Australian tenor Jon Weaving in a live performance of Lohengrin. More info to come.


Song from Lilac Time. Music of Schubert arranged by Clutsam (Australian).

Our friends Jon and Monique have been an important part of our lives over the last 20 years. Jon's amazing memory for stories, names and jokes were endlessly entertaining. His wit, devastatingly quick, was difficult to match. He was generous with his knowledge of singers, past and present, and a wonderful teacher of what to,listen for in a voice. Fortunately for us, we were often helping to try out new recipes - he was a great cook. The Swedish Christmas Eve parties were legendary. We had 10 special days with the Weavings in July at their lovely house in Resterod, near Ljunsgkile. Our love to Monique at this awful time.

I first met Jon in april 2006, when I arrived at his studio for my first singing lesson. Prior to that we had spoken on the phone and he had mentioned that he was currently not taking new students, but he would see me at least and then see what happens. He thought my untrained tenor voice was worth helping.
It was the start of a weekly session and a great friendship.
Many times talking together and enjoying our weekly coffees at one of the numerous coffee shops in KEW took precendence over the lesson. We would talk about many things including his weekly criticism of his football team Hawthorn. Jon always asked if I had read his latest e-mail. i sometimes said yes, even though i had not, as it was sometimes too difficult to read all that he had sent in the time available between lessons. The man was an e-mail machine..
He was a man of great fun, history and life. He was the sort of man that anyone would be proud to say that he is my friend.
He will be missed by all that had the opportunity to meet and know him.
He is certainly missed by me.
JON RIP thanks for everything
Tenore David
Genevieve Frew and David Velleley
13 years agoMonique, Jon, and David at our wedding in Kew - November 2007.