Today are 30 days since Marian is with us. We all HERE know how hard is for you, Robert and Bogdan. But we all are now watching over you and promise that we will take care of Marian like we did for 30 years one day at the time. So please take care of yourself and your love ones on the other SIDE where the life is more stressful. Love you, Dad
Mi-a mai ramas doar un parinte Caci celalalt e dus si stiu in sinea mea ca e langa TINE, Sus, Imi lipseste chiar si-acum dupa mult timp Si stiu ca ma priveste chiar acum zambind, Si-as vrea sa fiu vreo cinci minute-n locul TAU sa-i spun Ca are-un fiu mandru de tatal sau, Sa-i spui ca nu am cum sa-l uit si-as vrea sa stii C-astept cu nerabdare clipa cand ne vom reintalni. Iti multumesc pentru ca am reusit sa fiu tare, Iti multumesc pentru fiecare rasuflare, Iti multumesc pentru oricare lucru bun Pe care am reusit sa il fac sau sa il spun. Incerc sa nu mai plang, ca sunt aproape sigur C-atunci cand o sa vin la Tine n-o sa mai fiu singur, Caci El este acel ceva la care ma gandesc mereu, Singurul ce priveste intotdeauna in sufletul meu, Stiu c-o sa-mi primesc pedeapsa pentru ce-am facut, Pentru fiecare clipa-n care nu am vrut, Pentru poruncile pe care le-am calcat, dar Doamne, Pleaca-ti urechea caci te rog in continuare, Odihneste-mi tatal numai la dreapta ta, Fereste-mi de griji si necazuri familia, Rogu-te, Doamne, da-mi puterea-n continuare Sa merg mereu cu capul sus si sa pot fi tare. Robert.
Here are Marcel and Adela Nadler when they married. One of their sons war Marian..
Marian, Bogdan Valentin, Mirela and Edward m
Marian , Bogdan, Mirela and Edward in backyard at Marcel house.
God full of mercy who dwells on high Grant perfect rest on the wings of Your Divine Presence among the holy and the pure Who shine in the brightness of the firmament to the soul of Marian Abraham Nadler Who has gone to his eternal rest as all his family and friends pray for the elevation of his soul. His resting place shall be in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, the Master of mercy will care for him under the protection of His wings for all time. And bind his soul in the bond of everlasting life. God is his inheritance and he will rest in peace and let us say Amen.
11/18/2008 Good Bye my Dear Brother…. I am telling you Good Bye because I know that sooner or later we will be together again and I want you to know that I am so sorry I did not come to see you, comfort you, tell you how much I love you…. There is a lot more than that in my sorrow and if it had be a lost battle for you to make me realize how much you meant to me, is because I always thought that you are immortal. Through the years you have shown me strength and power, you have fought all my enemies, protecting me since I was little...and again I thought you are immortal. You have taught me many things once I became a little taller, your hands could do almost everything, specially the electronic field… and again I thought you are immortal. You have taught me soccer and enroll together in the Club, jumping in that old truck became a weekend route, and chess and table soccer too became our chat… and again I thought you are immortal. You loved the Beatles and many more, kept the windows open, make the speakers loud and listen to them all… and again I taught you are immortal. You helped Dad with many housekeeping jobs, you loved washing even the dishes and later cooking for me and getting me ready for school was just a little duty… and again I taught you are immortal. You were Baba’s favor boy and Grandpa could die for you, when bad things happened in the school, you took the beat like real man…and again I taught you are immortal. You loved the little girl, a paper sparked the teacher look and Mom punished you for good, 25 on the empty bud, I watched and cry for you, you did not say a word…and again I taught you are immortal. Few years later, the college was over, you went and served the country and looking great, you brought us one day a little dog in your army bag, big joy for all… and again I taught you are immortal. For more than 25 years you were my big brother, my mentor and the one I always loved, I crossed the ocean for a better life, I left you there and you still loved me… and again I taught you are immortal. One more thing I want you to know, I will never forget you and I will always love you. You are the best brother every child wishes for. In Loving Memory of our Brother and Uncle Marian We will never forget you- Rest in peace! Andrei, Marina, Edward, Alexander and Arielle
10 years agoI miss you brother very much. I do remember every moment spent together and it is still like yesterday...I will never forget you and always love you my dear brother.