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16 years ago

to all out there yes katy was as media freak but hey that was her job "! she annoyed us every day with new photos ( prob cus she was stunning) but we will miss her so much. bet glanda gilson has got more work on now. and she is not a patch on katy. glendas ur everyday girl..but katy we hated u cus u were so much more. rest in peace katy. say hello to pete up there ud love him xxxxx tell him i miss him

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16 years ago

I didnt know Katy except what I read in the media and saw of her on the tv, however I am deeply saddened at her untimely death, she was beautiful and appeared very down to earth, my thoughts are with her family at this time, Rest In Peac Katy , you will be sadly missed,

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16 years ago

Condolences to Katy's family, friends & all that loved her, my thoughts are with you. The sad & unfortunate thing is that every person in Ireland now knows & loves some-one that takes cocaine on a regular basis, the epidemic is alive and viral, I guess Katy was just unfortunate. Lets hope that there will not be more families burdened with such a massive loss. This Christmas lets celebrate her life brought short, by saying no.

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16 years ago

I wasn't aware of Katy till I went to visit family in Galway last weekened from the UK. I'm very saddened that such a beautiful life was cut short. When will people learn that drugs are evil and stop taking them!

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16 years ago

Katy, you were too good for this world. You will be missed. R.I.P. dear angel, sweet dreams.

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16 years ago

RIP katy, you came across as great fun, your honesty was refreshing. anyone who has partied hard and lived on the edge is shaken since your tragic death. so sorry that you didn't get a second chance.

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16 years ago

This space is about memories of someone who is deceased. Who are we to judge anyway? I think we have all made mistakes. I will be praying for you John!!

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16 years ago

Rest in Peace Katy, you were amazing, and will never be forgotten.xxxx

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16 years ago

Rest in Peace Katy, your star will burn bright for ever. Fiona

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16 years ago

john id say you could count your friends on one hand ! bet ur not married or have a partner, ur going on about young ones out partying .. jes i wudnt want you at any party of mine.. and stop refering to all girls as whores.. by the sound of it you want to have a look at your own life .. get what im saying ? dont worry if u dont its totally understandable .. we have to put up with your type in society too !!

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16 years ago

please stop using this site for you personal comments . you made you point now use the site for its meant to be used for . to send message about a beauitful young girl

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16 years ago

May she rest in peace. People should remember the saying "But there for the Grace of God go I" Who knows whats around the corner for any of us. I do hope people learn from this terrible tragedy - why such a beautiful girl was taken away so tragically. Its terrible to make an example of Katy French but perhaps someone reading this will "Stop and think" the next time they dabble with drugs...

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16 years ago

a young life lost x lets not judge this beautiful girl, we all make mistakes and God forgives us x my thoughts are with her family xxx r.i.p katy

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16 years ago

Hi. I am a 40 year old married man with kids. I finally broke down tues night and explained why I felt so down about the passing of Katy. I have been weeping for the past 4 days. I cannot explain this. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I am a solid, no nonsence guy. I first noticed Katy on the papers when she had the indo over to take pics in her lingerie on the table of the restaurant. I laughed. Whether it was set up or not I taught that it was so cheeky. Anyway since then I have read her articles and followed her in the press. Devastated is what I am now. I was so looking forward to following her career. She was only starting. I am convinced she something special to offer. Why wont this sence of loss lift from my shoulders? I dont want to feel like this but I honestly cannot help my feelings. I am not a freak, just an ordinary guy. I dont belive in angels or spirits or that kind of stuff, but I truly hope that she will be mine. I had to share this as I have noone else to explain this to. B

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16 years ago

Poor Katy...I only hope that all the people who dare be so mean always have people around them who always gets it right....I have 2 small daughters, and no matter what way I bring them up, who knows what is around the corner...we can but hope! in peace Katy

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16 years ago

i wish every ounce of strength in the world to katie's is surreal to think that only ten days ago we were celebrating her birthday. rest in peace katie, you wil never be forgotten. x

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Eddie Hughes
16 years ago

Rest in peace

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16 years ago

im sure katy was under a lot of preasure,its very easy to take the wrong path,PAUL MC

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16 years ago

My memories of Katy are few, but it is a measure of the wonderful impression she left on me how absolutely horrified, shocked and deeply saddened at her death I was. Watching her funeral on tv was so unreal it was beyond belief to me. But I had to smile too. You did indeed succeed Katie in getting Michael Healy-Rae to appear on National television without his cap!!

