I am glad they at least have each other. You now must live for your others. God Bless You and Your Family!!!!!!

This past June, my 16th wedding anniversary, we had a big day planned for my husband, myself and our three children. I have two girls living, and a son who passed that horrible day. We started the day fishing....we had so much fun. The kids were worn out but still wanted to stop off at their grandparents for a dip in the pool. My son was afraid of water, and in the 5 years he was alive, only got into that pool 3 times. That day he was proud he had "tried" to let go with his floats on. We all got out, started lunch...when I went to take his plate to him, he wasnt there. I just remember dropping it and running out onto the back deck. He had went out to get his towel or something and must have fallen in. We tried everything to bring him around. He had a heartbeat, but upon entering the ER....he died instantly of a massive cardiac arrest.
I know your pain, am living it daily. Your husband is a hero for what he did for his children, what any parent would do. know that they are in the kingdom of god, and that they are always with you.

happy bday 4 last sunday jay i love you still byebye god bless goodnight love ur cousion taylor walters

i dreamed about us lastnite celerbrating your birthday ,we were laughing our heads off together ,u bein you and taking the p,it was so real then i woke up and realised it was a dream ,i cant get me head round it bruv yr birthday is tommorow ,i hope you have a party in heaven only wish icould be with you and jay to celerbrate wiv you love and miss you so so much life will never be the same without you here godbless you special angels x

My dearest memory of symon was when i was about 7 and we were at a party and i would not stop moaning because i was hungry and symon said stop moning and symon stared taking food for me,jaya was a really good footballer and i hope he can play it in heaven
i miss them alot good bye my lovley cousins x x
mark fredrick lesley oulsnam

I dont know you personally, but know of you, our heartfelt thoughts are with you at this tragic time.

i dont know them but would love to wish the family to be blessed at this time of need i am so sorry for your lose and pain may you get thru this with prayers

I didn't know Symon & Jay personally but i knew of them, i really don't know what to say but my thoughts are with all the family and friends, I am from Mkt Drayton and know that this town will definately miss these boys.
'Death leaves a heartache no-one can heal - Love leaves a memory no-one can steal'

God bless you symon and jay..our thoughts are with you deb & family xxxx

Your loss is too great to put into words,and has touched the nation.
The people of Shropshire share your sadness
God bless Jay and Symon and may they rest in peace

Someone somewhere dreams of your smile and whilst thinking of you knows life is worth while so when you are lonely and feeling blue remember someone somewhere is thinking of you. Good Night god bless.
17 years agoReally terrible tradgedy, didn`t know family but still feel gutted. RIP
17 years agoBeen good pals with Symon for years, wife is best mates with Deb and godmother to Thomas. Can not put into words what I feel, miss them both........Will be here for both Deb and Thomas when return home.........
17 years agoI really don't know how to put in to words how i feel, i'm a Draytonion and i really feel for all the family. God Bless you boys and sending lots of love to all the family. x x x ((((HUGS))))) x x x