I enjoyed his movies. Byron weckman

So dear to so many, your legacy lives in all your family and friends who will miss you but so glad as to have met you.

If there was one Patrick Swayze movie which had quite an impact on my life, then it was Dirty Dancing! I lost count after 14 of the amount of times that I went to see it. He will be fondly remembered in our lives and dearly missed.


you danced with such eloquence, and yet you still looked masculine and of course you were a very gifted actor, i will always remember your films with great joy and now with a little sadness

May you rest in piece Patrick it is a great loss to all. My thoughts are with Lisa and all your family.

Edna zvezda za men zagasna!Poklon pred svetlata mu pamet i saboleznovanie na blizkite i fenovete

Patritck you were a very special man - no matter what role you were in you brought it to life. In several films, you taught me that no matter what, you can fall in love and someone will love you in return. My hope is that others will continue watching the legacy you have left behind and learn as I once did. Rest in peace, we love you now and forever

je suis de france, et garde souvenir d'un acteur super, beau, doué, il va nous manqué

Dirty Dancing will keep your memory alive Patrick

My first recollection of Patrick was his his role as a soldier in the telemovie 'North and South'. What I remember was his boyish good looks and natural charisma; a real screen idol. I have followed his career in it's various forms and will always admire his talent. RIP to a shining star, sadly taken from us before his time. My thoughts go out to his loving family.

You are talented. You dance well, you sing well and you act well. It is sad that you are gone so soon. I hope Lisa can cope with your loss. Two of you are loving and such a perfect couple.
May you rest in peace.

He was special in addition to the fame which adorned him in Dirty Dancing. My son Sean looks like his brother or his twin. There's something to be said for the few degrees of separation. Eternal Peace

ghost was one of my all time favourites. i fell in love with the man because of that movie.

He was a great man and a great actor. His death is our lost and we will miss him dearly. My condolences to his family . Rest in peace

You´ll never die in my heart and memory, Patrick... Thanks for all and good-bye...

No one can ever take the place of Patrick. His grace and love will always shine. He will never be forgotten and will live forever in our hearts. Thank God he found Niam to spend his life with and to share his love. She was his rock and you could always see the love between them. My prayers are with his family at this time. Always share his life with your life. Men like Patrick are a very rare breed, he had it all, just not long enough. It is true, the good do die young, Will always love Patrick and will think of him often. Rest in Peace.

Sempre achei um ator fenomenal, descanse em PAZ.

I think we all fell in love with him in the movie "Dirty Dancing". He stayed a sweet guy through out his career. He was a real role model to all the actors and everyone being married to the love of his life for over thirty years. " till death do us part" So many take the vows lightly he is one that we can all remember and admire. I will enjoy watching "dirty dancing" and "ghost" for years to come. My condolences to your wife lisa. Your strengh will live on in her.. Rest is piece...

What is sad about his death is not just his acting or movies we'll miss but the fact that he had one of the good Hollywood marriages .You never heard him talk about affairs marry for two months or years and divorce get talk about plastic surgery.Although they could have no children .Its sad to see someone pass on that has a really good marriage like Niam Leeson and Natasha Richardson.Im sure his wife and family will miss him we all do aas fans.He was one of the good guys.

My prayers will be with his family and his soul. You will always be remembered as one of the best.
Love you deeply Patrick
Rest in Peace.

I first fell in "love" with Patrick watching him in Dirty Dancing. I remenber being jealous of Baby. He came over and "held" me many night's, in "Ghost, Roadhouse, and Dirty Dancing. He was the man who loved the little "FAT GIRL" when knowbody else would. My sympathy goes out to his wife and family he will be missed by all.

I was shocked, when I heard about Patrick's death! I loved his movies since I saw Dirty Dancing! He was such a great actor! May he rest in peace now! Now he won't suffer and feel pain any more! Stay blessed, Patrick!

I grew up with him, I loved him, and he will always be missed *crying*

patrick Swayze was one of the finest. May he rest in peace. My heart goes out to lisa.

