Its my 33rd wedding anniversary today, here is my memory of Mylo. I have posted this before on a Nutz site. I had seen Nutz many times,and was a little disappointed when the NWOHM album had Bootliggers track and the band became Rage. Rage played at Elgiva Hall in Chesham a music desert, I dragged my girlfriend now my wife of 30 years along. Mylo took a shine to my date and being a rock star gave it his best shot, after a while he gave up and we a a really good chat, I always wondered what he thought of the bloke who looked absolutely knackered with bruises and red marks on his face (me). I had been fighting in a big Judo tournament all day and was absolutely exhausted. I clearly remember all the crowd wanted to hear was the track Bootliggers, I wanted Nutz tracks. It was a great night, I still play all my Nutz and Rage albums, great band, Thank you for being a huge part of my youth.

Had many a gud bevvy with John fantastic drummer always reminded me of Keith moon they way he was like singing the tune as he was playing the drums very sadly taken to early just a little story of when John got up with think it was rock school or rocking horse in the shipperies ne Sunday afternoon John being a left hooker had to swap the drum around to his side anyhow well into the song John does his Keith moon and givin the drums a right pasting then the drum kit flew everywhere everyone had a great laugh no one more than dave graham chuckled all say you play well up the John missed by us all peace to yeh kiddo

I was listening too some live recordings I have of bands I played with and as a song progressed I thought to myself, "is that John playing"? When I heard a Chinese crash cymbal I knew it was John and I felt very emotional. I feel privileged to have known John and played with him. No better drummer or person will you find than John

John was my late mums cousins son Never met him but remember him on a kids tv show and also drumming for The weather girls at a charity gig at Liverpool's Albert dock in the 80s

Sadly, I never met John personally. I saw him perform with NUTZ many times, especially when they supported STATUS QUO back in the good old days. I was already in my first band when I first saw them in 1974 and they completely blew me away. John's drumming especially got to me and he was easily my main influence. His drum solos still send shivers up and down my spine. In the later 1980's I did get to meet Dave Lloyd as he was booked to do backing vocals alongside Nicky Moore for the album MAMMOTH, a band for which I was their only drummer. Their first tracks recorded only as demos but later released by ANGEL AIR used a drum machine and I played on all of their recordings. John had already passed when I joined MAMMOTH but he was the only drummer I ever kept in mind as a mentor. As I said, I never met the man, but I still love like a brother. God Bless you John, with love and a heavy heart from Vinnie Reed

I never knew John personally but knew him for the great drummer that he was. I was reminder just how good he was with the re-release of the Nutz albums and was very sad to read about his passing. I was lucky enough to see Nutz and Rage live, and I was always transfixed watching John do his magic.
May he RIP

I didn't know him that well but that's probably the point as almost 40 yrs later I still remember him well, that smile, the great humour, a charm of a man!!
God Bless you John!
Dave Lorentz

I never spoke to John or knew him but I knew of him.I remember seeing him in the Wilsons with his girlfriend.And I remember her wearing a Carrere Records t shirt. He just looked the rock star.Shame what happened to hm and his girlfriend. Me and me mate was at the opening night of Mylo's rock club.Dave Lloyd etc played that night. I remember talking to the guitarist of another Liverpool rock band called "Firing Squad",that night.
R.I.P. John.

Didnt know ya too long John,but the times we had you were a gent,last time together was a party after a Rory Gallagher gig,we got pissed on Guinness and I couldnt get Rory to swap wrangler jackets with me,even when you said he should,always remember that night John,thanks and God Bless You,
that aint thunder I hear,it's John playin in heaven.
Take care of him god

Happy Birthday John wherever you are ~ I know you will always remember all the people who to this day, remember you with the fondness and affection you radiated so naturally amongst those that had the good fortune to meet you. You'll already know by the passing years, that everyone you knew, at some point, will and do stop to share a thought about you either within themselves or with others. Lets hope that one day we all do get to meet old friends again, friends who departed this mortal coil before the rest of us who are still missed by all...All the best John...

So glad you remember my cousin, John, on his birthday, November 27. This means so much to his family, and Dave, are you in Liverpool? I remember when you came to Pacific Grove. The best to all of you who share the memories. Norma

Brilliant Drummer taken far too soon. Bet he never knew I used his snare as a timbale once when recording at Amazon! makes up for Nutz stealing our guitarist!!!

Watching Mylo do an amazing solo at the Royal Court on stage with Nutz in their pomp!

Saw him with Nutz many times, and chatted to him a couple of times......Didn't personally know Mylo, but friends over in Liverpool did, and always had good things to say about the guy.......still missed, as this site is testament to....

My memory of John is that he was just a very nice guy.

I knew John at scholl,although he was a bit younger..and then knew him as one of the evil mob with the Mull,Lloydy etc...a fine guy and an even finer drummer!

