znam da si tu, znam da si na boljem mjestu, znam da cu te opet vidjeti....

when i came across the video on youtube. i googled the name Hrvoje Čustić and i literally cried. im soo said and i can onloy imagine what his family must be going through. poor things! good have mercy on them. Hrvoje Čustić leagcy will leave on and his will remain in the hearts of every great soccer player.


i was looking for some videos on youtube when i see a video about hrvoje
i remembered about an accident that happened in 2007 in Croatia in which died macedonian great singer Tose Proeski.i am so asking WHY?
i know one thing:Hrvoje u re now in good company and memories about u will always be in hearts of your and fans of football
RIP big man

I see this videos on youtube....
i must see that every day,and i ask god why?
Im a german footballer and i sit every evening on my pc and ask why....
IN GERMAN WE SAY "Niemals geht man so ganz,irgenwas von DIR bleibt hier es hat seinen PLATZ immer bei mir(UNS)

he went away with all of his life in front of accident...a slip...and a tragic wall...R.I.P. Hrvoje


Znao sam ga ko svog brata...HRVOJe počivaj u miru božjem tvoj najbolji prijatelj Slođo

pocivao u miru, neka te bog i svi andeli cuvaju... nikada te zaboravit necemo...

"Hrvo moj,znaj da si mi bia najdraži,rođak kakvog niko više nikad neće imati.Fališ mi i uvik ćeš falit,ali u srcu ćeš zauvijek biti tu.Nikad te neću zaboraviti...
Brate dragi,počivao u miru Božijem" by Ivan

Rest In Peace

Nek ti bude lesna zemja i pocivaj u miru jer si bio dobar momak dobar nogometas i svi su te znali u mom rodnom kraju Gostivar R.Macedonia

Hrvoje...Pocivaj u miru Božjem!

R.I.P. from Germany... we will never, never forget you....

so young such an accident keep me in touch with what happens 2 remember him please

so sorry 2 hear about the loss of such a talented footballer from england uk antony x

Dragi Bog uzima k sebi samo anđele...

Hrvoje Čustić - R.I.P

Rest in peace

Rest in peace, my friend, for now you are our angel.

To što se dogodilo je strasno..... Hrvoje ne da nije imao srece, nego je imao ogromnu kolicinu nesrece....RIP.. BBB

Hrvoje ti si naš Zadarski anđeo...Zauvik ćeš ostati u našim srcima i nikad te nećemo zaboravit...Počuvaj u Božjem miru...

That's life. May we all cherish ours surrounding people every moment......R.I.P.

Pocivao u miru Bpzijem...

God be with you Hrvoje. In heaven, there is team of heaven and now you playing there with other young good boys. And I know it, because your coach was my good friend. Good luck boys...

R.I.P Hrvoje

To the one who love soccer.


iskrenu sucut obitelji Custic. Neka ti je laka Hrvatska zemlja!

Zemlja je izgubila jos jednu prekrasnu osobu, a nebo je dobilo još jednog anđela.
Rest in Peace

počivao u miru božjem

život piše priče..a tvoja je tako tragična i tuž tobom plaču i oni koji su te znali...i oni koji nisu...
Počivao u miru.

rest in peace ..

A hand above the water
An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in heaven -
Do you want us to cry?
And everywhere the broken-hearted
On every lonely avenue
No-one could reach them
No-one but you
One by one
Only the Good die young
They're only flying too close to the sun
And life goes on -
Without you...
Another Tricky Situation
I get to drownin' in the Blues
And I find myself thinkin'
Well - what would you do?
Yes! - it was such an operation
Forever paying every due
Hell, you made a sensation
You found a way through
One by one
Only the Good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
We'll remember -
And now the party must be over
I guess we'll never understand
The sense of your leaving
Was in the way it was planned...
So we grace another table
And raise our glasses one more time
There's a face at the window
And i aint never, never saying goodbye...

Hrvoje počivao u miru Božjem!

You were young, you were bright, you were beautiful,
You were not suppose to leave this world that way
You were not suppose to leave this world that day,
You're gone
And we all miss you
You're alive in every one
Are you smiling down?
Were you with us all along?
Did i meet you in the crowd one summer?
Did i see you in the faces that all come and go?
The truth about this life is that we're all in it together,
Somehow i believe, that you have made me better
In my heart i know, you're gonna live forever.
RIP iz Zagreba <3

Počivaj u miru Bozjem..

pocivaj u miru .. RIP iz Turske !


Počivao u miru, nikad te nećemo zaboraviti

Neka ti je laka zemlja,pocivaj u miru..

samo je ljubav prema tebi veca od boli sto te nema...

hrvojice volimo te svi... bol je prevelika

What a horrendous freak accident to happen, please change your grounds to make sure this NEVER happens again. RIP Hrovje, respect from england.

R.I.P. from Estonia. I also play football, and it's hard to think that one day I can be the guy who knocks his head to a wall.

Sumještanine Hrvoje bila te je čast poznavati...
Nadam se da si sad na boljem mjestu
Počivao u miru

My name is MARTIN, and I am from Peru. I also want to give my condolences to the family and loved ones id Hrvoje. I will also pray for his soul and his family and loved one's reassurance. As a human being, I want to share this though time with all of you, croatian fellows. God bless and keep all of you in his glory. Thanks

Pocivaj u Miru neka ti je laka Hrvatska zemlja

Počivao u miru Hrvoje...