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11 years ago

Fossi stata lì avrei spaccato quella porta e ti avrei portato via dallo schifo in cui ti eri sepolto. Non riesco a immaginare la solitudine dei tuoi ultimi giorni e la desolazione che ti ha accompagnato per due settimane su quel divano. Tutti dicono che finalmente sei felice, da qualche parte: a me questo non consola. Avevi ancora tanta bellezza da dare al mondo: le tue parole, la tua arte, la tua magnifica presenza avrebbero reso la nostra vita un po' migliore. Spero di avere la possibilitá, prima o poi, di scambiare due parole con te e di ringraziarti per tutto quello che mi hai dato. Manchi. If I had been there I would have broken that door and I would have brought away you from the disgust in which you were buried. I can't imagine the loneliness of your last days and the desolation that has accompanied you for two weeks on that couch. Everybody says that are finally happy somewhere: to me this doesn't console. You still had so much beauty to give to the world: your words, your art, your magnificent presence, they would have made our life better. I hope to have the possibility, sooner or later, to talk to you and to thank you for everything you have given me. You miss.

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11 years ago

You got left alone too often my friend. We shouldve kicked your door down before the cops did and for that im sorry. You will be with us and the world forever in the music. Rest now with no more pain.

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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mchael herdine
11 years ago

hi layne its mike h i listened to your music i have the greatest hits cd from you guys i think layne was a great musician i wish i could see him if he wasnt dead from mike

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dannee seidle
11 years ago

layne youre beautiful and i hope i get to see you in the after life. you were so beautiful in every way. i love you so much.

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12 years ago

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Sara Blankenship
12 years ago

Freakin awesome grunge singer, R.I.P.

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12 years ago

Layne, You've been dead 11 years and I STILL miss hearing your voice. My life hasn't and won't be the same without you. I'm just glad I have your albums to hold onto. I'll miss you forever. You know who.

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12 years ago

I have been a fan for awhile now and i listen to alice in chains almost everyday. I will miss you Layne Staley. RIP Layne Staley <3

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12 years ago

I am the same age as you Layne, born in 67'. So many of us born in 67 suffered from family dysfunction and neglect - we were the pioneering children of divorce, no one cared to protect our well-being, so common amongst our generation. I too suffered with the pain of the neglect and selfmedicated. I thank you Layne, your music was a revelation that just because I suffered from parental neglect, I do not have to kill myself by trying to ease the pain with drugs. You were so many things. My dad just recently died at 64 - I imagined you yelling at him for all the neglect and pain he caused, just like you endured. Fantasy? Maybe not. You were a strong advocate for my generation. Thank you. R.I.P. Angel

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12 years ago

I've been a fan since i was 16. I am now 33. Not a day goes by that i do not listen to your music. You have inspired me to do something with my life. i have dedictaed the last year and a half to reading everything about you, studying your lyrics and shedding a lot of tears. You have inspired me to help others that struggle with pain and addiction. I am very grateful for everything you have shared through your music. Your wings are no longer denied. ~<3

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12 years ago

Im 41 and i had heard man in a box at the time but wasnt real familiar with aic back in 93. I had a friend invite me to lollapalooza in 93 at starwood ampitheatre in nashville. The only bands i really had heard of was primus and tool. But when aicstarted out and layne came out with a suit on and belted those songs, i was like oh my god! Who are these guys? My friend said have you heardthat song man in a box? They were instantly a favorite! The lyrics layne sang,anyone could apply to their life. Their music has helped me throughout mylife and will continue todo so. Thanks layne, ou arethe best.

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12 years ago

Im 41 and i had heard man in a box at the time but wasnt real familiar with aic back in 93. I had a friend invite me to lollapalooza in 93 at starwood ampitheatre in nashville. The only bands i really had heard of was primus and tool. But when aicstarted out and layne came out with a suit on and belted those songs, i was like oh my god! Who are these guys? My friend said have you heardthat song man in a box? They were instantly a favorite! The lyrics layne sang,anyone could apply to their life. Their music has helped me throughout mylife and will continue todo so. Thanks layne, ou arethe best.

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Debbie Spence
12 years ago

Let me start by saying I am 49 years old and a mother of two boys- one teen and one grown and on his own. My boys grew up listening to classic rock such as Zepplin, Aerosmith, Bad Company, The Rolling Stones, Heart, and so on,,, and I hate to say it but I didn't listen to a lot of the new rock coming out in the 90's. I was true to my love of classic rock.. I guess you could say. I didn't listen to AIC until about a year ago. NOT ONE DAY GOES BY THAT I DON't LISTEN TO YOUR AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL VOICE. God gave you talent that reaches out to millions regardless of age. I would give anything to be able to wrap my arms around you and let you know how much you are loved. I know you are resting in peace in a place that knows no addictions, pain, or loss. Hopefully, someday when I join you... I will get to hear that beautiful voice of yours, as well. Much love to you always, Lane Staley. Always!

