My uncle bubba was a special man i remember when i would go and see him he would always give me a bear hug no one could give a hug with as much love in it as him it would almost take your breath away they were just so special. He will always be in my heart and every time i hear keys jingle i will think it is him saying hi. Uncle bubba i Love you and you will always be with me. i know you are smiling down and watching over me love you always Kate as u used to call me love always katelyn creswell...
You would be so disapointed in us we all have falled you.But you know how can you love or care about pepole when all they do is CRAP all over you.I know who my family are I also know who cares and who puts on a front.I told you in ICU that day I would strong but this cuts it. I have always been with you and Mom Kris and Jenni on Christmas.But this year I did not go.Why It did not feel right plus they werent going to talk to me anyways.I love you daddy so much.Please give me strenght to do what is right.I am so sorry LOve you always.Amy
Gosh the holidays are here and daddy you are not here..As everyone who knew you that you loved this time of year so that you could have everyone near, i am afraid this year is going to suck in so many ways...The reason i say that is b/c ppl in our family are fighting over stupid and petty stuff and it is going to cost us all the time we need to be with each other since you are not here...
I remember when I would go to his house or to his daughters house(Jennifer), how he would always sit down and talk to me as if I was family. He had a very nice personality and liked to joke around. He is very much missed. Mr. Jimmy, hope you and my daddy met up on the other side and are watching over us girls.
I have such memories of him.He was a wonderful dad. He taught his girls such wonderful values.He gave everyone he meet these huge bear hugs that got on everyones nervers.But man what i would do to have one right now.He also gave us wisker burns too.But I would do anything to get one of those too.I can remember i could always know he was coming in the house because of the sound of those hundered keysand the heavy foot steps.Anytime I needed him he was always there for me no matter what he was doing.I always knew no matter what MY DADDY LOVED US SOMUCH.Daddy you are one in a millon.I hope you are proud of us.I love and Miss you SOOOOOOO Much.BUT I A Mgoing to see you again
His name is Jimmie Lee Nicholson He was the son of Robert and Betty Nicholson , the brother of Susan and Sara , He was the Husband of Nancy and Father of Kristina ,Amy and Jennifer..He was a wonderful man and a stuborn man at times, but taught us all alot of things ...Like one of my last memories of him and i was when he was here at my house and he was trying to teach me how to make gravy it was so funny because it looked like mashed potatos but they tasted good anyway and daddy patient with me in ever step i just regret that i did not master if before he died ...I miss him and at time i want to call him just to tell him " I Love You " ........
16 years agoYa he did love this time of year it was his time to love his family and share his love with his girls.Ya some people can not see past thier own mistakesHe always would say sorry he would never go this long without talking to me.But Some People love to watch me hurt he never did .All of this goes back to the way moma never stuck up for Kris when it came to our grandparents.Now she is blaming me THE WRONG PERSON.I will hurt every day for him.He was the one person that I KNEW WHO LOVED ME UNCONDITIONALY.NOW HE IS GONE AND I AM DONING IT ON MY OWN.