Thanks for all you did for me- the driving lessons, the essays you wrote for me in high school (one in partic on the US presidential system- I gave you 10 criterion I had to respond to, and you gave me 22 double-sided pages of notes for transposing on the tram.... we got an A+). Thanks for being proud of my strange degrees & crappy jobs, and your interest in everything I did. I am very proud of you, love Belinda xxx
Grandpa was always fixing or building something for himself, family and friends. I spent many hours/days as his helper on numerous projects. I owe many of my skills to him... Bye Grandpa... your helper always...
Loving Dad of Graham, father-in-law to Dianne, dear grandfather to Belinda and Stuart, special friend to Derek and Joyce and great-grandfather to Joshua. Remebering happy times - Bye mate