I used to watch PTL many years ago and was always struck by Tammy's intense love of the Lord and her compassion. I watched all the media attacks and I quit watching. Never blamed Tammy, as I think she was an honest and innocent pawn in a pathetic corporate "evangelical" hell brought on through the media and Jerry Fallwell. I just watched the Eyes of Tammy and cried most of the way through it and felt shame for being judgemental. She was one of a kind and the world needed thousands just like her. RIP Tammy, You are surely with the Lord in all His glory and splendor. I am sorry Lord for you are the only one to judge. I was wrong.

May the Peace of the Lord Be with you Always Tammy, I know you were the Butt of many jokes during your life time but Joke or not I believe in my heart that you are with The Lord You helped me believe and have Faith in the power of Christ , and you showed love to everyone everywhere you went by the way I am a Gay Christian I will Miss you dearly my Friend Your Brother in Christ Andy

Tammy you have make a large impact on my life...and I know your up in heaven eating your hambuger and fries .... You will always be missed and loved as the TRUE Christian you were....God bless your daughter Tammy Sue and Jammy Charles.....and your loving husband ROE

I love and wil miss u Tammy Faye! You helped me a many a night when on PTL! i have followed you since those early days amnd i love the true GEM that you are! I will miss you forever! I hope to see you in heaven one day!I know your at Jesus feet singing your heart out! I love you and will miss you forever! Steven PS. If anyone knows where i can get copys of her CD'S or albums please PLEASE email me stevenoct2004@embarqmail.com

I have found it so hard to find a laugh in the way Tammy Faye would have wanted US to CELEBRATE , Yet I just had to laugh at the fact that She can now after seeing JESUS, and Her loved one gone on before Her ,She can corner OLE-JERRY and finally ask Him JUST WHY ? that is if He is in Heaven, GIGGLES. I MISS HER SO MUCH

A video of this wonderful woman
We watched her Larry King interview just a couple of days before her death. I was struck by her strength. I especially admired that she didn't want the doctors to tell her how much time she had left because whe didn't want to lose her faith.