I remember being a Fan of Kevin Duckworth, while he played with Clyde Drexler and Terry Porter and it just seems so sad to know we won't hear from Kevin anymore. He was a great guy!

I was a senior at Thornridge High School when Kevin played on our high school team.
He was a bad boy on the court. No school in the area had a dominant center like him. I went to plenty of High School games that year and each time he scored everyone would say, "DUCK".
He will be missed.
Vic Morton

I remember loving Kevin Duckworth when he play with Clyde Drexler and Jerome Kersey and Terry Porter and I just chose him to be my #1 Blazers player. He was a great guy and I only wish I could have met him in person. Just know he is with God. Nancy Geraths

I was actually searching the web regarding word that EIU was having another reunion, when I came across this name. To my surprise, I clicked on this site because I knew Kevin both from High School and at EIU. I am totally devastated to say the least. I went to Thornwood during the same time that Kevin went to the "Ridge". I met him through one of his teammates that I was "talking to". I fell in love with him because he was so big. Although it was a short time that I knew him while in high school, I was surprise to see him when I transfered to EIU back in the eighties. Kevin was my bodyguard. I only knew a hand few of people, but somehow Kevin and I remembered each other. He was indeed a poo-bear, big and cudly. I knew he had my back. A great guy. We used to tell him he was awkward and big on the courts, but he worked hard and achieve a goal, that most would never achieved. I use to watch him on the court at EIU do his thing. I left Eastern and never heard from him again. My heart is saddened, but I know that he is resting in the arms of God. My condolences to the family, friends and fans. Kevin we will all miss you.
Pam Bell

I’m not sure when or why we started calling him that but it stuck with him for many years like glue. Kevin attended elementary school (Emerson) and high school (Thornridge) with me. What I remember most about Kevin was his awesome smile and his warm personality. I was very sad to hear that Kevin had passed. My prayers go out to his family........ Rest in peace Kevin "BooBoo" Duckworth

i remember the first time i met Kevin, he was at my neighbor's house along with my mom, having a movie night, i remember like it was yesterday, they were watching Good Luck Chuck, and i walked in and i saw him, i remember thinkin "damn that's a big dude" "i can't believe i'm standing in the same room as a famous basketball player!" i introduced myself to him and he shook my hand, now as a young man and, i have some big hands, but his hands just wrapped around mine. HAHA the first thing i noticed about him was his smile, i tell yea, his smile could literally make anyone sad, happy, i remember he told asked me, "how much you weigh?" at the time i was still a wrestler in High school, i said "i'm 190 pounds." he told me, "yea you ain't a man til you 200 pounds, that way you ca throw your weight around." ha ha Kevin was a VERY close friend to my mom, i tell you, she could be having a bad day like the worst day ever and her phone would ring, and she'd look down and see his picture ID on her phone and it'd say "KEVIN DUCKWORTH" and her face would light up, i've met a lot of her friends and not one of them made her smile and laugh as much as Kevin did. he wasn't a big animal lover unless it was his haha i offered him to pet my two dogs which are German Sheppard Irish Setter mix, he said "man Chris if you let them in here i swear i'll kill em." ha that made me laugh." I'm pretty tall, i'm about 6' 200 pounds now, ha "kevin i'm a man now!!! but to him i felt like i was 2' 65 pounds HAHAH and to see him give my mom hug which is about 5 foot nothing a buck 15 man i'd tell her "mom you look like a raindrop compared to the Empire State Building" ha ha. I always and still am protective of my mom around guys i don't know but i immediately fell in love with Kevin and i had no worries that my mom was in good hands and was not going to get hurt. that's the kind of ,man and message Kevin Portrayed, he had the biggest heart of gold and would treat my mom with the utmost respect and made her laugh, and smile more than i have ever seen her do. So in closing, i just want to say to Kevin, "job well done here on earth." and to his mother Maxine, which is funny because it's my grandma's name, (my mom's mom) but to Maxine Duckworth, you did an outstanding job raising Kevin, and i compare my mom to you, because i see a lot of myself in Kevin. the one quote i heard from Kevin that has stuck with me is "it's like a piece of pie, you got a taste of it, now you know what it tastes like, you want the whole thing, you wanna go back" and i do, i wanna go back to when i had the time to talk more to Kevin, and get to know him more, because someone who can make my mom smile and laugh as much as he did, i have the utmost respect for and has my approval. And i Love you Kevin for that, thank you for impacting my mom's life and mine as well, give my Grandpa and my little Step bro one of those "BIG Kevin Duckworth Hugs" for me, for someday i hope i'll see you again so i can experience one of those.......it was a pleasure meeting you "DUCK" and getting to know you little by little, GOD Bless you and your Family
Chris Noles

