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14 years ago

I had never felt pain like this before. One day turns into the next and the pain stays with me. I wish I had you to talk to right now. I want so much to tell you about the things that are happening in my life. I miss you! My cousin, my best friend! Holly and I talked las night for over an hour. I really wish I had gotten to know her better before! I miss you more then I could ever begin to explain! I need you right now..

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Alecia Barnwell
14 years ago

I loved knowing that I had "my family" in NC with me. Especially the family being you. I keep recalling some really funny memories... the bonfire being one of many!! A little too much moonshine i think?? You going with Scott to pick up Hannah because she wasn't feeling well. You gave her the "speech" on taking her medicine for the reflux. You knew about that too well!! Being at your house is sad for me at times... Sometimes i will look at a picture of you and laugh... other times i wipe away the tears. I was telling Melyssa not too long ago that all of my childhood memories are filled with the two of you... they are all wonderful memories. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Jenny misses you very much too. She talks about you all the time. I love you and miss you Randy. Your cousin, Alecia

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14 years ago

we were the best of cus-sins!!

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15 years ago

I remember your 21st birthday when you came to visit me in ATL and went out with my GT buds. You acted all tough and said you could handle ANY drinks we threw at you - so the guys took that as a challenge, of course! After a long, fun night with a tirade of pretty much every variation of shots known to man you proclaim...ed yourself the winner... That is until my then boyfriend and friends announced they had one last shot for you - a prairie fire. Since it had Tabasco in it, you were elated. Well, we weren't when you projectile puked it all back out all over us and into our brand new pitcher of beer! We laughed about that many times since... And I will continue to do so! I love you to the depths of my being. I hope you and mom are together and enjoying your time above...

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15 years ago

(written on Dec 5th).... Today is such a painful day for everyone who loved you. I don't even know what to say or how to say it, my sweet baby brother. 33 yrs ago today you came into this world and I was so mad you weren't a little sister! But you were far better than a little sister could have ever been for me. I am so greatful we walked thr...u childhood together hand in hand and shared such a beautiful live and strong bond with our mom. We went thru so much but always had so much love and you were always so full of life and joy and lifted everyone's spirits with your mere presence. We are all so blessed to have shared time on this earth with you. And while the days pass on and we deal with the harsh reality of your loss, we must all hold strong to the memories we shared with you and keep your spirit alive. I encourage everyone to share a funny, silly, goofy memory of Randy today - he would want us to smile on his birthday :)

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15 years ago

Today is your birthday. You have always poked fun of me because you were older then me by 21 days. As we got older, I would have been able to get the upper hand for once. I miss you. I don't want to be 33 knowing without you. You are always in my heart.

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Pat Brady
15 years ago

Randy I don't know where to begin. We first met when u were 15/16 when Jack brought you over. Then I remember when u started getting piercings and tattoos, I chided u for that but you were Randy and I loved u like a son, I looked forward to your visits at our house, you always made me laugh. Then u met Holly & I knew she was going to be the one true love of your life, the 2 of u were definitely soul mates. I remember telling you one day at the bowling alley that if u let Holly go iwould cut off your ****.. (lol) I miss u and think of u & Holly everyday. I say good-nite & good morning to your picture on my dresser everyday. I know u are w/Holly all the time. I was in the hospital when u passed and I remember saying why, why, why, I'm the one sick, Holly needs u. But then God only takes the best. And u were the best!!! Holly I love u and will always be here for u. Hugs & kisses

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15 years ago

randy was always a fun and loving person he always made me laugh when i was blue and sad but im happy 2 have known him then 2 not if u saw him at a grocerie store u would think oh my gosh he is scary looking but if u know him u would say hes suck a sweetheart he is one of the gratest people on the world i LOVE and MISS u RANDY

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15 years ago

i will always remember staying up as late as our eyelids would allow, taking the last sips of beer from whatever can we found laying around Uncle Danny's cabin. And I remember tearing up the nightclubs on the beaches of South Florida, drinking and partying like there was never going to be another tomorrow. I miss you cuz.. Life is crazy, but i have heard & been told that everything happens for a reason so I guess I will have to wait and see if the reason for your too-early departure is ever expained to me. It hurts now to think about never seeing you at a family reunion again. I know we will all be at the same party up in the sky eventually. The timing is just extremely unfair!! It feels like you were snatched from us for no reason. I never had the chance to say goodbye.

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15 years ago

A brief candle; both ends burning An endless mile; a bus wheel turning A friend to share the lonesome times A handshake and a sip of wine So say it loud and let it ring We are all a part of everything The future, present and the past Fly on proud bird You're free at last. Charlie Daniels...written en route to the funeral for his friend, Ronnie Van Zant of the band, Lynyrd Skynyrd

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15 years ago

He will always be near my heart. He was funny with all his tatooes, had a BIG HEART. I will miss his phone calls on the special holidays. Just an all rounded great guy.......He and Holly will be close to me, love you always.

