The last time i saw Patrick he was waiting to see the second screening of Ghost. As i was leaving he said "Was it good" Yeah!!!

I would like to offer my condolences to Patricks wife. Hope you will be able to remember all the good times you had with your husband - and not only the terrible last 2 years. Best wishess for the future from Denmark.
Maibritt Larsen

it was a choc for me rest in peace patrick

Patrick bore his illness with courage and fought to live making every second count. He was watched and encouraged every step of the way by fans everywhere. Patrick died too soon but in peace with those he loved around him. Prayers and thoughts are with his family . Thank you for being part of my youth and giving me such wonderful memories Patrick. Goodnight and rest in peace

I first saw Patrick Swayze in "Dirty Dancing" and later in "Ghost". I found him to be very faithful to his character. Wonderful dancer and seemed to be just a nice guy. I saw interviews of him with Barbara Walters and others and liked him even more. I have both of the movies I mentioned and I will always remember his courage right to the end. Condolences go out to Lisa and family members. You gave it your all Patrick. What more could a person do?


Farewell to a beautiful, talented and devoted man. I am deeply sadened and my thoughts are with his family x RIP x

I want to say Patrick touch many life's.He will always be with us, I adore him for who he was. Patrick Swayze his spirit will live on forever.
Thelma Thompson

Patrick has filled our hearts, souls, and minds with so many WONDERFUL MEMORIES. His passion for pleasing his audience was his greatest desire . He will NEVER be forgotten, for only when we are forgotten, do we cease to exist. Rest in peace Dear Gentle One, and may your family find comfort in knowing that you are no longer suffering and riding your horses in Heaven.

a superbly talented dancer and actor. loving husband and wonderful presance on screen as well as teriffic courage in the face of his mortality. an example to us all who will be morned forever alongside micheal jackson john lennon and elvis in my mind.

Thankyou Patrick, for showing us that true bravery exists. You battled until the very end and never gave up on what you loved doing the most. You where a true inspiration to many, including me, and I wish your family the best of luck, we are all thinking of them at this time. Rest in peace and know that your talent and courage will be admired by others through generations to come. Always in my heart, Shannon.

I have been a fan since Dirty Dancing and my thoughts are with your family and hope you are now with other greats like Elvis. Thank you for the joy you have given us
Ann in Ireland

Yo memory will live on, goodbye to an icon

you are now free from pain god bless you

I lost my husband 3 years ago to the same deadly cancer, he was 60. His battle was short, only about 3months after being diaganosed. Glad you had some time to deal with the news. Sounds like you and Patrick fought the battle of your lives. This taught me to live every day to the fullest. He is now resting easy

que dieu ai ton ame, tu as ete un battant tres courageux tout comme les personnages de tes films....repos en paix par la meme beaucoup de courage a ton ta famille....

Thank you Patrick for giving us wonderful entertaining moments in your work, thank you for being a true example of what a gentleman is, thank you for sharing your journey over the past 20 months and teaching us what it means to fight for life with grace, bravery and determination. Thank you and Lisa for allowing us a glimpse into your lives and to see the beauty of true love between you. You were an inspiration in so many ways and we loved you...
but obviously God loved you more, Goodnight dear one until we meet again.

patrick you will always be johnny castle to me as DIRTY DANCING is my all time greatest film my heart goes out to lisa . you will always be my idol i have watched all your films and will .you were an amazing man and to say the least the best male actor of all time there are a million girls that have cried today .THANK YOU NOW YOUR AT PEACE

My thoughts are with your family... I am sure that you are in a wonderful dimension right now... You are & will always be a great inspiration to me in my life... You will always be in my heart...

I every film YOU were the GREATEST

My husband and I enjoyed your movies.You will forever be remembered.
God bless you and your family

Patrick, you will never be forgotten. Your life was a lesson to us all and you proved to be more than brave till the end. You are a person to be proud of and love forever.I adoreyour films. Thank you for being who you are.
mary collinson

I watched Too Wong Foo the other day, and Patrick is absolutely wonderful in it. I laugh all the way through that film, and every time I think of him I'll smile remembering what an amazing actor and man he was. R.I.P Patrick Swayze may you now rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family whom I'm sure are so very proud of a very special guy. x x x

Patricky was my Idol since I was a teenager... now he left us and I am really concern about this... I will always remember him as a brave man... one of my sons has his name in his honour!!!!... He will be The Best for me!!!