Kevin Duckworth was a young man that always exhibited love for family, and kind heart. He was the type of young man, that never held a grudge fowards anyone, he would simple smile back at them, ( never letting them know what he was thinking). I'm proud to have been "one of his aunts", and to call him "my nephew". I will never forget your smile, and your loving heart.. Rest on, as you are now in the arms of the Great Father, Jesus..You don't need to worry about anything..
Love You Always,
Aunt Renee, (Atlanta)
To the rest of the family, be greatful for the times we had to share with Kevin.

you are the best and i just want to thank your mom for raiseing such a great man .....thank you kavin for giveing your all to oregon .....hope to see you in haven ... sandie

you are the best and i just want to thank your mom for raiseing such a great man .....thank you kavin for giveing your all to oregon .....hope to see you in haven ... sandie

I will always cherish my fond memories of BOO. Funny how life flies. He came to my high school graduation in 1988. We were long childhood friends. I will always remember his kind words and how he could put anything together without reading blueprints. I will always love and keep your memory in my heart. Jacqueline Clark.

I will always cherish my fond memories of BOO. Funny how life flies. He came to my high school graduation in 1988. We were long childhood friends. I will always remember his kind words and how he could put anything together without reading blueprints. I will always love and keep your memory in my heart. Jacqueline Clark.

I will always cherish my fond memories of BOO. Funny how life flies. He came to my high school graduation in 1988. We were long childhood friends. I will always remember his kind words and how he could put anything together without reading blueprints. I will always love and keep your memory in my heart. Jacqueline Clark.

I will always cherish my fond memories of BOO. Funny how life flies. He came to my high school graduation in 1988. We were long childhood friends. I will always remember his kind words and how he could put anything together without reading blueprints. I will always love and keep your memory in my heart. Jacqueline Clark.

I will always cherish my fond memories of BOO. Funny how life flies. He came to my high school graduation in 1988. We were long childhood friends. I will always remember his kind words and how he could put anything together without reading blueprints. I will always love and keep your memory in my heart. Jacqueline Clark.

I will never forget the day I met Kevin in a "Big and Tall" store in Washington Square or Beaverton Mall .........cant remember which one......he was there for a meet and greet ........I was in the 7th or 8th grade I think............my best friend and I had our picture taken with him, and I still have it.........he embraced us, with his gi- normous open arms, one of us on each side of him like we had been friends forever! He was a special man.
I drove by his old house by the school just last week, and thought of him..........who would ever had known that here he is in my memory again. You will be deeply missed my friend!

I will never forget the day I met Kevin in a "Big and Tall" store in Washington Square or Beaverton Mall .........cant remember which one......he was there for a meet and greet ........I was in the 7th or 8th grade I think............my best friend and I had our picture taken with him, and I still have it.........he embraced us, with his gi- normous open arms, one of us on each side of him like we had been friends forever! He was a special man.
I drove by his old house by the school just last week, and thought of him..........who would ever had known that here he is in my memory again. You will be deeply missed my friend!


This man was standing in the Isle at Home Depot, I asked If I could help find something for him, for I worked their. He said, no I'm just working on some projects, I said, Ok. Before I walked away I asked what is your name, he said Kevin, I said Duckworth, he said yes. I asked If he was still playing softball and that we would go over to watch his games inbetween my co-ed team having our games. He said, no and held his hand to his stomach I'm not really in shape anymore to play. I said as I held my hand to my stomach I know what you mean. I asked him if it was ok if I shook his hand and said it was very nice to meet you. I thought about that conversation for the next couple of weeks, I new he was a teddy bear, I saw that when I watched the blazers play, he just stood out to me above the others as a gentle, kind man someone I could relate to. Sure enough he came in the store again when I was asembling a door lock and he was about to walk down the isle when a man went right up to him and said his name and started talking basketball, I took a deep breath as well as I saw Kevin take one and we both rolled our eyes. I just went back to working on that lock when he walked by and gave me a little push and I gave one back to him. We never said any thing to eachother just smiled. I thought It was good I played sports myself he could of pushed me down. I just smiled and thought that is a friend I would like to have in my life. I always kept an eye out to see if he would come back in the store again..... Its odd just a week or two before his passing away I started thinking of him and just missed this kidness about him his smile and a wishful friendship and wondered if I'd ever see him again. I did'nt realize it would be in rememberance of him. I could see we had some things in common after the memorial today. I too am a mother and from one mother to another and to his family, he is a great man with a great heart and a kind spirit.

He was one of the good ones!

fishing, fishing, fishing.......eating his famous ribs , laughing.....oh didn't he have the most infectious laugh........I truly loved my friend....if anyone knows when the private service will be, call me at 503-789-6022.....i am in England missing the public service....