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Brian Hess
15 years ago

It’s Tuesday night, just got off work, need to get home and grab something to eat, it’s 6:30 got to grab my darts and grab my chew and head to the bar. Randy and the crew will be there soon, that’s right its league night. 8:00pm game time Randy your up first, take your time don’t rush the throw, nice shot a ton have a sip of beer, hug Dawn do it again. Nice 2 dart out trip 20 dub 18, yes one in the bag do your dance, that’s the way make them sweat. Let them know we are here to win, let them know you are the Pale Rider, what they don’t know who the Pale Rider is, well let us show them. Randy was a great friend and a great dart player, I will miss you my friend, I will miss our victory dances, I know we lost contact when I went into the military but I will never forget the times we had. Grand Prix, Laser tag, hanging out with the Yunas’s watching wrestling and of course our dart nights. You will be missed my friend but not forgotten. One day we will meet again in that bar in the sky with a can of chew in one hand and our darts in the other.

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

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jillian morgan
15 years ago


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Jimmy Sullivan
15 years ago

I've known the Barnwell family since the late '50's and Teddy and Randy were the tadpoles of the family. Watching Randy race at Hialeah Speedway when he grew up was always fun and I always enjoyed seeing him. News of his untimely death was painful to me because we always took Teddy and Randy wherever we went and it just seemed normal to have him near. I'll miss him. Jimmy Sullivan

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15 years ago

There is so much I can say about you. Randy was a great, loving person I' ve known. Randy, like you always wanted me to say, Your the man. My heart goes out to his family and Holly. I will miss Randy.

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

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Julie Hoffman
15 years ago

I have many memories of Randy. My favorite and the one I will be most indebted to him for is at one of those Wild Hog BBQ. It was that weekend that Kimmie and I became the best of friends. I will BING to that!! Thank you Randy for being you and taking care of this drunk girl. You will be missed and thought of often.

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15 years ago

I thought about you all day yesterday, what happened, why this happened and why would god do this to us. Over the last several years you and I really drifted apart but you were never out of my thoughts. I miss you, always have.. always will.. I love u

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Jack Mehoff Brady
15 years ago

Well Randy i really dont know what to say i miss u like a fat kid missed the last cup cake bro now who the hell am i gonna call and vent to when i want to complain about somthing.When i felt like life sucked i could call u and in that randy way you could make me laugh and forget about it now who do i call ghost busters (lol) i know your laughing at that one bro.I love and miss you bro i'll see you again so save me some room Biotch.... R.I.P. MEHOFF misses you Brother.

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Maryanne Young
15 years ago

Randy, I have lots of memories of you. The last time I saw you was before I moved, and you told me all about Holly and how you were getting married and so happy! I couldn't believe it - Randy getting married. Please look over your beautiful wife, as she needs that more than ever. You were always happy and enhoyed life. You will be missed immensely!

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Randy McGraw
15 years ago

Randy, your life has been cut so short. I am so glad that we reconnected this past year. I hated that it took us almost 12 years to speak again. All i can say is that you were a crazy guy in High School. We had our share of trouble together. The biggest thing that sticks to mind is that one night at the football game when we got in trouble. My sister and I were talking about that night just last week. I was even telling her that I wanted to come see you this summer when I come home to the states. Randy, by the looks of your pictures you led a very fulfilling life. You have a beautiful family. They will miss you as well as all the lives you touched in the short 32 years of your life . I know that there is no way that I could ever forget Randy Barnwell. Unfortunatly, I can not be there to support your family at this time. But if I was able to attend I would wear a shirt that says "IF YOU CAN READ THIS, TURN ME OVER. I FELL OFF THE BAR STOOL". You should remember that. Randy, watch over your family and keep them safe. Keep a place close by to you for me when i get there. I will miss you. Love you Bro!

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We were so sorry to hear of Randy's passing. May God be with you Holly and all your family and Randy's.

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I only met you and your lovely wife in person once at the baby shower for Melyssa in Seattle, when she was pregnant with Mako. Although I didn't 'know' you per se, I knew enough about you from your sister and bro-law to think of you as family. It breaks my heart to know that you have left your physical being and will no longer be here for your sis and wife to reach out too. However, you're sunny soul will always be around and I know you are in a magical place watching over all of those you love. I am wishing peace, strength, and forgiveness for Holly, Mel and Ahmed. I will always remember you and Holly smiling from ear to ear being with your family in Seattle.

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Karen Otto
15 years ago

James my heart goes out to you and your family at the loss of your nephew Randy. A life no longer present on this earth leaves a void like no other in the lives of those who loved them. My friend, know that death is not the end but truly the beginning of everlasting life where there is no more suffering, no more pain or tears. God be with you all and know that you are being surrounded by love. May the peace that transcends all understanding be with you.

