Heath was ......een knappe & sexy jongeman en naar mijn inziens een heel goede acteur vond het wreed jammer toen ik het hoorde zal hem echt blijven missen...condoleance aan zijn hele familie en sterkte...zal moeilijk zijn hem te vergeten......

Death is nothing at all.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other,
that we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy way
which you always used.
Put no difference in your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed
at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
that it always was.
Let it be spoken without affect,
without the trace of a shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same that it ever was.
There is absolutely unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you,
for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just around the corner.
All is well.
~ Henry Scott Holland
"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ~ Helen Keller

I watched every moive heath has made except the dark night but i will watch it too I loved him . He seem to be a very good person, Michelle I know life goes on but please remember the life that you had with him some of it maybe was hard but he loved you and little girl take care of yourseleves and god bless you both . I'll always remember you in my prayers

obviously I never knew him personally. But his acting brought a touching warmth to his fantastic a talented young gentlmen who will be sadly missed by thousands upon thousands. Your films were articulate and with charasima. You will never be forgotten on this planet and your name will go along the greats such as james dean and marilyn manroe. May you rest in peace. Godbless

Ad un ragazzo che resterà nel cuore di tantissimi...
Grazie per tutto quello che sei riuscito a trasmettermi!
Riposa in pace Heath.
Michela, Milano (Italia)

[*] very talented actor.
'śpieszmy się kochać ludzi, tak szybko odchodzą'

i loved him in brockback mountain and ten things i hate about you
he will be sadly missed by me

I can't seem to get over Heath's death. i was at work talking about my daughter's birthday party that was going to go on when i heard the devastating news. My condolenses go out Heath's family and friends, especially to his beautiful daughter, matilda. I will never forget the day he left us, for it happens to be on my daughter's birthday...may god have you with all his angels in earth guiding us in this journey we are facing without your wonderful presence.

I had not seen Brokeback Mountain and when I heard about Heath's death I had to go see it for the first time. I was blown away. I cried so hard watching that picture and to this day I am broken hearted. I hate that such a wonderful talent and child of g-d was taken from this world. Now I want to see every movie that he has made, pick up every article I see about him or Michelle or about Matilda, the spitting image of Heath. How wonderful was their family. That's all I can write now. I miss you so much when I didn't even know you. G-d bless your family.

its been almost 2 months and my heart is still broken-i guess ill never get over your death-i have all of your movies so i can still see your beautiful smile -i fell in love with you in 10 things miss you forever

Gone from our lives, never from our hearts.

may god rest his soul in peace he was a wonderful actor and person

May God Bless his family in this time of great pain and sorrow, I myself am upset and shocked by this but his memory will live on forever no matter what. He is with the angels now.

My prayers and thoughts are with his Family. May god give the family strength on the days that are difficult to get through.

I am so sorry. He was such a great actor and he was so young. I feel sorry for his daughter because she will grow up without knowing him personally, just from the press and from his movies. My heart is with his family and close friends.

What a tragic loss to modern cinema...I've seen all his amazing performances to date and cannot wait to see the upcoming Dark Knight and Imaginarium of Dr.Parnassus movies...hopefully they will serve my memories of Heath justice...a tragic loss of talent, my heart goes to his family

I think I have seen every film he was in and I truly liked him and was looking for more and more films with him in them. I feel so sorry for his family and for his daughter. What an awful thing to happen to somebody so young and so talented. He will be so sorely missed and I don't think I will ever forget him. R.I.P. Heath

We have lost a true blue Aussie.
He will be missed.And my heart goes out to all his family.
You were such a icon and will always be remembered

What a sad loss. I will miss you very much. What a stupid way to die...


Heath gave my family laughter, hope and food for thought. My older daughter, her friends and I came together to share the loss of your loved one. It made us stronger in love and respect for each other. Heath led a valuable life on this earth. Thank you. Sincerely,

Shocked & deeply saddned. He are such a great & talented actor. My thoughts go out to his daughter & family too We love you Heath

sadly missed hope ur shining up where you are heath take care dude xxx

Heath was my favorite actor and I miss him. However, I can't help but feel that many of his loved ones knew of his addiction to prescription medications and didn't intervene to get him the help he needed. Such a senseless loss.

You lived it well Heath!

Hi,cat, yes i know what you mean, Heaths death has had such an impact on me that i suffocate every day thinking about him,i know Heath would want us to move on but its really really hard, i am hoping to see him again when i leave this physical body and take on the spiritual,until than ,oh god i dont know.

