationship and the things that we go through with families and the part of they play in the make or break in a relationship. That movie pulled me through and if not for the heart convincing role of Patrick My down time would have taken even longer.
Patrick, You have embossed a permanent mark in my sole , I hope that your sole rest in peace and never know pain and suffering again.
I hope that his family can find peace to know that others have been helped in unknown ways by this wonderful work. His widow and family should be proud of his accomplishments.
You unknown friend and admirer

I never cared much for dancing till Dirty Dancing. The man on the screen who moved with such finesse and grace. Who couldn't imagine themselves dancing with him. He made dance come alive with feeling and meaning. I followed his films after that. Every role he played was done with greatness and versatality. I wish I could have known him personally. You are home now Patrick dancing amongst the stars across the night sky. My heart goes out to his family and friends I know he is greatly missed and will never be forgotten. Pamela

Patrick had a passion that you could feel in his every performance. You believed that the charactor he was playing was Patrick. I love his music and his ability to make you feel like you knew him even if you never had the honor to meet him. I weep for our lose as his fans, for the pain that he, Lisa and his family has lived with the past 20 months but I weep for his release from the pain that he endured with great courage.

"Cause I've had the time of my life and I owe it all to you"
I'm feeling empty since I've heard this horrible news and I refuse to speak about you, Patrick Swayze, using Past Tense. For me, you are and you will always be here. From Romania, with love. Oana Paraschiv

Our Family would like to offer our deepest sympathies to Patrick's Wife and soulmate and to his extended family as well. Words cannot express what you must be feeling but just know others are thinking of you and may he now rest in Peace, our love to each and everyone of you.

Patrick you're unforgettable, now you are an angel, for your lovely wife and family my deepest sympathy... all my love four you

It was a pleasure to get to see him on the screen i grew up with the outsders, then dirty dancing to ghost which makes me cry everytime to one of my fave roadhouse but to see his real strength watch the beast you wouldn't think that he was fight a trouble fight of his life he showed how strong he was and i'm sure the love of his lovely wife was also a great strength.The had the real deal which a lot of people don't ever real find he was truely blessed .all the money couldn't touch what he and lisa had.GOD BLESS YOU MAY YOU FLY WITH THE ANGELS.may you bless them like you blessed us.

We'll never fogert you Patrick,God bless you.You are ever in our hearts.
Thanks you for everythings you did..
Sincere condolences to your family
From a good friend (I hope)

to one of the greatest actors ever. god bless an rest in peace.

love your respectance video's hope i will recieve the same on my own e-mail folder. as patricks my #1 guy of all time, may he rest in peace..di69


i am a 71 yr. ol lady come sept 16th & i have been a fan of patricks since way back in the 1980's i'v mailed cards to him since 2007 when he became ill with cancer, i have all his movies an cherish all of them, especially dirty danceing, black dog,north&south, such a great love story, red dawn, steel dawn,3wishe's, king solomans mines, uncommon valor was great! the outsiders was a fovorite too,plus sooo many more. he was truly one of the greatest actors of all time, so strong an full of life.he lost the battle, but he will remain in the memories of all his fans, his angels will watch over him now an he will truly be at peace n no more pain god bless lisa n family. the ol lady of kingman az. di69

The Dirty Dancing and Ghost were to of my favorite movies. I will miss you Patrick and so will your family and loved ones. My heart goes out to your wife. may you rest in peace.

The Dirty Dancing and Ghost were to of my favorite movies. I will miss you Patrick and so will your family and loved ones. My heart goes out to your wife. may you rest in peace.

I am so sorry we lost such a beautiful person inside and out. He had great talent. I know his family will miss him and so will all his fans. He was wonderful in Ghost and Dirty Dancing. We pray for his family. Love you Patrick: Sylvia

Me faltan palabras para poder decir lo que siento al saber la gran perdida que el mundo de las estrellas deja, una gran sonrrisa y un hombre deslumbrante y tremendamente sensual, sera asi como siempre te recordare como una gran estrella y un gran hombre.......
mis condolencias a la familia...
en nuestros recuerdos siempre estaras y tus peliculas seran desde ahora un tesoro que brillara siempre por la gran estrella que fuiste...