I remember John at the bar in Nightriders surrounded by loads of girls as usual and many of us trying to talk to him as he was so popular as well as being the best all round drummer he had a brilliant personality. I asked him for some advice on the drums and he arranged to come round to mine and show me how to play certain rhythms he was amazing! Sadly miss you John you were the best
Dave Dankley

I've no idea how many times is saw John with The Rubbers at the Star And Garter, the Wilson's and the Cumberland, but the enduring image I have of John comes from a show my band did supporting Rage during their run of "a month of Sundays" at the Warehouse in Fleet Street in 1982. We were shite, they were great - as usual - but I'm still traumatised by the sight of John wandering round backstage with his kecks round his ankles, looking for bog roll as the dressing room khazi had run out...

Mylo and meself crossed sticks and puns many a time in the great days in Lpool back in the 70s. I particularly remember doin the Stadium with Nutz (I was in Supercharge) and he played a solo and I thought it was effin great and remember thinkin that guys gonna shine whatever he does.
Only the gooduns are taken early so we all musta been wicked bastards.
God bless you Mylo wherever you are I remember you with great affection

I only knew him on nodding terms during those heady evenings in the Cumberland but what a guy. The years pass by but some memories never fade. John, Dave and especially the Mull were an inspiration for me to get involved in live music.

working in plug in, we had been playing on a real minger of a kit, no one could get it to sound good, even though the shop was full of drummers.
mylo came in and he was asked to play, the only thing in at the time was this terrible kit we had all been bashin, the skins were awful, john spent a couple of minutes with a key, he then sat behind the kit and made it sound boss, what a drummer.
really liked him, he never talked down to me, when i met him was just a kid, he had a habit of making you feel important.

I was but a teenager, just started at Amazon Studios, and had gotten to know Lloydy, Mull and the Nutz / Sliced Bread crew at the Cumberland Tavern. After a night at the Rose,at kicking out time, i found Mylo staggering around the car park, bladdered, looking for his car, barely able to stand up. I somehow managed to persuede him to give the keys with me, and almost carried him back to Dave & Debs across the bridge where he was lodging at the time. i poured him, and the keys, thru the letter box and left him to it.... what a guy! does anyone remember his appearence on the kids tv show, in bright green overalls, as Johnny the drummer? We know a song about that, don't we boys and girls?

Not only was John an exceptional drummer but also a talented photographer as Ozzie and I well know as we had the privilege of John taking our wedding photos 25 years ago March just gone!! Disaster struck shortly after and we only ever had our 'proofs' but they are some of the most special photos we have ever had and we treasure them. We have pix of John on a chair at Mikes cafe off Dale St (where we had a real wedding 'breakfast' with many cries of more TOAST!!)taking pictures of us and looking totally the worst for wear- fab memories. You're both in our hearts xx

Not only was John an exceptional drummer but also a talented photographer as Ozzie and I well know as we had the privilege of John taking our wedding photos 25 years ago March just gone!! Disaster struck shortly after and we only ever had our 'proofs' but they are some of the most special photos we have ever had and we treasure them. We have pix of John on a chair at Mikes cafe off Dale St (where we had a real wedding 'breakfast' with many cries of more TOAST!!)taking pictures of us and looking totally the worst for wear- fab memories. You're both in our hearts xx

Great to come across this page - sad that I'd lost track of Mylo. Saw the lads at the Marquee and also playing with (perhaps a dodgy recollection) the Fusion Orchestra in Wanstead somewhere around '75. John's use of double bass drums influenced me a lot while I was starting my drumming career. I ended up playing with India jangly popsters the Caretaker Race but it was always difficult to hide my rock roots! Thanks to John and his ilk, I'm still drumming today! RIP (Revel In Paradiddles)

going to the house in Kremlin rd and and meeting one of the nicest uys around a bit overwhelmed as a 16 year old to be in the same house as Nutz but a great memory

I remember seeing John on a regular basis at the Cumberland with Sliced Bread what a drummer! Not only that he was one hell of a fella always smiling having laugh and the life and soul of any gathering. We miss you John you will one hell of a jam with all the sadly departed musicians.
Nick and Sandra



My memory of John is at the Moonie in the Precinct, what a guy everyone loved him including me...he was a talented drummer, way above the competition and he was always smiling whilst supping a night in the moonie we drank and laughed to the wee small hours.
Miss you so much mate

John you will never know how often you and Alison cross my mind. The thought of that night we spent in the Cumberland just before you both left for Ibiza seems as if it is only yesterday.

John was a friend, talanted musican, and good person to know and be around.
I got to know him through music and then more as I worked with him in debra schfolding.
One moment in time that stick in my mind is the day we were working and it was on the radio that keith moon had died at lunch that day we went for a pub lunch and John started crying as he had to mourn the loss of his idol, Well the same goes here as soon as I heard about john.
I have a picture of john holding my daughter helen (as a baby) that I will post on the web site soon as i find it , this means alot to me as John had rode his bike that day 20 miles to come and take pictures & vist yet again proving what a great man he was.
He was a star in our eyes and allways will be.
Best wishes to all
Graham Pugh + Family

We were lucky enough to have John dep with our band for a bit, it's great to have played along side one of your hero's. For ages after we lost John, I kept thinking I could catch a glimpse of him through the crowd at a gig, but it would be some other handsome sod. I would get that sinking feeling for a sec, but thinking about the nice times brought a smile back. We all miss you lad!

