You touched so many people. I think because you were "real", loving and caring. My heart goes out to Michelle and Matilda (and the rest of your family). The world was a better place with you in it. I hope you knew how loved and admired you where. To the sexiest angel in heaven, we miss you! Kathy

I still didn't believe that. It's strange when i think he's not with us anymore.. it's a strange feeling.. even if i don't know him.. but i still feel strange about this. It's so unfair when the people we love, just pass way.
I don't have much to say... But Rest in Peace. I hope all the people was close to Ledger, feel peace in their hearts. I'm sure he's in a better, better place right now.
We love you Heath Ledger!
Your fan.

Heath I always admired you as an actor and a person who was beatiful from the inside and out. You were such a handsome and sexy man. I am so crazy about you that i was ready to leave Malta and work as your personal assistant . You als had such a nuaughty smile as they say you were naughty but nice.

Heath I always admired you as an actor and a person who was beatiful from the inside and out. You were such a handsome and sexy man. I am so crazy about that i was ready to leave Malta and work as your personal assistant . You als had such a nuaughty smile as they say you were naughty but nice.

Heath i miss you love Pascalle.I am really grateful for everything you have given me,if anything happens you are the first to know.Thank you

Heath I always admired you as an actor and a person who was beatiful from the inside and out. You were such a handsome and sexy man. I am so crazy about that i was ready to leave Malta and work as your personal assistant . You als had such a nuaughty smile as they say you were naughty but nice.

You will always be in our hearts, you are a beautiful STAR!! You are missed,but I bet you don't miss the beans! Much Love Joe & Kevin!! You inspired alot of Gay People to love FREELY & without remorse!!!

you where a great acterand a greatfather.ilove you miss you and allways with the angels lade.lovelori

Your performance in 10 things I hate about you was fabulous and inspirational. It brought me back to my high school days. You were a very inspirational actor and person.
God bless

Heath i miss you Pascalle

I pray God for you every day, and I'm sure your soul is in Heaven.
My mum died 4 years ago, after a long sickness, but I feel she's by my side, every single day of my life, living with me every moment of joy as the sad ones, giving me the strenght to go on. I always ask her, in my prayers, to stay beside you and take care of you.
I must say that now I'm no more afraid about becoming sick o dying, because taht day I'll be with my mum and with you.
Everything in our life, increase its value if we think about this.

Thank you Heath Ledger family for everything from Pascalle,Gaby Hans and Sibylle van Klooster.

Heath thank you for being there for me,God loves you and so do i,my condoleances to all his friends and Michelle Williams and Mathilda and his sister Kate and his parents. My heart goes out to all the people that have supported him over the years,i still can.t believe it.Love forever and ever Pascalle

Hey babe,i miss you and thank you for everything,Backstreets back alright?Love always and i think of you every day,i can remember everything,i feel honoured being with you in live,love always Pascalle

I think I have seen every movie you have made. But what touched me the most was "candy". I remember seeing it on tv the weekend before your death and being totally blown away. And up until this point I had always thought what a serious hard working dedicated Actor even a craftsman. Then on you tube I watched the Ellen show and saw you in the back of the bob sledge skit being a comedian. He even could juggle. I hope more people see your less famous movies. I hope Matilda gets to realise how special you were. Looking at Matilda is like looking at a young you. Mum and dad actors I bet in 20 years she will getting her own Oscar and holds it up to say This is for my special dad.

My first memory Is when i first saw Heath in ten things i was blown away by his Beauty he could sing too. He has given sooo much to so many. Now it is our turn to give to his memory we love you Heath and always will.

still cannot believe he's not there anymore, great actor

he the best and creative actor of all time

I find it hard to believe such a brilliant actor was taken in such a tragic way. A lovely smile and looks. You will live on in the hearts of millions around the world. Wish id have met such a talented actor. R.I.P

I will miss you always.

Such great talent in such a short time.

What a shame Heath had to pass the way he did. He was such a fine actor, wonderful smile, fantastic body. We loved him in "10 things Ihate about you". Go and be a wonderful angel in heaven and shine down on those who loved you on earth.

