you will always be loved

R.I.P megan meier we love you

I think the story was touching, sad and realy good example to girls or boys. Now everyone can see that people are not necessarily what they say they are. I believe that parents have been very difficult aftet the suicide. I think that Lori Drew should be ashamed of what he did as a scam and a young girl's life, stealing is just a terrible act. I cried for at least a week to hear this story. I knew Megan, but we had only seen a few times so I'm very familiar with him, but I regret the whole thing.but the whole thing was NOT predictable because no one else am aware / I know types have never been online scam, but otherwise it came to mind that Megan was pretty hot pack. grauh!

I never knew her or ever heard of her until today. She should have JUSTICE! The enemys should be punished and who ever made up the Josh Evans was cruel because u played with a 13yrs old girls heart and that is mean. My prayers go to her family for such a great loss.

She is a beautiful little girl. She is in a wonderful place now. May God be with your family. From another grieving Mother

I pray with all of my heart and soul that this opens many people's eyes....god bless Megan and her family.

I feel very sorry for the parents, especially for her Father. Megan was depressed in the third grade, so why didnt her parents get help for her? Megan may have had a chemical imblance. Counciling and the right meds. may have saved her life :( She had depression before this computer bullying happened. She was a pretty girl. I have three daughters myself. Megan is with Jesus now.

I'm just a viewer and was touched as well by this event. What was done to her was wrong and inexcuseable. No one deserves to be treated like that and especially when its fraud. I feel hate for these disgusting people who brought her to the edge. Justice needs to be served either in this life or the next.

I do nt know much about her, hw it happen i can tel but i was touch when i saw her pics i realy sympathies with her family. REST IN PEACE MEGAN MEIER.

Megan, I hope you rest in peace. You did not deserve this kind of death or treatment. I know from some experience how cruel people can be. Believe me, there is a higher judgement than here on earth that these people will have to answer for for your death. Rest in peace. Love and blessings Emily from NC

I was touched by the nbc news on tv and she looked so beauitful. Keep her name in lights like many stars in sky.. and keep in mind that God's love lives in her and to remember the great memories.Don't forget that God never leaves your side when you are going through tough times. Stick together as a family with everyone. Megan is so blessed to have wonderful parents. i have a 14 years old daughter. I can't picture of losing my daughter. so remember God is there for you all.

I read about this in the news! It was so horrible how it happened. My deepest sympathies go out to her family.

Rest in Peace Megan! Everyone misses you!
17 years agoI do nt realy know much about u, but she is pertty. look at her smile anyway God know why u lift dis sinful world so soon i pray she rest in peace in Jesus name Amen.
17 years agoRest in Peace in Jesus Name. Amen.