I remenber when Dirting Dancing came out,And then Ghost.You well always be in our harts.We send our prayers to the family And God well help heal your harts................

I'm very sad for your dead dear Patrick!
You'll be alive in all your movies .......
Now you are a beatiful Ghost .. like in that movie that I loved!!!
...Scuse me for my English Patrick! I'm italian!!!

What a great actor to loose. We loved him in Dirty Dancing and in Ghost, but we loved him even more in Saturday Night Live when he made fun of his gorgeous body with the late Chris Farley. When you can make fun of yourself like that you have achieved it all. It showed how real and confident he was and that is better than being famous. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family to find the strength and rejoice in all the good memories he left behind! Patrick you'll be missed, God Bless!

I remember growing up watching Dirty Dancing and Ghost, didnt really understand too much at that time but did know for sure that I loved every bit of music and every bit of dancing that was on. Once I was old enough 2 understand the movies I realized exactly why I stayed glued to my mothers television! He was such a great performer! Im Sorry, and I send my deepest sympathy to his family!
-A Young Fan

I fell in LOVE with him when I saw Dirty Dancing and Ghost. I also loved him in City of Joy. He was so talented and beautiful! He will always be in our Hearts and Souls!
LOVE Him Always: Cheryl

this icon will never ever be forgotten..he was not only a very good actor he was a kind hearted man ..and fame never went to his head..i , like so many of his fans all over the world was saddend to hear of his death..cancer beat him but he will remain for ever in our hearts...my deepest sympathy goes out to the swayze family for their loss and of course to his devoted wife.. RIP patrick you are now that shining star up in the sky.....

Hoje os anjos estão dançando de felicidade para receber alguém tão especial. Para nós nos resta o consolo de rever seus filmes, que ficaram para sempre em nossos corações.
Descanse em paz!

i first became a fan of Patrick when I saw him in North and South, then followed his career as he grew from strength to strength in the filmworld, a great and talented actor/dancer who will be sadly missed. may his angels guide him home, Namaste xxxx

Patrick Swayze was my favorite actor of all times. I have watched Dirty Dancing so many times and will continue to do so. He was a great actor and seemed like a really wonderful man in real life.
My condolences to you Lisa and family. May you find peace and comfort in your memories.
Rest in peach Patrick. Terry, Miami

I will remember Patrick as one of the finest dancers, Dirty Dancing being one of my favorite movies. May he now rest in peace.

For hours Mac and I would sit and watch Dirty Dancing and enjoyed all of the movies you made!!! We watched the interview of you and Lisa with Barbara Walters and our hearts went out to you both.The way you spoke of your father's passing said to me that you were and will always be a genuine man. Now you are in God's hands and will suffer no more. When we hear the light clap of thunder in the skies, I know that will be you entertaining those in heaven and those of us left here on earth with your dancing. You will not be forgotten. Lisa we will keep you in our hearts and our prayers. Patrick you are in our hearts and prayers forever! With love to you and your family, rest with God!

May you Rest in Peace Patrick, I will be praying for the Swayze Family, that you will remeber all the goodtime and rejoice he is in a better place...GODBLESS
Kristin and River Dahl

Patrick Swayze was my hero, just his name made me smile, he was a great actor and came across as a really nice guy. My thoughts are with his wife and family. He will be greatly missed. Barbara

His cheeky smile and swaying hips in Dirty Dancing will be how I will always remember this super star

To Patrick's family my deepest sympathies are with...........Gone but not forgotten......He will be truly missed by all especially by Claudine, Shenelle, Thomitha, Donna and Kyralee here in Antigua

You shared so much with us through the years. No one will be able to replace the pure, true talent you have. Your sincere personality showed through whenever you performed. My heart breaks at the loss of someone like you at such a young age. So many future performaces lost to that ugly illness. Time heals but time will never take away all the fond memories we have a great personality like you.

my picture with patrick rest in peace my friend x

I am still shedding tears for you! I grew up watching you and loved you in everything you did. My deepest thoughts are with your family and pray for peace and solice for them. Rest in the Arms of the Lord !!! I love you~
A Lifetime Fan!
15 years agoQue descanses en paz Patrick.siempre te recordare.irma de Argentina