I dont no about all of you but im taking this rill hared is there a web site we can tolk abut Heath.i rilly need sume one that fills the same.r.i.p. i love you

Hello i have a question,for any one who can anserme.I meat a man in 1998 the 4th of jully time on a grayhoundbus.He was comming from Boardwolk sanfransico area goingto LA there at the time he was doing a cable show i think it wasRour. most of the stuff i rember makes me thenk He was Heath.If im rite and it was him im so mush more saded by this for not keeping in tuch.He had a strong ore about him ,funny and so nice. I will alwas love and miss him. p.s.If any one nows please say so thank you ! R.I.P.Heath

"I belive that Heath offers a lot that no one could ever give (for a young actor). And i write in present because all those great contribuitions that he made are fresh, and still alive. In my heart i feel him like this ... alive. A person can die Physically but i am a believer that they always remain with those who always share their happyness. Heath "Heathy" you are and will always be THE BEST"

You will be Missed

i was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks ago telling her about this brill actor that was in a knights tail thought it was a good move . then a week later was chanal hopping then you came on i was smiling becouse you were their infront of me and you were deid i was well and truly gutted i will miss you

You will be missed,
You had talent like no other.
Beauty within and without
What a shame you beautiful life was so short, you had loads to look forward to, and your daughter is so unlucky to not have know you, but a blesing to have a short time spent with you.
My condolences to your family I know exatly what they are going throuth.
you are in my heart for ever.

He was such a good actor. I will miss him. He was so very young. Everything happens for a reason but this is still sad.
God bless his family, my thoughts are with you as well.

To straszne,ze odszedl tak mlody i uzdolniony czlowiek.Mysle,ze "kino" duzo stracilo w dniu jego smierci.Byles za mlody!,ale mam nadzieje,ze jestes z aniolkami.Zawsze bedziemy o Tobie pamietac

It is not possible but i wish i could turn back the hands of time,its not your fame,your money or your undressing eyes that breaks my heart that you are gone,its that how real you were ,how sensitive and a gentlemen,its your beautiful ,beautiful soul that has made a hole in my soul,and has changed me forever and some how i have a feeling you were one of the indigo children,cos so am i.

Theres an article on the net that maybe Heaths fan would like to read,just type in heath ledgers saturn return. The planet saturn is called taskmaster and is suppose to help us learn our lessons in lives.That planet is pure evil,i believe in god the father almighty.Heath was doing fine in his life until this evil started influencing his life and things started falling apart for him.Im of Fijian background and in ceremonial magic if you want to bewitch someone,its planet evil,planet saturn they look up to to cause evil.Saturn is nothing but evil.But our darling Heath shines brighter than F.... g saturn and ever will be remembered.

God the heavenly father in heaven and his beloved son jesus both love us all.Its not god who took away Heath from us all.Go back in time and see, its the evil in this world in the form of photographers, people who dont have respect for someone's privacy just because they are movie stars, even some of the christians who critisized heath for his role in brokeback mountain,humans are very funny creatures its hard to believe ,GOD the father almighty doesn't critisize gays or lesbians for we are all children of GOD, its the humans.Theres evil in and around us all and its influence.

This is a very sad loss. Should not have happened.Still unbelievable.To young. Still trying to understand.When you look at his daughter you can see him.I say to his family I am very sorry.

god should not have took a gift like heath away from us. he is a phonamanal actor and a fantastic person! i grieve for his family ifeel horrible that he's gone and tha first movie saw him in was tha patriot when i first saw him i fell in love with him heath we love you sooo much i cried my eyes out when i heard you died! and for his daughter your father was a WONDERFUL father we will miss him dearly. god take care of our beloved heath!! his soul and heart lives on in our hearts and in hollywood.

god should not have took a gift like heath away from us. he is a phonamanal actor and a fantastic person! i greive for his family ifeel horrible that he's gone and tha first movie saw him in was tha patriot when i first saw him i fell in love with him heath we love you sooo much i cried my eyes out when i heard you died! and for his daughter your father was a WONDERFUL father we will miss him dearly. god take care of our beloved heath!! his soul and heart lives on in our hearts and in hollywood.

Me is terrible sorry. It`s really awfull and that`s is really impossible, tahat he is gone!

To the Ledger Family, Michelle and their beautiful little girl Matilda Rose.
His spirit, soul and love lives on in you all, the passing of a son is the most tragic, the death of a soulmate and father or a young child is devastating, I wish i could have known this truely wonderful man who gave so much to his fans, his family and the world

First thing .the we lost him doesnt matter.he was a gift to us ,from god .and must have had a reason for bringing him home ,just like he gave him to us ! just like he gave him Michelle and matillda .The Lord our God and his son Jesus Christ have areason for everything that happens, good ,and the things we cant understand or we thing are wrong .At the time we do not agree , but some things are just meant to be . God Bless him and his Family they are all in my prayers. love CASEY PS " heath has warmed my heart many times in his movies and he will continue to touch us all as long as we have them"
16 years agoOggi è il tuo compleanno. non potrò mai scordare questo magnifico sorriso.... sei sempre nei miei ricordi...... CIAO HEATHY ti mando un forte abbraccio.... ovunque tu sia....