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12 years ago

Layne Staley.. I just discovered your music and I'm in love with it. I have a lot of respect for you and am so sorry that you life ended the way it did. I know you're in a better place now where you don't need to hurt anymore. You will forever be remembered on earth as your music will live on for eternity. Know that you loved by people who know and don't know you and that makes you a very special person. Please take care of your mother as you watch over her from above. <3

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12 years ago

Layne, you truly are a hero to me, you've made me feel good when I was at my worst, whenever I'm down, your unique voice always brings me back up, I was just 8 years old when I heard "Them Bones" & even then, that song meant something to me, that's one of the mahy things about your music that is so amazing, no matter who you are or how old or how young you may be, your music means something, ten years on your loss is still strongly felt by grungers worldwide, but a true grunger will know that you're not gone, you live on through great music and you're in our hearts forever, thank you so much for your great music.

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Brandt Hardin
12 years ago

Kurt changed my life with his insightful and surreal music and lyrics. I only wished he could have stuck around to make more to listen to for future generations. I was compelled to compose a portrait of him In Memoriam recently on the anniversary of his death on my artist’s blog at Drop in and tell me your memories of his music and how it’s affected you.

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12 years ago

It hurts knowing for 2 week s Layne laid there and not a soul came to help him in anyway. I will begin to tell you "Nobody Knows the pain" of the withdraws of drugs like Heroin. You become alone helpless lost and forget who u are and what u have become. You try to sleep but the pain is so deep and the only thing u can think about is using. The fear of this happening is the reason many fear of the dope sick that they keep using. Layne You are the reason I have quit using when I was going through withdraws I would watch your videos and relate to your songs and it drove me to be sober. I would stir at every inch of the video and every sound and the words, its not that i was scared to die but the fear of how u died and me picturing myself alone and being more scared of the hell of the flashing tv and darkness and nobody around the thoughts is anyone going to find me? As i sit here and listen to Nutshell i can just hear the part "No one to cry to it "rings in my head and repeats and then i picture u lying on that sofa being alone. I am glad I am not using anymore and love life more then I have ever just wish u could turn back time and help people like Layne and those in my life that has left this world because of drugs. Just so u know if you know anyone who is hooked on drugs please help them but please understand if they do run and hide just keep on them and just relate and finds way to get them away of the fear of them being dope sick if they can get passed that they will make it, thanks for reading this........

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Hailey Starkey
12 years ago

Layne, my God there aren't enough words to express my gratitude to you and everything you've done. Your music has touched my soul in a way that is indescribable. I've loved you ever since I heard Facelift for the first time. You're all I ever listen to, and your music has gotten me through some of the most trying and hard times of my life. When everything around me was crumbling to pieces, I could count on your music to get me through it and I willalway be grateful for that. Not a day goes by that I don't listen to that angelic voice of yours or think of you in some way or another. Layne, you were such a talented, beautiful man, and I am thankful I have had the oppurtuniy to exprience such an amazing artist who has forvever changed my life. Layne, you will forever be in my heart, and you are darly missed by me and everyone who has ever exerienced your talent. I love and miss you Layne. Rest In Peace sweet Angel.

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12 years ago

I DO NOT OWN ANY MUSIC OR PHOTOS USED IN THIS VIDEO. This is the first video I've ever made so any tips would be helpful. Layne is a big inspiration to me and this video is dedicated to him. R.I.P Layne Staley

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

Though I never met Layne or anyone in A.I.C the era of A.I.C with Layne has touched my life. His voice is the most amazing voice anyone could ask to hear. I feel that the songs he sang always connected with me, and you could tell when he sang that these songs were how he felt. The look on his face showed emotion all throughout. R.I.P Layne you are one of my inspirations to this day. And if there is one person I could meet (though you are dead) it would be you.

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12 years ago

AIC is my favorite band .... your music has touched my life in a way that nothing else ever has. while i never met you in person - my soul knows yours. you have touched so many lives ... you were gone far too soon. new generations of people love the message you sent back then .. and the legacy you leave now. i listen to you every day ... hoping that in your universe you know how much you are missed and loved. we will NEVER forget.

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Irene Britt
12 years ago

Words can't express the exceptionality of your existance. You are a kindred spirit to so many people who also struggle through life and a hero to a generation. The quiet dignity you portrayed until the end defines the strongest kind of endurance. You continue to touch so many lives even 10 years after that fateful day in April 2002. You will live forever through all you accomplished in your short years in this world.

