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3 years ago

Still can't figure this site out -- miss you every day my beautiful girl

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6 years ago

I think of you every day, will love you forever. My heart starts to break if I think about you too much xxxooo

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6 years ago

My beautiful Kathleen, this is strange, it's like sending you an e/mail, I can sort of pretend your'e on holidays with Carolyn or Jeanette. I think of you and miss you every day. I had a Sherry at 'Happy Hour' time today -- we started having Sherry after watching 'Frasier' -- remember I'd clink the glasses and Max would come down first. Those times were beyond priceless. Oddly enough I'm always referred to as 'Anonymous' I have never gotten used to this site after it left the SMH site. Next week it's Gail's birthday, remember the night you, me and my Mother took off in the little Fiat 500 to go up to the Sanitarium Hospital, I remember it well. So much has passed since then, I'll always LOVE you, thankyou for marrying me, you would never have gotten anyone who could have loved you more.

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6 years ago

It breaks my heart to see your memorial site pop up, I miss you every day. I loved you so much

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6 years ago

Still missing you my wonderful beautiful girl, I was so lucky that you married me, I often wonder if we might meet again, I know in a way you are not very far from me, because you are in my thoughts. How I would love to have another 'Happy Hour' with you and Max, I'd trade the rest of my life for one of those happy hour with the both of you again

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7 years ago

Love you forever

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7 years ago

God I miss you so much

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7 years ago

Still love you to bits -- forever Neville

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7 years ago

Kathy today is Mother's day, I did a lot of thinking about you and my Mother, sadly you never knew your Mother and I would love to think you were now with them all, particularly your Grandmother who you loved dearly. Every day around Fourish I get a little sad, those 'Happy Hours' we had together with little Maxy were priceless, you used to say 'If only we could bottle this' I recall those words regularly. I spent a nice day with a lovely friend, Anne and her family, all lovely people, you came so close to meeting her, she moved in almost opposite us, next door to Max and his Ann. We both became friendly after we met at Mick and Di's place, that was quite a few years back now, we have a great friendship , she is just the nicest, gentlest girl and if you had found the equivalent in a man, should I have gone first, I would be very happy for you. We laugh a lot and I think we're good for each other. I'd do anything for her and I think she'd do the same for me, I wish there wasn't such a big difference in our ages, mainly for her sake I'd hate to ever saddle her with a sick old man. Alan Denham died suddenly, the four of us, Alan, Barbara, Anne and myself had started going away together once a year, I know he enjoyed it because he put so much into the planning and organising of each trip, like all things you never think they are going to end and when the end comes it leaves a big void to be filled. Love you and think of you every day Your loving husband Neville

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7 years ago

Still love you to bits and miss you every day xxxooo Neville

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7 years ago

I love you so much and miss you every day, you are the only reason why I could believe in a God and that's because I might see you again. While I'm here -- so are you Neville xxxooo

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8 years ago


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Carolyn Parker
8 years ago

It's your birthday today Mum and I am thinking of you again. Dad and I went out for dinner two days ago on what would have been your 57th wedding anniversary, we raised our glasses in your honour, you are never far from our thoughts. I love you and miss you. Carolyn. x0x

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8 years ago

Kathy it's our Happy Hour time, I always have it with you and Maxy, how I loved you and those times, you used to say 'I wish we could bottle this' in a way it is, it's in my mind. Love you forever Neville

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8 years ago

My beautiful girl. I miss you so much, I often think about the first time I saw you, it will never leave my memory. I looked at you, sitting down at the end of the room at the Walker's house and I'm sure I fell in love with you at that moment. There's a song that goes 'the first time ever I saw your face' but it also applies to Gail and Carolyn when they were born. The nights are the hardest, in my mind I try and share so much with you, you were such a perfect girl to go through life with. I look at your photo at Happy Hour, Max is there too, it's always so sad, neither of you are there. I always shed a little tear. Love you forever Neville xxxooo

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Carolyn Parker
8 years ago

It's Mother's Day today and I'm thinking of you mum and wish you were here. Love You xx - Carolyn

