Thank you, Neil, for watching after the boys and keeping their best interest at heart for all these years. May you "shine until tomorrow." Hoping your Heavenly reunion with John, George, Stu, Brian and Mal is a happy one.Doug R.

Neil was true friend rest in peace

The Beatles Anthology - particularly the first episode - stands as one of the greatest film documentaries ever produced. What is incredible about the story that is told in the Anthology is how the principal characters ( The Beatles plus Neil, Brian Epstein, George Martin etc.) were in the hub of an incrediblly pivitol turning point in the history of humanity. A whole generation looked to the Beatles more than anyone else to show the way in what has turned out to no less than a huge evolutionary leap. The Beatles at their best sang to us about youthful innocence and what bliss could really be rather than about the path of war and destruction. They were the focal point of a generation and even today their message speaks as freshly as it did in 1963. Thank you Neil Aspinall - you were the one who gave and gave behind the scenes and never got the glory - until many of us became aware of the huge role you played in history as the truth came to light in the documentary masterpiece THE BEATLES ANTHOLOGY.

I met Nel twice in London in 1982. I told him that I admired him because he was a man of integrity and decency and he had never sold out. Over twenty years later, the story stays the same. He never sold out. Never betrayed the Beatles for money. All the private moments and the love went to his grave with him. I will love him always.

the Beatles could not have been the entertainers they became without the loyalty and support of this great friendship.Hats off to Neil !