I did not know the Angel in life but I know her now. I will send up a ballon for you on Friday.
Laural/Jesse's Mom

Michelle was a very quiet little girl but always independent, strong willed and had a love for life. She laughed hard and loved much. She is a devoted and loving daughter, sister, cousin and friend. She loved nature and the spiritual aspects of life. She was beautiful on the inisde and beautiful on the outside...she is my daughter and I am proud.
Andrea Roten
12 years agoThis picture was taken at Stunt Hi-Trail off of Stunt Road in Calabassas on 02/05/1993. Michelle was there w/ Andrea Roten, Robin Kubit, and Meredith Jones. I remember the day clearly because we had a super natural experience that day. There was rumor of a Chumash Indian burial ground nearby and the energy that day was overwhelming. A lot of mystical things happened to us after that. I have more photos from that hike and others from that time period. For Michelle's memorial I scanned most of the pics and put them on a poster board for Michelle's family to have. But if any1 in the family wants copies w/ dates, stories, etc. you can email me at: andrea.roten@yahoo.com