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8 years ago

I miss you so much, I think about you every day at some time, I love you so much my beautiful girl, you're never very far from my thoughts Neville xxxooo

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8 years ago

Kathy I love and miss you so much, you are never far from my thoughts. The nights are so hard, my beautiful girl I'll love you forever Neville

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8 years ago

I miss you so much

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8 years ago

Love and miss you so much Neville

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8 years ago

Kathy I wish this was like an e/mail and you would read it and reply -- but this site is SOOOO wierd that I actually hate using it, but there is nothing else

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8 years ago

I cannot believe how Godawful this site is -- nothing I write appears That just appeared so I'll go on -- what a lot of crap -- it's kept as a cookie what the Hell is a cookie????

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8 years ago

I cannot believe how Godawful this site is -- nothing I write appears

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8 years ago

You will always be my Valentine, I loved you so much, how lucky was I to have had you in my life. Will we ever meet again?? My heart aches when I think about you Neville

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8 years ago

Kathy that person described as 'anonymous' is ME! How much better this site used to be, but I guess we're stuck with it. We missed you at Xmas -- again, --- but you were in our thoughts. Xmas can never be the same again but we go through the motions. Ron Galvin is a lovely human being, he is now the only association I have with your family, he remembers your birthday and our wedding anniversary each year. You are always here, I wish you were still handling our money, don't think I'm doing so well, I'd love to think you were keeping an eye on me. It's those wee small hours, I miss you most of all. Will never stop loving you Anonymous AKA Neville

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8 years ago

Kathy this site is now so weird, the Herald transferred it or sold it to some foreign mob and if it weren't for Carolyn I wouldn't be writing this and frankly I'm not sure this will even be printed. Christmas is so hard, I know how much you loved our little family get togethers and how you planned to make our Christmas lunch just so perfect. You will be with us on Christmas day, we all miss you so much. I had an e/mail card from Martha and Rod, I've kept in touch because it's a connection with our river cruise down the Rhone and then on to New York, Rod has his own plane and said if we came over he'd fly us around and we'd see New York like very few others see it. Sadly that didn't happen. We shared everything and that was what made our life together so good, I miss that not sharing, remember we wouldn't look at anything that didn't have what we called our 'Vista'. This unit has it in Spades, yet I never look at the beach or the mountains or the city lights without thinking of you. You only spent five nights here and the unit wasn't complete at that stage, it breaks my heart to recall the last time you were here. just as you were leaving you stood at the door and said I'll never see this again -- Kathy it's been said that a great marriage is when you keep falling in love with the person you married. I'll never stop falling in love with you Love you until we meet again Neville

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8 years ago

There's not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I loved you so much, thank you for loving me back

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8 years ago

I was just looking at the Terry Gleeson painting that I bought you, it was our first original painting, we both liked it. I went back the next week and bought it for your birthday , I can remember writing the cheque, it was $120 and my hand shook because that was really more than we could afford. It's late night, I don't sleep very well, you are always in my thoughts. I loved you so much, you were a beautiful person, inside and out. Whenever I think about you the tears start.

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8 years ago

I love and miss you so much

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8 years ago

My beautiful girl, I miss you so much and think of you every day, we had a great life together. Love you -- Neville xxxooo

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Carolyn Parker
9 years ago

Thinking of you again today Mum, it's 5 years today since you left us and I wish I could see you again, I really miss you and our conversations. It's so unfair that you aren't here with us, it's just not the same without you. Love you always xx. Carolyn.

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Carolyn Parker
9 years ago

Happy Birthday Mum, I've been thinking about you all day. I can't believe it's been 5 years since I saw you. Miss you heaps and wish you were here to enjoy your birthday. Love Carolyn xx

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9 years ago

Thinking of you today mum on Mother's Day and wishing we could talk. Love You - Carolyn xx

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9 years ago

We all love and miss you so much Neville, Gail and Carolyn plus everyone who knew you xxxooo

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9 years ago

Happy Mothers Day Mum, miss you lots love Gail xx

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9 years ago

My beautiful girl, I love and miss you so much, I will never stop loving you

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Carolyn Parker
9 years ago

The above comment was left by Neville Parker.

