Just thinking of Chim Chim Cheree brings tears of joy to my 57 year old eyes. Almost ever tune and lyric is instantly recognizable and ultimately memorable. This morning I got out my copy of Mary Poppins and choose the "play all songs" option and cried my eyes out. Mr,. Sherman was at the very top of his field and created lasting works of beauty that will live on for as long as our civilization lasts.
You may be gone physically, but your soul as expressed in your songs shall live on for as long as people appreciate and love beautiful heartfelt music.

My husband and I happened to see the film on the Sherman Brothers on the Documentary Channel. We knew nothing about them before that, but loved them and their story... and watch every time it comes on (and cry every time, too). Their sons did a fabulous job of making this story, with love.
We appreciate their super talents and the music legacy they have left for the world. I pray that Robert is now reunited with his beautiful wife and parents.

My first movie my parents took me to was Marry Poppins. The music and scenery were magical. I remember sitting in the theater and crying to Feed the Birds as it connected me with the suffering of the elderly and compassion. To this day at age 52 and a grown man I still choke up. It reminds me not everyone has the life I have and that we can all find beauty in nature. So much music and such wonderful stories. Thank you sir for all the joy and beauty you've given.

It's A Small World ride in Walt Disney World Orlando, Florida Magic Kingdom 2009

It's A Small World ride in Walt Disney World Orlando, Florida Magic Kingdom 2009

It's A Small World ride in Walt Disney World Orlando, Florida Magic Kingdom 2009

Little Nemo, Mary Poppins, Sword in the Stone are one of the many few movies I grew up only to remember the iconic songs of the talented Sherman Brother everytime when I step into the Magic Kingdom I hear the joyous sounds of their music playing, when I'm sad I always tend to sing about "Hushabye Mountain" or to remind myself that I could in a world filled with "Fun and laughter". I know alot of legends have to come and go but never in my life I would have one of them would leave in my time. Robert Sherman your music will forever capture the eyes of our imagination we'll forever miss you.

Thank you, Mr. Sherman.
This song has been a touchstone for me since I first heard it as a child. During my darkest days it had the power to center me and shift my perspective from one of despair to one of gratitude.
God bless you, Mr. Sherman

Mary Poppins was the very first film I saw in my life, at age 6, ,and it was the start of a lifelong love of the music of the Sherman Brothers. From Mary Poppins, & Jungle Book to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The Slipper and the Rose, their works were the music of my childhood. I was honored to meet Mr. Sherman at the Palladium Stage Door in London during the original run of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and so very pleased to have the chance to tell him in person how much the music meant to me. Many, many thanks for sharing your wonderful gift with us all.
Kathry Chelsen
Alexandria, Virginia

Thank you, Mr. Sherman, for your music! You have provided the soundtrack for childhood for many generations and I'm thankful my daughters will enjoy your music as well. We just returned from taking our 7 and 4 year old daughters to Disney World for the first time. What joy! You have left an indelible mark on all of us. Thank the Lord for your gifts!
"Come feed the little birds, show them you care; And you'll be glad if you do... All it takes is tuppence from you..."
Shawn Degenhart
Metamora, Illinois

Well, these are scenes from Mary Poppins to the song with the longest title of filmed musicals history! ^^ Sorry for the poor quality, but i couldn't do better. You still can get the idea ^^