There are so many wonderful memories of Kevin. The ones from high school are great ones but the one that sticks out is when I took my two older kid to meet him his rookie year. He was at Ricks Fencing Over in Oregon. I walkd up to him asnd said" excuse my but you for fort to sighn something and he said omg some one from home. He gave me the biggest hug you cand get. My kid were like wow mom he is really tall.He took the year book I had broght and had to show everyone where he went to school and intoduced me to his friends. He will me missed but will always be in my heart. God Bless you Kevin R.I.P Love you

My memory of Mr. Duckworth was when my son attended William Walker. Kevin had just purchased the house across the street from the school. He had been invited to be a special guest at an assembly. He volunteered at the school on mumerous occasions.
My son and his class were one of the lucky few invited to tour his house. A pair of his tennis shoes are on display at the sschool. He was a "Gentle Giant" May God Bless you
Kevin and may you rest in peace. We will miss you.

My prayers are with the family. May God Bless the family.

My prayers are with the family. May God Bless the family.

I only met Kevin once and he made it out like he had knew me all along.
Peace be with you kevin I know you are in good hands.

am sitting here, wearing my 1990 Trailblazers t-shirt, with #00 Kevin Duckworth on it and I just want all to know that I was a #1 Fan to Kevin, while he played Basketball. He was in Pendleton, Oregon while I was in the hospital and I would have loved to have met him! He was so kind and caring and he will never be forgotten.

I met Kevin at one of his clippers game. I couldn't believe how tall he was and how big his hands were. We hung out for a year before he moved back to Oregon. It was so good to know there was another side of Kevin away from basketball. He treated my son as if they were friends forever. I will forever miss your voice and friendship. I love You Kevin, RIP.

Our small community of people that live in the town of Mulino, Oregon would like to share the memories of when we would stop at the Mulino convienience store and we would occasionally run into Kevin Duckworth at the store. It was such an honor to meet someone famous in our small town. These memories will never be forgotten by all of us who live here and who have had the opportunity to meet him. He has left behind a legend in this small town. May God Bless you Kevin for all the hearts you have touched.

God bless your gentle soul Kevin and blessings to the Duckworth family.

With deep sympathy we pray for the family of Kevin Duckworth. We have been told by family that we are related some how some way. I believe this has effect my younger son who is an AAU player and is 14 yrs old and 6ft 1inches. My husband Ken made sure to let our son know who he was and his skill on the court and my son has collected trading cards and posters for a long time now.
Rest in peace Kevin and god bless to all family and friends.
Ken Duckworth and Family

Kevin was my brother we shared so many thing and the fact that I was blessed to have Kevin in my family and was blessed to know him Kevin Duckworth the man was a wonderful thing. Kevin and I met when I was 14 and became instant friends he was my cousin Scottie's best friend I guess from grade school thruogh high school and Kevin dated my oldest sister so I have wonderful memories of BOOBOO. And this is hard for me because Monday was my birthday . But God has a plan for each of us and he knows what he is doing and for Kevin God Knew what was bset. I told my daughter when we recieved the news of Kevin's passing that God need another team player and he only wonts the best so he chose Kevin because his team needed the best. I will always love you Kevin and I will think of you often. We loved you but God love d you best sleep on myfriend and take your rest someday soon we will betogather again. LOVING U 4EVER Henrietta

Kevin.... What a great guy then and will alway's be in our hearts! Here is a link of him and the crew in the hayday!!! It is called bust a bucket with Dan Reed. Rip Kevin!!! Mike

Condolences to the Duckworth Family during this time of bereavement.
Wow, hard to believe a great man has passed on. Kevin was a wonderful, kind and giving person. I was a cheerleader during his Senior year on the basketball team at Thornridge High School. We had a blast hanging out after the games and his laugh was something you remembered. He will be missed by all who came into contact with him. Rest in peace.

I can remember back in high school in the hallways i would hit him an trun to run away anhe would tap me on the head an say were are going.A great friend aways told me to do the wright thing love you and i will miss you.robert pickett

What can one say but great .. the man was part of the Blazers that stood out in Oregon, made us proud - he was one of a kind and heaven should smile a bit brighter to have such a kind hearted person within ...

i met Kevin in 1997, through a friend who knew him.we all three went for a motor bike ride that day and rode for hours..kevin loved his motor bike..i remember him having the biggest smile and being so fun loving..you will truely be missed by many..my prayers for your friends and family...We never know when God will call us home..so tell someone today that you love them for tomolrrow may be to late...Rest in Peace

