Mick made me smile the first time I met him in 1984. He was selling his 1934 Ford Sedan which at the time was over my budget. Dad lent me the extra funds and the rest was history. I had a grin from ear to ear for many years driving the 34 to many rod runs including Valla. The stories he told me surrounding his Dads horse training techniques and the build have never left me and this car was in my life for 18 years. I was saddened to hear of his passing . God bless to his Wife and family.

Mick made me smile the first time I met him in 1984. He was selling his 1934 Ford Sedan which at the time was over my budget. Dad lent me the extra funds and the rest was history. I had a grin from ear to ear for many years driving the 34 to many rod runs including Valla. The stories he told me surrounding his Dads horse training techniques and the build have never left me and this car was in my life for 18 years. I was saddened to hear of his passing . God bless to his Wife and family.

My first love ,my husband , my friend ,father , grandfather of our 2 precious ones ,Alysse and Alex, miss you so much

So many memories! but a funny one, was when dad counldn't cook anything. So one night I decided to teach dad how to make spagetti bolganaise. (spag bol) so he learnt to cook it and one day i wanted to cook it. but he said no because i could not make it as possibly good as dad could :) but i must admit, dad was really good at making it. So then we got into the argument every time he made it weather to use spagetti or bow ties paster. we both liked the different paster so the only was to resolve this issue was to cook to pots of paster- one for dad, and one for me:)

Oh so many memories. The greatest years of my childhood were created by Mike.When Mike married my sister I gained a wonderful brother inlaw. I would spent weekends and afternoons after school with them.I got to be Mike's strapper and loved training the horses down the bay.There are just to many things to mention so I will put down the words that spring to mind. Pulling Mike in the gig to the zoofarm,sugar cane,filling his boots with manure,hosing each other while feeding the horses,hunks of toast with butter,HeyHey Its Saturday,Les, Geoff,TizTan with his fountain hairdo I did,Allen Street,going to the trots,10cc Rubber Bullets,hotrod drives,Judge, Viscount,frogs at Hawkesbury trots, Janet, worming pills, And so many many more. But the memory that springs to mind the most was the day Mike and I and his dad Joe, walked around the horse yards ,Mike asking him if he had a horse I could ride in the saddle race at St. Ives show. Joe said as he pointed to one of his horses, "He's ok to ride,he'll be fine Lynny,"as I looked up at this horse with one great big white eye. Priority Road. If anyone saw what happened that day at the show, oh my! Im sure Mike and his dad had a good chuckle over that one.Love you so much Mike thanks for making my younger years so fantastic,you will always have a special place in my heart.

I met Mike in the early 70's and I remember him and his T bucket, he always had a smile on his face. I migrated to the States in 1978 but whenever his name was mentioned by my friends back there I would remember the smile he always had on his face.

Thanks Paul, we appreciate your memories.
14 years agoDear Lyn, Your memories of Mike are so wonderful to read. Thank you for sharing them. We missed that portion of his life when we were overseas. Much love, Margaret and John