My Mum had many gifts. The ability to be the life of the party. Helping people when they had hit a bad patch. Making people laugh and treating everyone like a mate. A fantastic mind that knew so much and now she has passed I'll have to google all my silly questions about grammar and geography and world history! Sharren loved her footy (first Manly then the Swans). There was no problem that could not be solved over a beer. I believe one of the happiest days of her life was when Kyla was born, and although not able to guide her physically through life, she will be an angel watching over her forever. Both my sister and I inherited her strength and respect or humanity and justice. Sharren fought her three bouts of cancer with humour and a fierce courage and determination that defied all the odds and amazed her friends and family, even the doctors who treated her. I learnt from Mum the power of the mind, that never giving up is a life lesson we all can learn from. I will miss her tenacity and her humour and more than anything, I will miss her unique character and spirit. I love you Mum. RIP forever x o x o x o

I met Sharren through Priority Transcripts, a work relationship that quickly turned into a friendship through her easy going manner, her obvious love of people and life in general. I soon became aware of her love for the Swans, a beer and a good chat.
Sharren was a people person. She always had time to listen, especially to me whingeing about work which would eventually through Sharren's empathy all seem to disappear and turn into laughter.
I'll miss Sharren and those chats. To Rebecca and her family, my condolences for your great loss.

This is my Sharren Joyce.
I first met Sharren in 1993 or thereabouts at a quiz night. She came along with my boss with whom Rebecca played tennis. We discovered we had many things in common – primarily smoking and drinking, but also living in the moment and an ability to be extravagant.
Our friendship was cemented, though, when Sharren came to work at the security industry inquiry. I did a bit of part-time stuff there, too, and we’d go for a drink afterwards (or during) and regular smoke-breaks. It was Sunday, after all!
Sharren would come to chambers parties and other dos. She could always been found holding court, sparring with barristers and bringing them down a peg or two. She was never afraid to say what she thought and was always thoughtful of the workers, or ‘ants’, as she called people like us. Someone had to look out for them. It didn’t matter that we were both ants. It was a bit of a crusade.
It was while she was working for Chippindall that she had the idea for what was to become Priority Transcripts. We had many long lunches at the Law Society discussing how she would do it initially. It was also during this time that she told me of her opulent lifestyle in years past. What fun Sharren had! At the time, though, Sharren must have been working 24 hours a day to keep on top of her day-job and the WorkCover tapes (no CDs or digital-recorders then). I remember many times she and I would ferry work between ourselves. However, PT1 didn’t quite afford the lifestyle Sharren would like so, after leaving Chippindall, she hooked up with Qantas.
Qantas was a great time for Sharren, I think. She worked hard and had a terrific head for plane part numbers and configurations. So quick on the uptake! Qantas enabled her to also indulge her passion for luxurious short breaks in Asia and other parts. They were very lucky to have her.
Sharren always took risks. She hadn’t given up on the idea of Priority Transcripts, but she was thinking big this time. She assembled a group of people, including her brother, Ken, his mate, Gary, Chris and myself to develop Babel into a saleable product. We were able to get it to a stage to take to A-Gs but, like many things ahead of their time, they didn’t quite grasp the sophistication of her idea and passed up the opportunity for something that wasn’t half as good. Still she persevered.
With redundancy money from Qantas she was able to create the Priority Transcripts server and, with her great ability to speak to anyone, her forthrightness, her wit, her charm and head for commercial details, she was able to win a couple of good contracts to set her up. She scored! Mind you, she worked very hard in the early days of Priority Transcripts. I don’t know how she did it, round-the-clock hours sometimes. Worked herself to exhaustion and quite ill-health just before Beck’s wedding, I remember.
She was good to PT and so it was to her, enabling her to retire early and put her feet up and indulge further her passions for travel, her beloved Swans and enjoy the achievements of her daughters and the delights of her granddaughter, Kyla (or Beanie). She used to tell me it was the breast cancer drugs that made her unable to drink wine but, secretly, I think she really just loved a beer. After all, wine and pies at a Swans’ game doesn’t just cut it!
So, it was a cruel blow two years ago when the cancers had recurred in a number of places. She was a fighter, though, and she gave it her very best shot. No wonder she was her doctor’s Miracle Woman. A lesser person would have given up the ghost some time ago.
And, typical Sharren, selfless to the end. Allowing the university to use her remains to further their cancer research is true altruism. I don’t know many who would do that.
I regret that I wasn’t able to tell Sharren how much I admired her get-up-and-go and her ability to laugh in the face of adversity while she was still with us. She was a dynamo. I’ll miss her indomitable spirit probably more than I know.
Sharren, wherever you are, you’ll leave your mark, I know. I’ll think of you often. Every time I put my foot on that bloody transcriber pedal!

My childhood is filled with many memories of the Turners. Long days at tennis and many hours spent chatting and having a laugh in the Earlwood house. Sharon is one of the most dedicated and strong women I knew, who loved being with her girls. I am so sorry for the loss of such a vibrant life, but can take comfort in the fact that she is now pain free and I know she will live on in the lives of Bec and Jess. Bec you are very much like your mum x x

When we first met Shazza a few yrs back now, she welcomed me and my family as if we where her own. In that time i never thought a person could inmpact my life the way she did, so determined and so strong and a love for life! We shared many Laughs, Footy Rivilary and Beers together, to which it will be sorely missed.Especially the WestCoast Eagles Puns...hehe! I hope that we too can live with the same strength, love and determination. A great Friend is Never Forgotten!! May u R.I.P Sharren - We love u :) xo

I have plenty of memories of Mum but mostly I remember that she was always there, living her life with the same passion to which she fought cancer. I will miss her dearly - I will miss us arguing over MYOB, singing to Rob Thomas and I will even miss the gusto to which she cheered at Swannies matches. I hope that I can live my life with the same vibrancy and dedication my Mum did. R.I.P Mum - I love you!
P.s... If you are going to visit please remember you promised not to turn on any lights ;)..xx

we love you!!!! xx
Ali Glendining
14 years agoOh Beck, that video is so lovely, It made me cry!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo So glad u have so many special memories of your Mum.
Gair Family
14 years agoWOW Bek this was very moving