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Carolyn Parker
10 years ago

Happy Birthday Mum, thinking of you today and miss you heaps, I wish I could pick up the phone and talk to you.. lots of love Carolyn xx.

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11 years ago

My dear sweet Kathleen, Today was our eldest daughter's birthday, I can't believe that was 52 years ago. I so well remember leaving home in our little Fiat 500, My Mother and the both of us. That car was so slow and I didn't think it was going to make it up the steep North Rocks hill. I rang Russ next day to tell him we had a daughter and I said 'she's got black hair' -- he told me later that his Dad said 'What colour did he expect it to be?'. You would be so proud of her she is a lovely woman, her and Carolyn are two beautiful people. I miss you so much Kathy

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11 years ago

Another Xmas without you my Darling -- I think of you so often, you are never far away -- little things or places will remind me of a moment we shared together. I loved being with you. Heaven for me would be to have our life lived over again. I often take out and read the card you gave me on our 50th wedding anniversary and imagine you writing it -- the tears flow -- they are flowing now. There were only the five of us and we had Xmas at the Marriot as we did last year. Carolyn and Stephen flew home this morning. You are forever in my heart and thoughts -- I loved you so much Kathy -- just so much

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12 years ago

Thinking of you again Mum and miss you so much, I wish you were here. I walk past the piano in David Jones most days and always think of how we met there for lunch. Love you forever XXX - Carolyn

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12 years ago

Thinking of you again Mum and miss you so much, I wish you were here. I walk past the piano in David Jones most days and always think of how we met there for lunch. Love you forever XXX - Carolyn

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12 years ago

Thinking of you again Mum and miss you so much, I wish you were here. I walk past the piano in David Jones most days and always think of how we met there for lunch. Love you forever XXX - Carolyn

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12 years ago

Thinking of you again Mum and miss you so much, I wish you were here. I walk past the piano in David Jones most days and always think of how we met there for lunch. Love you forever XXX - Carolyn

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12 years ago

Thinking of you again Mum and miss you so much, I wish you were here. I walk past the piano in David Jones most days and always think of how we met there for lunch. Love you forever XXX - Carolyn

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12 years ago

Miss you and love you lots xxx

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12 years ago

My dearest Kathleen -- It is now 2 years since you left us, there hasn't been a day go by that I've not thought about you. It's the wee small hours at night that are the hardest, tears flow so easily when I think about our past life and I feel guilty that I'm here and you aren't. I've had calls today from our girls and Ron -- what a good man he is. I cannot do anything without finding some little reminder of you or something we did together. I have your photo in my credit card folder -- I think that is so appropriate and know you'd have a grin at its placement. I've come to terms with the realisation that I'll never see you again but I can think about you and you are so close at those times. How I'd love to touch you. Kathy I'll love you until I die, how lucky I was to have had you beside me for most of my life.

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12 years ago

Today is your birthday and 2 days ago it was our wedding anniversary I read the card again that you gave me on our 50th ------" To my dearest Neville I have spent 50 years of my life with you and if I had my time over again I wouldn't change a thing. Thank you for all the love and all the laughter ---- my love forever Kathy" I treasure that card --Kathy I miss you so much

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12 years ago

You'll be my Valentine forever, I miss you so much

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12 years ago

Our second Xmas without you --- but you were in the thoughts of everyone who loved you. Miss you so miuch sweety Neville

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13 years ago

My beautiful wife, how lucky I was to have spent most of my life with you. It's now a year since you left us, it seems so much longer to me but I think that's because I spent almost everyday with you for over 50 years. We did everything together, something I think I miss most. I had a lovely dream a few weeks back I dreamt you were standing beside me and kissed my cheek. I woke quickly and looked around for you. Maybe it wasn't a dream. I think about you every day and cry a little Your devoted Neville

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