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17 years ago

Que todos os espíritos de luz tenham te recebido com o amor que voce merece. Vou sentir saudades.

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17 years ago

Obyś był szczęśliwy tam w niebiosach. Wielka strata dla filmu

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17 years ago

I'll miss you and remember you... I loved you, you gave so much to me... so me so many hopes, so many thougts... I will keep those in the depths of me, to go on again...

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17 years ago

Descanse em paz Heath! te amamos aqui no Brasil! REST IN PEACE Heath! We love you in Brazil!

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

piszę z Polski .jestem niezwykle poruszona śmiercią Heatha. jego kariera zapowiadała się znakomicie, miał niezwykły talent.będzie nam go brakowało... I miss You!!!!!!

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17 years ago

I will always love U Heath....:* I had hope that I will meet U in Poland...You are the best actor in the whole world! I will never forget U:* When I heard about Your death I cried all day... It's a tragedy for me....;(;(;( Res in Peace dear Heath... I love U so much and I will love U forever!!!:*

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17 years ago

I will always love U Heath....:* I hope that I will meet U in Poland...You are the best actor in the whole world! I will never forget U:* When I heard about Your death I cried all day... It's a tragedy for me....;(;(;( Res in Peace dear Heath... I love U so much and I will love U forever!!!:*

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17 years ago

Eu quero que você saiba que muitas pessoas te amam e querem te ver feliz, onde quer que você esteja. Vou sentir saudades! Receba todas essas energias boas que todos te enviam. Você é o melhor! I want you to know that many people love you and want to see you happy, wherever you are. I feel miss you! Receives all these good energy that everyone are sending you. You are the best!

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17 years ago

Ils perdent un proche et nous un super acteur... à peine 28 ans... beaucoup trop tôt...

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17 years ago

heath was my favorite actor. i have been crying for days. he was a good person, and i feel so horrible for his family and little matilda. it doesn't make sence that great loving caring and talented people like heath are taken away but im sure there will still be more stories on paris hilton forever. so sad.... i plan on getting a portriat of my hero tattooed on my leg. his art meant that much to me. much love. -crying keira

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17 years ago

"Ogni creatura è come erba e tutta la sua gloria è come un fiore di campo.Appassisce l'erba e cade il fiore perché lo Spiritodel Signore ha spirato sopra di esso".(Isaia, 40, 4-8)

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17 years ago

When the stars shine up above I know you are watching us. You will be deeply missed. with love.

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17 years ago

heathcliff i loved u in every every parts...Wherever you are now i miss you!!! I can't believe that you really dead...i don't forgott you i loved you! Annabella DC

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17 years ago

We all have lost one of the best actors in the world. You will be missed Heath. Love you...always

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17 years ago

I could not better say than the others, but in spite of your short career you succeeded has to move me. You were not certainly my preferred actor but you were in any case most sincere. Would be in peace. (Forgive my English wobbly, I am French.)a great courage with his family.

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17 years ago

TO HEATH'S MEMORY and his whole family, I don't know what to think, what to say... He was so great... Ti avamo, ti amo, e sempre ti amero'... the world has lost one of its most beautiful angel... rest in peace...

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17 years ago

I will always remember you. Why did this happend? <3

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17 years ago

Merci Heath pour ton talent d'acteur. Moi qui ne pleure jamais devant un film, tu m'a fait craquer dans Brokeback Mountain! Merci pour ton sourire qui ne s'oublie pas. Repose en paix maintenant. Mes sincères et profondes condoléances à tous ses proches.

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17 years ago

pamiętamy i będziemy pamietać

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17 years ago

Goodbay Heath, I will always love and remember you...

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17 years ago

Grazie Heath per aver regalato film come Brokeback Mountain... grazie. Non so cosa pensare della tua morte, non riesco a credere che tu possa aver compiuto un atto simile. Sei grande... mostra il tuo splendido sorriso anche lassù!

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17 years ago

remember, me and sofia luvs u, and so does your daughter and so does michelle & jake..

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17 years ago

Merci pour toutes les larmes que j'ai pu sortir pendant le visionage de Brokeback Mountain - Va en paix maintenant peut etre près de ce merveilleux paysage de Brokeback...dans les larmes. Alain - France

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17 years ago fior dei tuoi gentili anni caduto... Ugo Foscolo

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17 years ago

So sad he's gone.....