RIP Heath Ledger, you were a brilliant actor, and i still cry whenever i think about you! But you will live on in your fantastic movies! Foreverin our hearts. x

Sei stato grande ,vivi in eterno.Dio ti accompagni .

I am heartbroken by Heath's death, my heart goes out to him, his family and friends. Heath still lives in our hearts and Hollywood! R.I.P. Heath we all terribly miss you, have a safe journey to heaven xxxxx

Wow Heath all i can say is what remarkable talent you have.After seeing previews of you as the joker i saden even more.R.I.P. buddy.Great job,i look foward to your movies.

Physically you reminded me of my own son, who is your age. Everytime I see him I think of you, and now always will. When I give him a hug, it'll be for you, too, okay?

So sad you are gone, I will miss your work yet to come

Heath you were so special to alot of people and will be greatly missed.You
touched the lives and hearts of many who knew you and many who didn't.
Your face will alway's be apart of Hollywood and on the movie screen.I wish I could have gotten the chance to have meet such a wonderful person as yourself,but your memory will always live on in the hearts of those who knew your name

Heath you were so special to alot of people and will be greatly missed.You
touched the lives and hearts of many who knew you and many who didn't.
Your face will alway's be apart of Hollywood and on the movie screen.I wish I could have gotten the chance to have meet such a wonderful person as yourself,but your memory will always live on in the hearts of those who knew your name

Heath miss you so much you were brillant actor.You could of done so much more.R.I.P.xx

I wish I knew how to quit you Heath...

i love you soo much
i have a dream with you
i cry for you
i miss you
i never forget you
rest in peace with the angels

I think you were a brilliant actor, I am so sad you're gone. I will miss you.

i'll always love you!! i still can't believe what happend! icry every day when i think of you! you, the most beautiful man i've ever seen, will be always in my heart! You won't be forgotten! God, take care of heath! he's in your hands now, and send your angels to michelle and mathilda rose!!

I love you Heath..4ever

You won my heart with your genuine smile and your wonderful talent; you really was a special person. Unfortunately, I didn't know you very well, but as soon as I heard about your death, I felt a deep sorrow in my heart, I didn't know why. I started reading about you and your life, and I discovered someone so similar to me that I couldn't believe. The only explanation I can give is that maybe in a previous life our souls were linked together. I'm 26 and I got married last summer; these sad facts also helped me to grow up and give more value to my marriage, as I was living a hard time, I felt confused. I can't even imagine how Michelle and your little daughter are feeling now; you must be their angel. I've to thank God for having a wonderful husband by my side, cause the most of times we don't realize how precious is every single day spent with people we love, and these moments, instants, are passing so fast…. too fast. Thank you Heath, for all this.
You'll be missing from our hearts, forever and ever, and the void you left will never be filled.

I actually had the honour of meeting Heath afew years ago as i am friends with his friends from Guildford grammer. He was such a down to earth, typical Aussie....His death is a great loss....I am disgusted at the amount of people trying to cash in on whatever they can at this sad time,especially on ebay....Its a insult to the life of such a wonderful person who we should all be proud of..Im proud to say that Heath was Perth West Australia's number 1 star.... Goodbye Heath, your forever in our hearts.

a wlasciwie to jest cisza pierwsza i jedyna...
usychajace kwiaty nad mdlacym poslaniem...
i wlasciwie nic...
i pusta glebia... [...]"
K. K. Baczynski - "Smierc"
there is nothing to say...
Rest In Peace

Im so sad about Heath Ledgers death,its a tragic loss... Its even more sad that his daughter is going to grew up and not going to meet his father;only by fotographs...
My condolences to his family and friends; life is very tough when losing a loved one,never to stop thinking that he's will always be looking down at us and thanking him for everthing and to his family and mostly michelle who gave a beautiful daughter..
This man had a career ahead of him,and best known actor.. He was intelligent,handsome,caring man,dedicated to his job, family and friends + his most beloved daughter..
Heath Ledger Will always be remembered because of who he was,a potential man,and for his movies,his smile,charming man..
i can say a lot about him.. But one thing i can say that ,What ever you say won't brong him back,or Tell you the how hurt you are.. In anyway you can express yourself towards heath.. But love with cherish him,and all these people saying wonderful things about him will bring love and joy to his family/friends...
We love you Heath Ledger..