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16 years ago

im afraid to say johns comment were nothing short of a very uneducated, narrowminded person. come on this when you have lost someone you love to these circumstances and repeat your words.. i dare say you wont !! i lost my partner in similar circumstances the best guy in the world just made a v silly mistake, so john youve never had a few drinks too many eh ( alcohol posioning) your choice wasn't it ? this site wasnt set up for the likes of you that has nothing better to do obviously ... let katy rest in peace

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16 years ago

Silly, silly girl. What a waste. Think you can get away with cocaine? Think of Katy.

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16 years ago

God takes the brightest stars the earliest, its true. Katie i loved you when i met you. Ill never forget you.

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16 years ago

we have all lives life on the edge at some time, katy you didn't get a second chance our loss is heavens gain, may you rest in peace its cruel that you have been taken god love your family l will pray for them you won't be forgotten, good night angel, heaven is a brighter place now xxx

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16 years ago

So sorry for your loss.... Katy was a beautiful young woman. It's such a pity she was taken so young. I didn't know her personally, however I feel I did, she seemed so kind, gentle and caring. I know she spend alot of her time in the children's hospitals. I'm sure she is in a better place now.... At peace..

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16 years ago

They say there is a reason, they say that time will heal but neither time nor reason will change the way we feel for no-one knows the heartache that lies behind our smiles, no-one knows how many times we have broken down and cried. We want to tell you something so there won't be any doubt you are so wonderful to think of but so hard to be without.Put your hands around her Lord tend to her with loving care, make up for all she suffered and all that seems unfair.

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16 years ago

I really loved Katy French...She was such a plesent...Down to earth girl...Her elegance will never leave me...She was just truely an angel...And i would like to thank her for inspiring me with my decisions of becoming a model!! Katy i hope your at peace now...You will allways be in the hearts of your fans..Earths Loss...Heavens Gain!! R.I.P Irish Beauty!! xxx

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16 years ago

We have all lived life on the edge,with car speeding, drink driving,drink,drugs, Katy death has made us all look at what we are doing,So sorry Katy you are not able to get another chance,But hopefully your memory will live on. RIP our thoughts are with your family, Your smile lives on

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16 years ago

I knew Katy just a bit. I met her maybe a dozen times. I didn't like the way she courted publicity and seemed more interested in fame for its sake than fame for an achievement of some sort. At the same time it must be said that she was harmless. Hang around Renards and some of the main clubs and the bitching in the "happening" crown is nothing short of vicious. Katy was a victim of it but never a perpetrator. She was sweet and kind of innocent in a very endearing way.

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16 years ago

It's such a loss, she had everything going for her but decided to take drugs and risk losing it all..

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16 years ago

if you ask me it was partially her own fault she knew the dangers of drugs but she still took them don't get me wrong i'm expressing me sympathy but it was a fooloish thing to do.

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16 years ago

So sorry for your loss none of us are prrfect, We are all searching for something more in this life.Katy you lived your journey now its up to each of us to live ours

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16 years ago

What about the poor 300 people in Ireland that die from Sudden Heart Sydrome. They had no choice in their death. Katy did.

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16 years ago

I had heard of Katy but not until I knew she was seriously ill did I pay any real attention, and then I realised what a beautiful girl she was. Certainly not the stereotypical blonde model, but intelligent, articulate and personable. Yet it seems vunerable and insecure too. We are all human, it's not for me or anyone else to judge Katy but to recognise the common thread of humanity within her. I'm sure she was a good sister, daughter, friend. God Bless her

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16 years ago

Very sorry for your loss. The scourge of drugs has been shown once again by taking a life. Sincerest condolence's

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16 years ago

So Jennie, I'm in for a rude awakening? I'm not perfect but i'm not into the drink/drug culture like you and most people in Ireland. There are far more decent people who deserve my compassion and sympathy, not the likes of you and this thing you all hero worship. You've helped destroy Ireland abit more by glorifying someone who encouraged the rotten, shallow party culture...because thats all you live for. Wish me bad luck if you like, I can take it and expect nothing less from a shallow, materialistic person like you but shame on you for holding this thing up as a role model. You're a very stupid person.