My husband and I watched your TV special a few months ack. He was dieing of cancer and passed this last January. Your TV special touched both of our hearts forever. Rest in peace and with no pain, just as my husband is now. My condolenses go out to the family, especially his wife.

May you rest in peace will be missed deeply.....

People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel.

As far i can remember patrick swayze fascinated me in the north and the south in my mid teens....his character and persona in this tv drama was just majestic, his horse riding, his style, his hair style, i still remember that i wanted to have the same hair cut....above all i wanted to identify myself with his character as orry main, but patrick swayze was, is and will always remain a fabulous dancer and a majestic actor....

We lost another talented guy. But we know how happy you are a place called paradise. No pains, no burdens...May you rest in peace patrick.

I have watched a lot of movies from you and I was every time touched by your acting style.
It came as a shock to learn about your passing. I know that God and His Angels will guide your love ones through this.
Rest In Peace and let the Light guide you and your family.
I will never forget you!

Patrick was so vibrant and he was wonderful in Dirty Dancing which I have watch over and over again. Whatever he acted in he just made it all so worthwhile to watch. He will be sorely missed.

At peace at long last. You put up a very brave fight - your family must be so proud of you. Rest in peace xxx

Llegaste a mi corazón por la mirada más dulce y luego por tu pasión por el baile. Sigue bailando Patrick.
Que Dios te tenga en su gloria .
Mis sinceras condolencias a su familia y a quienes lo amaron y admiraron.

enjoyed watching you patrick. rest in peace.

I will always remembered that perfect dirty dance movie which I used to love it and I will always do. It was with that movie that I fell in love with my actual husband, My heart is broken when i heard the news, I have cried for you so much because I lost my Dad of cancer also at the beginning of the year. You were a warrior and you fought the ultimate fight very bravely. God Bless You. Just say hi to my Dad.

Patrick,,you were the best. My prayers are with your family. May you finally rest in peace


I was disturbed when I learned for the first time that he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer but it was a consolation when I heard he was responding well to treatment. It was a blow to hear that he has passed on this morning. I have watched him in North & South while he was starrying with the like of Kirstie Alley. He is a distant man I have known for decades. I have even respected him for sticking to his childhood sweetheart despite his fame. He was blessed, he had a full life and died a peacful death. May your soul rest in peace,

Patrick Swayze was an incredible man, and I am so upset to have learnt of his passing. I am going to switch on Dirty Dancing now, and watch the amazing talent himself, that is Patrick Swayze xxx RIP

My thoughts go out to his family, friends, and those that new him personally. He was a great actor and an amazing dancer. Please rest easy knowing that Patrick is no longer in pain and has gone home.

You will live on forever in our hearts!!

HE will Dance Again , R.I.P. your suffering is over my friend Dance for God and all the Angels in Heaven, You will be missed, but will perform for an awesome audience now , May all God's Glory Shine Upon you As You Dance through those streets of GOLD!!!

Rest in peace.You are the greatest.
I'll never will forget you.

your films bought us joy, your presence was that of a gentleman, your fight to the end dignified. I will never forget you, my film hero.. god bless your family in their time of grief. My heart is just broken.. a precious new angel in heaven xxxxxx

my favrite movies wher ghost and dirty dancing i cryed when i seen ghost at the ending and cryed now that your gone your forever in our hearts you'll be missed greatly now you'll be always in gods arms


I'm so very saddened by Patrick's death. He was larger than life on screen and thought he'd live forever. I've had several friends die of pancreatic cancer and i knew, in my heart, that he wouldn't make it. My condolences to the entire family--Patrick will live forever with his wonderful films. Your friend in Christ.

You will forever remain in the hearts of us all as we watch your movies of the past. Gone you are , but not forgotton. God Bless your family and help them through their time of need.

Patrick Swayze will be always in my heart! I'm crying! I'm so sad!!! You were fantastic dancer and actor!!!
15 years agowho is this person?
15 years agowho is this person?