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17 years ago

Heath,te ne sei andato...tutte le persone che ti hanno amato,che ti hanno visto crescere,tutte quelle a cui tu hai lasciato qualcosa con i tuoi sempre bellissimi film piangono la tua morte.......Dicono che ti sei suicidato,ma io non ci credo....non credo che l'attore che mi ha fatto ridere e piangere con i suoi film nei suoi ultimi istanti di vita era depresso.....No....Io ti immaginerò sempre felice...Felice come lo eri il giorno della tua nomination all'Oscar,felice come lo eri il giorno in cui è nata tua figlia......FELICE.....No,Heath....tu non te ne sei andato davvero...Tu vivrai per sempre nel cuore di quelle persone che ti hanno conosciuto realmente anche attraverso i tuoi film;nel loro cuore......Nel mio......I'll never forget you Heathcliffe...Never...

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17 years ago

You were one of the best's actors in the world... Be in peace and rest in heaven dear Heath!

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17 years ago

[*]... czlowiek żyje tak długo jak pamięć po nim..[*]

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17 years ago

May you rest in peace forever. Handsome young man and wonderful actor.

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17 years ago

so much depth and talent in one so young. you will always be remembered and loved. rest in peace.

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17 years ago

You were a great actor, you still had so much to many movies to play in.. i even cried for you, you are my favourite actor and even though i've never met you; i'm sure i would have loved you as a person. you will be forever in our hearts.. we'll never forget you. I hope you find peace up there..

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17 years ago

Non potrò mai dimenticarti.. rimarrai sempre il migliore!

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17 years ago

we will always loveee you

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

Let life take you to a better place.

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17 years ago

shit. let him rip, <3

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17 years ago

I have loved you ever sinse i saw 10 things to hate about you. And i will never stop loving you <3 rip! ps. i know that you are in heaven right now! d.s

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17 years ago

He was an amazing actor with so much promise. It's truly sad to see such a great talent go to an end so early. He was truly one of my favourites and the one who inspired great hope in the future of filmmaking. I was looking forward to an opportunity to work with Heath in a not so distant future. We have to remember this fine young man, talented actor, father, friend, son, brother and extraodinary bright soul. Heath Ledger will always be remembered in my heart.

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17 years ago

Você sempre estara na minha memoria!!!

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17 years ago

what hapend?

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17 years ago

I can whatch "Ten Things I Hate About You" again and again, it became my first real favourite movie. A lot becouse of Heath. The world will miss a great actor! RIP Heath!

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17 years ago

Just would like to say that Heath Ledger was such a incredible actor i've seen Brokeback mountain so many times....can't believe this happened My memories goes to his family and friends Don't really know how to say it was such a sad day when I heard his death yesterday Rest in peace dear angel.....

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17 years ago

Just would like to say that Heath Ledger was such a incredible actor i've seen Brokeback mountain so many times....can't believe this happened My memories goes to his family and friends Don't really know how to say it was such a sad day when I heard his death yesterday Rest in peace dear angel.....

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17 years ago

you'll always stay in our heart . We'll never forget you. R I P

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17 years ago

"Wybrańcy bogów umierają młodo..." I can't believe... He was great actor...

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17 years ago

Nadal nie mogę wyjść z szoku:(Byłeś genialnym aktorem, którego brak wszyscy bardzo odczujemy:( Ca fait 2 jours deja mais je suis toujours sous le choc:(

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17 years ago

è davvero incredibile qll k ho letto..credo k x me,x ora, sia una delle notizie k + m abbiano scosso..attore d grande calibro,ovvero talento,fascino e ki + ne abbia + ne metta.. mankerai a tt le tue fans,xkè x qnt m riguarda,la notizia è stata x me trpp dolorosa..i miei okki lucudu ne sn la conferma! HEATH I WILL MISS U 4EVER! gemmakiara da napoli(italy)

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17 years ago

Heath je t'adorais. Tu étais un immense acteur, et je respectais et aimais ton travail. Tu vas beaucoup manquer au cinéma, et me manquer personnellement. Je pense à ta famille, à tes amis. A Matilda, qui n'aura pas la joie de mieux connaître son papa. Vraiment triste... Repose en paix Heath.

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17 years ago

Heath i ll miss you ! I m french and in this country we love you ! I know you'll take care of us and that you are with my mum ! She loves you too ! Kiss her for me I love you !

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