I saw you only as a child. Your mother's baby. My dear family, friend, Kathi. They say to have a child is to forever have your heart go around walking outside of your body.... It is true. I know the deep loss in Kathi's heart as I lost my son, Todd as well. Kathi and I now belong to a club no one should ever have to, but we fnid comfort in our love, our memories and in the goodness of all the people around us. Stay golden. Stay goledn.

I Remember living with my sister P Duryea and ya all used to come over good times miss you very much

I wish my angel was here today to see her angel grow up (Callie). My daughter got a tatoo ,(like Suzy) "In the arms of my angels" for her 2 grand fathers and Suzy. I truly was proud and so would Suzy.

I would give anything to see you and talk to you one more time. I think about u everyday. I am forever grateful for the scars, pictures, and memories I have with you. Save a seat for me in Heaven. I love u always Suzy q <3

I remember Danielle, Claudine and I followed you up the stairs to see Callie after you brought her home from the hospital. The bassinet cover you sewed was beautiful. We couldn't get over how professional looking it was. You were so "crafty"....you'd wrap gifts with fabric, ribbon and lace, always made the effort to make everything perfect. We miss you, Suzy!

Callie not sure you remember you and your Mom stopping by on the way to have your picture taken so I could tie ribbons on your pig tails. She wanted everything to be perfect. Suzy had you dressed in a navy blue dress, navy tights and black patent leather shoes. You looked so cute, your Mom always took pains color coordinating your clothes. There were times you gave us trouble, you would say "I can't like that" no matter how we tried to change your mind. You always had a mind of your own.

All I an Aunt Denise know of you is what your family has told us.We moved to AZ. when you were young to give our children a little better life an maybe to try an escape my only problems.But even though we weren't much of a part of your life,we loved you just the same because we loved your Mom an Dad an your Sister.I guess all I can say is rest in peace sweetheart,You never be forgotten,An you will always be in our prays...

Goodnight, my angel Time to close your eyes And save these questions for another day I think I know what you've been trying to say I promised I would always be there And you should always know Wherever you may go No matter where you are I never will be far away Goodnight, my angel Now it's time to sleep And still so many things I wanted to say Remember the things you would tell me When we went boating on the bay And like a boat out on the ocean I'm rocking you to sleep The water's dark And deep inside this ancient heart You'll always be a part of me Goodnight, my angel Now it's time to dream And dream how wonderful your life will be Someday your child may cry And if you sing this lullabye Then in your heart There will always be a part of me Someday we'll all be gone But lullabyes go on and on... They never die That's how you and I Will always be….. Goodnight, my angel…..

I miss u sooooooo much. RIP baby <3
Hey, where did we go
Days when the rains came?
Down in the hollow
Playin' a new game
Laughin' and a-runnin', hey hey
Skippin' and a-jumpin'
In the misty mornin' fog
With our, our hearts a-thumpin'
And you, my brown eyed girl
You my brown eyed girl
And whatever happened
To Tuesday and so slow
Going down the old mine
With a transistor radio
Standin' in the sunlight laughin'
Hidin' behind a rainbow's wall
Slippin' and a-slidin'
All along the waterfall
With you, my brown eyed girl
You my brown eyed girl
Do you remember when
We used to sing?
Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, l-la te da
Just like that
Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, l-la te
La te da
So hard to find my way
Now that I'm all on my own
I saw you just the other day
My, how you have grown
Cast my memory back there Lord
Sometimes I'm overcome thinkin' 'bout it
Makin' love in the green grass
Behind the stadium
With you, my brown eyed girl
You my brown eyed girl
Do you remember when
We used to sing?
Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, l-la te da
(Lyin' in the green grass!)
Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, l-la te da
(Bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit)
Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, l-la te da
(Sha la la la la, la la la la, la te da, la te da, la te da, da da da)
Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, la

my mommy.. but also my bestfriend. still waiting for you to come in m door and just kiss me to death. words cant describe what you mean to me, i have so many questions to ask you.. but i wont ever get the right answer. Me and you had so much fun together even when we were doing nothing, i know i could always count on you, no matter what it was. you would never judge me no matter what i did wrong. I miss you so much, and i wish you realized how special you were. I wish you were here with me right now, because i have so much things to tell you, & i just need you here with me. I dont even know what to do with out you anymore, it feels like im going crazy, with all these emotions and all these things going through my head. & i have so many people here for me, and im so thankful... but they wont make anything better for me, because to make me better .. is to have you home with me. even though your gone, were still a team. forever in my heart... until we meet agian ♥

I didn't know you well but you knew my son, Tony. You tried your best to get him through his difficult time. I remember you sitting by my side when he was in the hospital, telling me it would be okay. I remember you sitting next to me at his funeral, telling me to be strong. Lastly, I remember you sitting in my living room the Sunday before you passed. You stopped by to see how I was and to play with my grandson, Lucas, Tony's baby. I asked how you were and you said you were doing okay. I'm so sadden by the turn of events. Rest in peace, Suzy. Give Tony a big sloppy kiss and hug for me. And continue to watch over Callie-she needs you now more than ever.

Callie trying on flower girl dresses for her Aunt Claudine's wedding.

Forgot to mention, Suzy was having a ball trying on dresses for Callie. Callie would jump on the pedestal and pose like a model. After awhile she'd had enough and hid in the try-on rooms so we wouldn't find her.Must admit she was more than patient. Such beautiful memories.

I remember one time when you picked up Callie after work you were wearing a beautiful black suit with black spiked heels, your hair pulled back in a tight bun, simply beautiful. I ran around the apartment yelling how gorgeous you looked.....you were thrilled beaming from ear to ear. Not sure you realized how special you were.
The way you would look at Callie when you came to pick her up each week, with such love, admiration and pride...simply PRICELESS!
I read on Claudine's facebook ( posted awhile back) asking if I got your email wishing me Happy Mother's Day. I didn't Suz, I hope you didn't think I ignored you. I never would...I was smitten with you from the first time Chad introduced you to me. It didn't take long to love you. I won't forget the three weeks you, Chad and Callie spent with us. I had fun talking into the wee hours.
Most of all....thank you for my beautiful granddaughter!
RIP Suzy Q.

Thank you for your kind words Patti! It's comforting to know Suzy thought of me after our move upstate. It bothers me greatly she may of thought I brushed off her email, I hope not, I would of been thrilled to hear from her. She was a doll, so much fun, that smile of hers would instantly light up a room. We were truly blessed to have her in our lives. I know she had my son's back for which I will be forever grateful. God bless you, Kathy, Mike, Callie, Jen and your family.

Still can't believe you're gone... You were such an amazing person with a personality everyone loved! Please say hello to everyone we know up in heaven! You will be missed by us all, Especially your family and daughter!!! Hope you found peace Suz!! RIP AND NEVER FORGOTTEN!!!!!!!!!

12 years agoLove this. Too beautiful girls!