i miss you nanny and grandpa cant begin to describe he pain i feel with out you in my life , as much as i need you here with me , i know your together and happy but i miss you and my silent cry's hurt deep in my heart but you already hear me cry , i love you and miss you so very much !!!!!!!!!!

i miss you both very much , and i think of you almost everyday , all my love always!!

The family has grown so much , and will grow even more , we will never for get you <3 you always

Nanny And Grandpa , there is not a day that goes by that your not thought of in some way , i miss you so much , i made this site so we can come and write our feeling and our thoughts to you , i love you both very much and you have been so inspiring to me in my life , the greatest gift you gave me was showing me , the way a marriage should be you and grandpa had such a great love , 60 years wow they don't have that now a days , mommy has had a hard time with your passing and i know she will never really talk about her feelings , she had allot of decisions to make for you and grandpa , and she has a few questions that were not answered for her own well being , but i hope some how in some sorta way she has found some kinda comfort knowing your out of pain and your together , grandpa nanny really missed you allot thats why i believe she gave up her fight after all the years that you were together , i cant imagine the loss that she felt the day you went to heaven ..we all felt great sadness when you both went away , we all love and miss you and always keep your spirit alive with just a simple smile laugh cry or giggle you have left us with so much love , love always Melissa!