Such a talented and courageous person. I only knew him through his films and he had such an impact on me. It must have been amazing the have presonally known him. My condolences to his family. He will always be remembered.

We offer the family our prayers . We loved all of Patricks movies, we admired his feelings and love for his family and great courage during his illness. Cancer is still a feared disease, and after l osing 3 out of eight members of our family to cancer, as well as just getting over breast cancer myself,we know what you have gone through. Be strong, and believe in the Lord

Patrick was bigger than life especially in Dirty Dancing and Ghost. I also love the movie Road House. I really liked all his movies and considered him a "hunk". I truly feel for Lisa. They were together longer than not and I know she will miss him deeply. My prayers for her, his mother and his siblings.

We are sorry to lose such a great star, but may god bless his family because they lost a great family member. God now has another great actor in his presence.
My condolences to the family.
J,C, &B

I love his films, and loved him in Guys n Dolls , he was an inspiration and loved by so many people, he will be terribly missed by family, fans and me.

my heart goes out to his wife and children may his spirit rest and not wonder

Rest in Peace. My sincere condolences to Swayze Family. Will always miss you.

My condolences to patricks wife lisa, and family. so sad ,Patrick had so much more to accomplish god bless him.tania uk.

Absolutely loved Patrick's work in Dirty Dancing and Ghost. Both movies touched me in those days in very different ways.
I am sorry he had to go so young. He fought the fight though, I have great respect for that. All my best wishes for his wife and family coming to terms with this tremendous personal loss.
Marianne from Holland

The best people always leave us earlier.

when i saw for the first time "dirty dancing" i was 7 years old and so embarrassed. but, since then, i saw this movie more than 200 times, and i will keep watching it. it's my favourite.you just go in peace, a lot of people will remember you forever. and so do i

So sad you're no longer with us Patrick Swayze. My heart goes out to your family. I went to see Dirty Dancing over and over when it appeared on screen. Gave me tremendous joy and spark.

My memory is now very sad to loose a great gentlemen he was a great man

Thanx Patrick
i always sang the song for my ex wife ; cos i had the best time

What a loss! He was such an amazing actor. I literally grew up watching Dirty Dancing. We had it recorded onto a beta tape and I wore that tape out. I was so in love with Patrick Swayze. I always said I was going to marry him one day. When I was a little girl, my mom would play the Dirty Dancing soundtrack and I would run to my room, put on a dress and my 'black shoes' and dance on our fireplace. I own almost every movie he made. I was really hoping he would be able to fight off this cancer. I'm so sad to hear of his passing. My heart goes out to his wife, family and friends, and also to all the other Patrick Swayze fans out there. He will be truly missed. Rest in Peace Patrick. I will miss you!

The first movie I saw with Patrick was The Outsiders and from there I was hooked. My children waited til I was home from work to tell me because they knew that I wouldn't be able to stop the tears. We were lucky to have him with us for as long as we did. M y heart goes out to his family, friends, and all his fans, for even though we never met in person I can feel thier heartbreak. We will remember you always.

rest in peace. you'll be remebered for ever

I hoped the miraсle will happened but not ... I believe you are fine now. Thank you for your films and talant, courage and love. You put your pure soul in them. You left youself as a keepsake in your films for us. You left a deep track in my sole forever. You was a beautiful couple with Lisa. I hope she will manage...
With big love, from Russia... I'm in sorrow now...

I will miss you so much cause you was my favourite actor and lovely.We all missed you

I will miss you so much cause you was my favourite actor and lovely.We all missed you

My sincere condolances to Patricks Family. Rest in Peace Patrick Swayze. The whole world is missing you now and forever ! All of Patricks movies are my favorites.

I will miss you
cred ca aveam 15-16 ani cand am vazut prima data DIRTY DACING, m-am indragostit de film si de actor,de dansuri,apoi nu m-am mai putut opri ......l-am vazut de nenumarate ori..................si acum cand il vad in sufletul meu se naste aceeasi pasiune.
Dumnezeu sa-l odihnesca in pace
sufletul meu plange
sylvie france
15 years agomerci pour cette photo, trop belle