Im so sad about Heath Ledgers death,its a tragic loss... Its even more sad that his daughter is going to grew up and going to meet her father;only by pictures...
My condolences to his family and friends,life is very tough when losing a loves one,never to stop thinking that he's will always be looking down. This man had a career ahead of him,and best known actor he was intelligent,handsome,caring man,dedicated to his job family and friends + his most beloved daughter..
Heath Ledger Will always be remembered because of who he was,a potential man,and for his movies,his smile,charming man..
i can say a lot about him.. But one thing i can sau that ,What ever you say won't brong him back,or Tell you the how hurt you are.. In anyway you can express yourself towards heath.. But love with cherish him,and all these people saying wonderful things about him will bring love and joy to his family/friends...
We love you Heath Ledger..

I meat Heath one time in my lifeand i so wish now i wood of stayed in tuch whith him. You thenk he was a spesel
person as a acter.o man whut a wondufol person he relly was and im so hert that i was not there to kik his but so we cud all still injoy him her .I cant beleve that such a spesol grate man was taking from us all so soon r.i.p.Heath I will alwes rebere the time i had whith you.i LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH! CAT

Se que estas en alguna estrella paseando por el cielo, cuidando de Matilda y Michelle.
Tu gran talento siempre me seguirá emocionando.
Que estes en paz, reconfortando al cielo con tu presencia.

I m a big fan of you for some years now.I will miss you very much,and I thinking of you every day.You have a spesial place in my in peace Heath ledger...

Dancing in the pouring rain,don’t slow down. Don’t stop your feet,always keep moving on,feel the water floating through your soul,see the sun behind the clouds the light is filling up your heart with faith, makes you keep footling ,makes you move with grace even if you're dead.

Heath...I miss you more as each day passes. I comment on your myspace page daily & I will continue as long as the memorial site stays active. I know you're in a better place now but you just don't know how much of an impact you made on so many people that didn't know you personally. Watch over all your loved ones & all your devoted fans. I will see you on that One Sweet Day when GOD calls me home. Rest well & know that you will FOREVER be LOVED & CHERISHED & your LIFE & LEGACY will ALWAYS be CELEBRATED!!!

wow, i am still shocked that he is gone. I cried when i heard the news. He was my favorite actor and I loved him in 10 things I hate about You and Broke-back Mountain, what a hard role to play. he was a sweet man and had a gentle spirit. I wish i new him personally but I know someday I will. What a gentle soul. I will always Miss him. XOXOXO Heath

You are so beautiful my love.

You exhibited such strength..I want to honor my strength as a gift to the world. So that your passing was not in vain.. Thank you for your portrayal as Ennis..It resonates in the deepest part of my being. TO A Kindred Soul... Infinite Peace SO MANY GIFTS YOU GAVE ME......@@@@@@@

He is so sexy and dreamy in that photo, a free spirit. Heath will be missed for a long time. Rest in peace, our friend.

i miss you a lot you are beautiful i will love you for ever rest in peace in even

happy 29th b-day. i wish he was here

Bellissimo, il mio preferito...eri unico Heath e lo sarai per sempre!!! Il tuo sorriso e il tuo sguardo non li dimenticherò mai...I miss you so much... :( Ti adoro! Riposa in pace, la tua fan n.1!

Heathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mi manchiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tantissimoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Non è giustooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Ti rivoglioooooooooooooooooooo.............................cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

heath!!! ritorna con noi!!! mi manchi troppo!! non può essere che una persona come te abbia già ceduto ;(
16 years agoGreat picture. Shows me yet another point of view/angle of him. Sometimes I miss the presence of him physically on the earth. Yet it really feels like his spirit is so alive with me on my journey of self-honesty. I honor my own experience of his presence. Thanks for the picture!!!!!@@@@@@#
16 years agoI've being thinking him ...I always cry because this...sometimes I can't believe that this happened...I feel your missed...