" If Carlsberg had invented drumming " then John would probably have been the best drummer in the world.
Amazing Fella, Amazing Drummer, Amazing Friend
Still miss Ya ! Still think about you man.

HI Lou remember me ..Tina ... of the many whose heart was stolen by John?¿ Im now livng and working in spain as a human and horse chiropractor and recently found out that rick ( status quo) also lives close by ... small world so trying o contact him as would love to see more people rememebering him on line. Missed the celebrations a few years back as keith didnt give me enough notice to get there luv the photos , your family look brill and debband kenny newton still looking great ... much love to you all and liverpool <besos de espana Tina

lou. How are you ? Charlie.

Lou, how are you ? Viv x

Lou, how are you ? Viv x

Can't ever recall seeing the man without a smile on his face and a cheery greeting for each and every person he spoke to, forget the talent ( if you can ) he was a beautiful guy,
Alan ( Rubsy ) Lynch

My memory of the great man is etched in my mind of John in his Aftghan coat leaning against the bar in the moonstone laughing away with many admirers of both sexes. It was a great tribute that the moonie was named after John and Alison (shame it has now gone). Tony thank you very much for setting this site up it's a wonderful thing you have done, I had an idea last night when I was reading the memories last night, why not get a monument/plaque put in the precinct where the moonstone was to one of our famous and talented sons JOHN MYLETT.

I was going through a particularly bad time in the early 80's, I had left ELLIOT (a successful band at that time) to help form BUNTER. After BUNTER folded after only 11 months, I found myself "resting" for a period. I was in a club in town (UGLYS I think) and I was having a drink with MYLO who at the time was in a similar situation to myself for whatever reason, and Jimmy O'Brian walked up and asked me would I fancy a rezzy (residency) at a club in Netherley, 3 nights a week £15 a night (wow big bucks back then) It is just a funny memory of me standing with, undoubtably, the finest drummer in the country, and Jimmy asks ME! John will always remain a hero of mine and someone who I miss. Nice, genuine people are few and far between in this game, and John was indeed one of them with none of the pretence. God bless you John!

John was always the first person you would ring for a session, he could play in any style and when he walked into the studio you knew something special was going to happen. In 1982 when we were recording The Brookside Theme, John came up to Strawberry Studios in Stockport and we had discussed having a memorable drum fill at the beginning, a sort of calling, a hook only with drums. I remember John arriving with some new Toms ( Hoshino I think ) saying these only cost me 80 quid but they should do the trick. He was so right, the sound and what he played was perfect. I feel proud and privileged to have known such a talented and special person.
God Bless John
Steve Wright

What a Guy, What a drummer,Nutz/Rage were one of the few bands you saw where the drum solo was a highlight . I remember John and Keith jump on me in the Marquee ,when I pointed out that the B side of the first Rage single was just a retitled 'You Better Watch Out' . How was I to know there were loads of Record Executives about? Rage that night had been asked to support Trust at the Marquee ,and when Trust came on John quietly moved to the side of the stage to watch Nicko McBain, don't forget john turned down Iron Maiden staying loyal to his buddies who he was always sure would make it. There is a DVD floating about with one of John's Drum solo's on it amazing.

It was at the Cavern club about 1971. Me and Ronnie Evans ( Chris Evans brother) started going down the Cavern to check out the local band scene with a view to getting some gigs for the band ( Brackenwood ) we had recently formed with Chris and a few other guys. Most of the bands that we saw where ok, but nothing that special ( certainly the drummers where average) until we saw St James Infirmary who where absolutley brilliant! I believe the bass player joined John Hisemans Collissieum soon after that gig.
Anyway, we managed to get a gig a few weeks later. I remeber setting my brand new Hayman kit up on the same stage where Ringo and the "lads" had started the whole thing off a few years before. and I was in awe of that moment.
Then ! I looked stage right. I saw this tatty old battered drum kit. It was covered in black formica. I think part of it was a Beverly kit. The second bass drum was definately a GIGSTER!!! ( I remember them from the catalogue for £36 for a full kit. @ 5 shillings a week ) in a word CRAP!!
Then. this almighty sound came from nowere. John Mylett was warming up!!
Later on after the gig we got chatting and he showed me some rudiments. The warm up he did where double parradidles with double bass drum fills.No wonder it was good!
After that we became great friends and Dave Lloyd ( Nutz lead singer ) moved into Russian Drive with me and Steve Morris ( WILDLIFE) and thas another story.
Miss you John R.I.P.
Alistair Adams.
Savo, are you Steve Pearce?