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16 years ago

What right does anyone have to say that Katy threw her life away. We all have our 'vices'. As the bible says 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for your comments!. Rest in Peace Katy. X

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16 years ago

The days have passed and still you grieve, The tears flow down your face; You miss her voice, you miss her laugh, No one can take her place. But when you think of where she is In Heaven's land so fair; You know you're weeping for yourself, 'Cause there's no weeping there. Her closest friend is Jesus And He takes her by the hand, He talks with her for hours As they walk in Heaven's land. There's light once more within her eyes, Her smile is always near; So cry your tears while you're down there, 'Cause there's no crying here. Here is where she's happiest, Here's where she belongs; She's praising God with every breath And joining in the songs. A joyful glow is on her face And wonder fills her eyes; So let your tears flow if you must, 'Cause here, nobody cries. She has a mansion that is grand And friends that she can't number; Eternal celebrating In this land where there's no slumber. And she shines brighter than the stars And angels seek her face; So grieve and miss her while you may, There's no grief in this place. If she could speak to you once more, One thought she would repeat: That now, her happiness is full, That now, her joy's complete; That Christ will be returning soon And all creation waits; He'll wipe the tears from every eye Just inside Heaven's gates. One day you'll be together, Yes! And that day time can't sever; There'll be no death or parting then In that Blessed Forever. You'll see her anytime you wish, What joy your hearts will reap! So cry your eyes out while on earth, It's your last chance to weep.

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16 years ago

Sympathy to all Katys family and friends. Her untimely death has touched the hearts of everyone in the country. Anyone who saw her on Celebrities go Wild and the Tubridy Show were really impressed with her as a person. Lovely, generous, strong, talented, vibrant girl. What a terrible waste. I pray her death will awaken some people to the dangers and the evil that is the cocaine industry. Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam

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16 years ago

I only met Katy once and was captivated by her beauty immediately. People need to realise that drugs are everywhere, and it could be ur friend, ur sister or brother who is next, so don't be so quick to judge one girl who made one mistake and paid the ultimate price. A death is a death no matter what way it happens, and the grief and pain her family must be going through will never go away. There's no need for the ridiculous comments anymore, because you never know who is next. And when it is someone you love, think about how you would feel hearing people say they are not sorry that u are gone because "you did it to yourself". She may have taken drugs, but she didn't want or expect to die, and that is the saddest thing about this situation. Another life lost, another beautiful young person gone, forever. R.I.P Beautiful Girl xxx

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16 years ago

I feel sorry for John who said you get what you deserve obviously he has not suffered a loss like we have I am sure Katy did not mean to kill herself in what she did and he has no idea about her life or what she may have been going through this site is for Katy French fans and not people who like to pass judgement on a person who can no longer pick up for herself shame on you your in for a rude awakining one of these days

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16 years ago

Hi Katy, I miss you so much

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16 years ago

Hopefully the youth of Ireland will have leart something from this so Katy's passing was not in vain. Sometimes it takes these things. But I would like to say to those people with the hard hearts on this website - have you never ever done anyting wrong in your whole lives? I think not, unless you are a saint. There are very few of those these days. Yes taking drugs is very stupid so I hope we have leart a lesson. There have been many deats and near deats in the last few weeks. Its tim eto cop on to what our society obvioulsy is. I was blind to it before but now Im more aware I will choose my company more carefully - because who knows maybe given the wrong night and the wrong company it would seem like a good idea at the time. RIP Katy.

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16 years ago

laughing out loud while reading her very frank column in the paper..such a talented and beautiful inspiration taken away far too soon.Katy, rest in peace and may your family find comfort in knowing how much of an impact your wonderful life has had on the world and especially Ireland.sleep well dear angel x ''I was born like this, I had no choice I was born with the gift of a golden voice'' (she truely had the gift of the golden voice)

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16 years ago

Hearing of Katy`s condition was one of the saddest moments of my life. I never met her but, it seemed like I knew her. She had such a kind, caring, and loving personality with everything to live for, and she was so outstandingly beautiful. God needed another beautiful Rose for His garden, so He took the sweetest Rose of all. My condolences to her Mum, Dad, and Sister. David.

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16 years ago

Katy had a precious gift, given to her by God, sadly she threw that beautiful gift away. RIP Katy

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16 years ago

My Memory Whatever she did, no one deserves such a death. She was one of the very few models who had a lovely personality. As for John, You seem to be a very bitter person, your comments are deplorable.

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16 years ago

All of Ireland felt they knew this girl cause she was so warm ,loving and full of life. It is tragic that such a beautiful girl has lost her life.

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16 years ago

Such A Cool Down To Earth Girl An Inspiration But If You Play Russian Roulette With Your Life Some times You Might Not Win R.i.p Katy French

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16 years ago

So, so sad. A beautiful girl full of personality."

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16 years ago

R.I.P. Katy. Its a tragedy that you should pass away at such a young age with such a bright future. you achieved so much in your 24 years, your family must be very proud. Let them now find the strength to enjoy their lives, it is obvious that this is what you would of wanted for them.

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