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15 years ago

I am sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers go to his family and friends.

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Theresa Korte
15 years ago

Holly, I was so shocked to hear that Randy had passed. I pray that God gives you the strength to be strong and to remember how special Randy is to you and the good times you have shared. You and the rest of your family are in my prayers. God Bless

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Billy Freeman
15 years ago

Randy, I know we didnt keep in touch since high school, but I will always remember you,and how you could light up a room with your silly tendancies.. you were the first guy who let me sit at the lunch table with the guys our Freshmen year and we became good friends throughout our high school years.. I was glad to take part of the garage gang with you..Its unfair that you are gone so young, my deepest condolences to your wife and family. We will miss you Barnwell.

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Randy-You were a great person! I always had a smile on my face when you were around. We have not talked for awhile, but I will always hold onto those memories of you; Chili Cook-Off, Jack Brady's. You were there for me when I fell out of Jack's Jeep, I will always be thankful for you jumping out as fast as you did, to help me.... what was it you all named me afterwards? Oh yeah, LUCKY.... there wasn't a car behind us! LOL Don't try and get all those angel's numbers at one time, space it out some. Holly, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. I send you my love!

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15 years ago

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Kirt Sullivan
15 years ago

I didn't know Randy personally, however, I grew up with his daddy Randy and Uncles Bobby, Billy, Teddy, Buzzy, Tommy, and Aunts Dottie and Mary Edith. My heart goes out to the family and friends in this most unfortunate time in your lives. I'm really sorry I didn't stay in touch more than I did!! It seemed like the only time we all got a chance to see one another was at a gathering in sorrow. I lost my son Jonathan six years ago this October 28th. I truley share in your sorrow!! Randy looked just like his daddy. I miss the whole family and wished I could be there to comfort you. I just can't handle another funeral.

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jennifer barnwell
15 years ago

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Jeff C
15 years ago

Randy just was the type to make you smile no matter how you feel,you could just look around the room and his smile would pop out of the crowd, most of the time he was easy going and could get along with almost every body. Rest in peace, anyone who met him will never forget him

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Although I didn't know Randy personally I felt like I knew him and Holly through all of Melyssa's wonderful pictures. There wasn't a picture he was in that he didn't have a great big smile and if he was anything like his big sister I know I would have been lucky to know him. My heart goes out to the whole family, especially Holly. Again, even though I don't know Holly I just want to give her a great big hug. I'm glad that you have the great big family that you have because you will need each other. Love You Melyssa, know that you are in mine and Renaud's thoughts and prayers. Great big Hug to all of you.

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To my dear cousin "lil Randy" ...not many people can say they have over 50 cousins - but we Barnwell's can say that with pride! of all the Barnwell cousins, Randy was certainly someone you could never forget! I am sad to say that I wish we had more memories together, but I will never forget your presence - always chill, always happy to see me and the rest of the family... with a beer in your hand and a big smile on your face, you always made "Barnwell Christmas Eve" a fun night!! I will miss you more than you know...all I ask for is for you to give MaMa a big hug for me...I know you are looking over us and helping your dad, sister, and wife through this time as we are forced to say goodbye to you too soon... I love you! With Love, Beverly & Jason Hebert

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16 years ago

This last week was unfair to you and to your family. I miss you bro, it has been fun times working with you since last August.

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Kevin Taub
16 years ago

Randy, you were like a brother to me. We had a lot of fun over the years and I will never forget you. I could always count on you when I needed a friend. I'll never forget the trips to Uncle Dicky's Camp for the Wild Hog BBQs, I'll DING to that. And the many times I came home from College and stayed with you after meeting everyone at Desperados. Speaking of Desperados, I remember the night you just fell over because of how drunk you were (we all were). You are the type of person that can never be replaced or forgotten and you and your wife will be in my heart forever. Please watch over all of us as we sadly continue on without you. I love you Randy.

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Bari Gold Stager
16 years ago

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Bari Gold Stager
16 years ago

I added a few photos from middle school I had of Randy..This is him and muffin in 1990

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Bari Gold Stager
16 years ago

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Bari Gold Stager
16 years ago

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Bari Gold Stager
16 years ago

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Bari Gold Stager
16 years ago

Bush gardens 8th grade..Wes Gelman, Danny o malley, Jorge and randy..I dont remember the kid in the red bandana..

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Amy Greer
16 years ago

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Amy Greer
16 years ago

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Amy Greer
16 years ago

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Amy Greer
16 years ago

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Amy Greer
16 years ago

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Amy Greer
16 years ago

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16 years ago

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Randy. He was much loved and will be missed.

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