As a representative of the shoe company (AVIA) I got a lot of attention from NBA players, Kevin being one. Most were demanding and selfish when it came to what I could do for them,but not Kevin, He was appreciative of whatever I gave him. I had not seen him in about 2 years and I saw him at the mall about 2 months ago and He literally ran up to me and gave the biggest hug I had ever had.I will never forget him, He truly was one of the nicest people I have ever met. Someone wrote in the last day That GOD must have needed someone to shoot around with and I believe that. GOD SPEED my Friend Duane

My Name is Kevin Duckworth & Im 40 Years Old & I Have Always Had The Dream of Meeting The Famous Kevin And I Was Very Sad To Hear of His Death And My Prayers Go Out To His Fans And His Family. I Always Thought He Was A Good Basket Ball Player

I was a cheerleader for Kevin in high school. He was a sweet person. His mom and sister were at all the games.
Not that this makes any sense, but I remember that when Kevin was at the free throw line, we cheered "Duck" *clap, clap, clap* "Soup" *clap, clap, clap*. I also recall he made it to our high school's 10th year reunion, which would have been in 1992.

I remember the many games that I had seen of the Trailblaser he was a great basket ball player. I also remeber one day my wife and I were at the Albertsons store in Lake Grove and we were in the produce dept and we had dropped an orange and before I could reach down to get it this big 6'11" said that he would pick it up for us.Kevin was a fantastic genleman in all respects. It is also Tigards loss to have acitizen, living here.
Rest in peace big buddy.

Kevin was, and still is, my most favorite Trailblazer!!! Ok, so I might have had a little crush on him, but what girl wouldn't. He was such a gentle, caring man. So unassuming and down to earth. For a birthday present, my aunt gave me a basketball autographed by Duck. She had met him through a friend and had asked him to sign it. To this day, it is still one of my prized possessions. I have been to alot of Blazer games in my years, and will cherish those I saw with 00 at center. Rest in peace sweet, sweet man.

Wow where does one begin? I had the opportunity to work with Kevin at Le' Slam and was able to exprience his warmth, his smile and his laughter each and everyday and it saddens me to know that someone so special is gone.
I spent the day yesterday talking to friends, old co-workers, Kermit and just reminiscing about the memories we all had of Kevin and the times shared with him and he will be deeply missed. Kevin you will always hold a special place in my heart and it brings a tear to my eye with the thought of you gone forever, but a smile to my face knowing that you touched my life in a special way and I will never forget those crazy times we shared!!!
Rest in peace DUCK 00 you will never be forgotten
Renee Miller - Phoenix, AZ

Kevin show's me that those who are special get their place with the Lord sooner.
He was a wonderful, sweet soul. He treated everyone the same and never thought he rose above anyone with his success. He will be missed but, now an Angel above.
He can shoot hoops and fish all he wants now. R.I.P. Sweet Soul!

I met Kevin when I was playing softball and he was playing basketball at Eastern Illinois University. He was 2 years behind me in college. Our paths crossed every day and whether it was just a hello or a lengthy conversation Kevin was always so kind and polite. Oh to have those days back again.

Kevin we shared some incredibly special moments back in the day. You always had a sweet loving and kind smile whenever we were together but I always felt a underline sadness, I PRAY that the sadness has been removed. Kevin I never told you how much you really meant to me I will always regret that. I left town without your knowledge and never told you that I loved you and thank you for everything. I know you have found peace and joy in heaven keep smiling sweetheart. Rest In Peace Gentle Giant...

I remember Kevin as a great guy and always excited about fishing. I could always get him to talk about his fishing trips and his catch of the day!
Very down to earth kind of guy. He even held a conversation with me the first time I meet him! I was just so excited to meet a hometown basketball hero of mine. I found out how much he loved fishing.
Stephanie, Oregon City

I met Mr. Duckworth early in his arrival in Portland. I was working in the sporting equipment department at Sears Washington Square. I was on duty alone and I was standing in the middle of the department looking toward the bicycle racks. Oddly I could not see people as they walked by ,but on this occasion I saw the head of a young man striding by the rack. I did not know him, but walked over to offer assistance. He smiled and said that he was just getting used to the area. He told me that he was new in town and would soon be starting a new job. Mr. Duckworth then grinned and said, "I am a rookie with the TrailBlazers. I was thrilled to have met the unassuming man. He came back often to just talk , usually in the evening , middle week when things were slow. To this day I remember his gentleness and fiercness as a strange mix. God Bless his memory.
16 years agoPhoto taken in 1992 after our (Thornridge High School) 20th Class Reunion. WE LOVE YOU booboo
15 years agoSorry to hear about Kevin. I attended Thornridge (track and field) back in the day when Ed and Ray were Sr. Varsity Basketball players (1980). To the Mom and Sister of the "DUCK Brothers"... stay strong... Love is with you.