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Wendy City
12 years ago

My heart aches when I think that it has been 10 empty years without you, Layne. You were such an amazing talent, words cannot explain the truly profound influence that you left on music history. That one of a kind voice... that makes you wanna drive 150 mph on I-5, sock someone in the f-n nose, or rip your clothes off... I had the pleasure of seeing AIC on your Facelift tour in Chicago. It was love at first sight! I knew AIC was something very special, a one of a kind sound, a Face-lift the entire music industry would never be able to mimic. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you....thank you for creating such kick ass music. You and Alice in Chains will live for eternity. We are so lucky to have been blessed with such talent. R.I.P. Layne Staley and Mike Starr Heaven Beside You, Wendy City

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Jalefors family
12 years ago

Rest in peace , Layne. Thank you for everything. Love and respect , Suzi , Erik & Garm

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12 years ago

Everytime i heard your amazing and unique voice you touch my heart. I still listen to your music because i know you are still here with us. I know life goes on but, you will always be part of my life. I wish you would have known how much you were loved by so many. I know there where people that judged you for you mistakes but, did not see the great things you did but, now every realizes what an amazing and talented artist you still are and nobody can never take that away from you........I hope you found the peace that you deserve

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12 years ago

Everytime I think of you I get a deep sad feeling wishing you had not died. You were so talented and a unique voice. My heart bleeds as I think so fondly of you. Miss you and your music so much, I really do and find myself crying as I watch unplugged video. I cannot beleive its almost 10 years since you departed and are gone. But never gone in my heart and soul. Love you always....Valeriex

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Joanna Marsh
12 years ago

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Joanna Marsh
12 years ago

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Joanna Marsh
12 years ago

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12 years ago

I went through a difficult time but held on because of Layne. In his words, I pulled off my skin and swam to shore. His music helped me survive the tough times. Thank you Layne.

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

Such a beautiful soul who has touched so many people with your voice and passion, that will on forever.. faded away in time, we can still see your eyes and smile , never to forget what spirit you gave us.. The power in that voice blows me away everytime i listen any songs, and what a down to earth guy he was ... Just wish you still here...May you now found your inner peace......

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12 years ago

Such a lonely soul. Wish he hadn't died that way. His spirit is in a better place now. RIP Stanley

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12 years ago

alice in chains siempre sera mi banda favorita sus músicas me encantan me vuelven loca. layne a pesar de k te hayas ido dejaste una grandiosa voz , siempre estarás en nuestros corazones larga vida a ti layne

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13 years ago

Amor é luz, e o amor de todos os seus fans ao redor do mundo são luzes a te guiar no tua nova vida. Rip Layne.

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Brandt Hardin
13 years ago

Layne changed my life with his insightful and surreal music and lyrics. I only wished he could have stuck around to make more to listen to for future generations. I was compelled to compose a portrait of him In Memoriam recently on the anniversary of his death on my artist’s blog at Drop in and tell me your memories of his music and how it’s affected you.

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13 years ago

Layne Staley is was amazing. Alice in Chains has been my favourite band for a long time. William is no Layne. But he does a really good job. R.I.P Layne Staley<3 -Holly-Rae.

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13 years ago

I first heard alice when i was three 10 yrs later thyre still my fav band. "same old trip it was back then" r.i.p.

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13 years ago

I listen to your incredible voice almost everyday. Long live your soul through the touching music you've left behind for our ears to hear. Rest in Peace Layne. -Elizabeth

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13 years ago

2008 a fan of AIC put on mtv's unplugged with alice in chains. Lastly, a goofy looking pink haired fellow quickly gets to his seat and then sings whats now my favorite song. I sat quietly in utter astonishment while this music is affecting me in no way any sound has, especially that guitar like voice. I was happy to have heard a band my feelings harmonized with. Not only that but i felt the pain in his appearance and his crackle that his great voice tried to covered up. i fell in love with the real man who declared himself in pain infront of fans. i give much respect to. Since i have felt neverending heartache from deaths and deaths i related to pain very well and being an addict. As the credits rolling down, the first fan sitting on the couch finally told me that Layne Staley was not with us anymore. My heart crumbled. Sitting there in shock, both good and bad. good for such music. bad for no more such music. I grieved in the silences of my soul for a man i knew was special. I will die loving the young man that poured his old beautiful soul out into the mic. I thank him with they, everyday that i hear pain instead of feeling it. In some sence i think Laynes pain is here to listen so dwelling in ours sounds no worse. tho pain is pain no better no worse. i suffer no more as "black gives way to blue". RIP Dearest Layne

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13 years ago

man i dont know where to start u lived such a meaningful life but yet it was not enough and i fully understand i have also been there but your godly music helped me through it all the way love to ya and all the aic family god rest your soul layne

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13 years ago

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