My deepest and most sincere condolonces are with Heath's family in Australia and daughter Matilda. May he shine in heaven as he did on earth.

I miss you Heath ... I saw your last film "The Dark Knight" and I Love "The Joker" .... you were and are amazing...
Vania Rodrigues (Portugal)

Always on my mind ,heart, and soul, wish you were here, love you, miss you so so much.

I still cry for you Heath…
You were such youg to die… you were, are and still my favourite actor!
I want to believe that you are in peace and happy wheraver you are…
I believe that you’re my angel…
Gone but never forgotten.
Ana Pinto (Portugal)

I just, can't belive he's gone, so tragic! I didn't know Heath wery much in fact didn't know who he was. I watched The Dark Knight, and after watching it i just can't say how much i miss that actor the way he played the Joker, Only You Could play the role so great Heath. The Joker Role made me realize how fantastic actor he was. Miss you so much! Rest In Peace.

Heath, Heath du fehlst uns...


I hope thay can cet that off here. whut a desucting pig. he ovesly never lost eny one befor, or is just a big dume +++.any way i love you Heath and i miss you like cerazy.

Thinking about you, love you and miss you.

i cant even belev the norev of pepol , no respect at all for the deed. that man is ceros and i hope his carma gets him .I love you Heath sorry for the mest up pepol in the world if i cud on her i wood give him the fenger for you.missing you every day .carrie

Heath Ledger was an amazing actor and he will be missed he seemed like really nice guy and his memory will live on in all his movies ,Rest in peace you wonderful man.

Every time i sore Heath he just lit up the scene and he always stood out to me. in every movie he did i fell in love with his character and i miss him so much now, he was my hero and he did change my life. anyway i will always remember him as a hero to me and many other people..... still thinking about you heath...... always....

Heath Ledger was an amazing actor and an incredible father to Matilda, his memory will be preserved in his many movies and the Oscar he is for sure to get for his portrayal of the Joker.
Rest In Peace you sweet person

you were a great actor,you were loved by lots of people.i seen batman great movie,wish you were here to get your award for it you deserved it.IN LOVING MEMORY HEATH LEDGER.

I still cannot blieve you have gone, You will live on forever in our memories and in our hearts.
Goodnight sweet prince.

We all miss you.They say that time helps to fourget but we still feel the pain and still love you. God Blass your Soul

Miss you,love you so very much

Wine i ment Heath he was so nice.cooll, sweet down to errth.just a man that was nice to evry one. he did not care were you are from hi or low class he was your frend. as you can see i have a lerng disibility do from canser serviver HE was coll whith my spelling only wonted to no how i sevied and how i was.Heath seen thow falts i have never ment any one like him and i dot i evre will.He was verry funny to he made me laff all the way to are stop.I just wonted to let all that love HEATH how i new him. a good harted man my are frend R.I.P. I will alwes love you tell we meet a gen your frend carrie

man Heath were to start.I miss you so mush my heart is broking.I toke to you evry day, sume times i fill you nere.y did i not stay in tuch Heath you told me you wood be on the internet so i cud find you. YOU became the big stare i new you wood .and i did not recunise you tell you were gon,man HEATH i have been paying for it.I WOOD off never let go if i new whut was going to hapend and never been abol to move on, man i miss my frend. I was lol whin i saw the pic of you and Michelle flipen off and holding the f off sine. that was are ide it was so cool you thot of me to i love you .MY big stare,, FOR EMILY, HEATH WAS A GRATE MAN. YOU AND I BOTH NO IT WAS THE OLSON BRAT THAT GAVE IT TI HIM. IM verry up set at her.!! I sean the dark night last night I loved you in it.MAN HEATH I KEEP THINKING OF EVRY THEANG WE TOKED ABOUT ON THE BUSS 10 YEARS A GO.IT was the 4th of jully, i was cuming back from a HAllister run, and you from santicrozz becuss you wonted to see the ocion there,YOU told me thats were the album cover to the Eagles hotel californa was dun.MAN HEATH i miss you so mush thers not a day that goes by thet im so mad at my sellf for not staying in tuch like whut if or whut cud i have dun grave on and not let you go.hit that oson brat lol you now i wood have if i was there you no me.missing you evry day i love you r.i.p my frend

Heath! I will always miss you, I know you were a great man and a great actor. Im sad that a person like you was taking from us too soon but I know that you are with God and that makes me feel a little better.
I will always keep you alive in my heart!

Since Heath's death ,he has become such a part of my life now. I find myself talking to him throughout the day all the time. When he died ,he just didn't take a part of me with him, he took all of heart, my soul, my body, all of me. I never met him, just never had the chance to but everyone says what a wonderful person he was. Drugs can do such horrible things to a persons mind. He had said he needed help and was going to get it in a few weeks but a few weeks was to long. I really wish the investigators could find out who gave Heath the two pills that killed him. I have my suspicions who it could have been. Now Michelle has gone on with her life with another man, a director she met last year. I don't see how she could ever think any man could replace Heath. She should have stood by him instead of telling him to make a choice, her or the drugs and he chose the drugs so the paper says. That was not Heath talking when he told her that. That was the drugs and if she truly loved him she would have stuck by him and helped him to get the help he needed. I miss him so much. I have felt his presence a few times. It was really strange. I know it was him. I now call him my Guardian Angle. His smile was so beautiful, with smiling eyes as well. If you think Matilda looks like him then you need to take a look at Heath's father because Heath looked liked him. Heath will forever be in my heart what is left of it. I will never care or love another man as I did Heath. I hope he is happy now and at peace. His memory will live on forever in everyone's hearts. If anyone wants to purchase his dvd's, you may do so at Best I have them all now except for Dark Night and the last one which are not out yet. I love him still so much.

i can't still believe that you're gone.. you've been a great actor, so you've left an incredible memory of your talent to all the world.. but you've been, and you are, really important especially for all your fans, for people like me who have never know you but who see your smile so familiar. you will be always our wonderful knight.. with the sweetest smile of ever. we will never forget you Heath, you will be 4ever here in our hearts and minds. we love ya so much.=) anyway, we miss you a lot...

Querido, tudo que você fez foi maravilhoso, antes mesmo de saber quem era você, já apreciava seu trabalho... sinto muito por não te ver mais em filmes, saudades imensas. TE AMOjavascript:void(null)

heathie baby, i love you so much. It depresses me everyday when i wake up just knowing you wont be
out there living your life and making more movies. I have wanted to marry you since I was a little girl. You are so beautiful,
and I hope your in a better place now. You have made such an impact on this world and I thank you so much for it. No
matter what you are always in my heart and in everybody else's too. Sooner or later I will be joining you in heavan, and I
cannnot wait. I love you, forever and always.

Heath you are a very very great actor...
I remember you and your interpretation forever...
EVERYONE remember you and your intepretation forever!
Great actor, beautiful guys and a sweet smile...
We miss you ;(
Rest in peace Heath...

Heath was one of my fav actors ever. He was a such talented actor, I 've seen all his films.
I still can't believe he isnt anymore among us. :(
He did a wonderful job as the Joker in The Dark Knight. Nobody could have done a better job doing his character,in my modest opinion. I saw it Tuesday and I want to see it again, especially for Heath's perfomance.
He will be forever missed.
May he rest in peace.

The lovely actor,
Forever in our hearts, Heath

Heath was a beautiful person inside and out. He will live on forever through the wonderful movies he stared in and through his beautiful daughter, Matilda. He will be dearly missed. Goodnight sweet prince, rest in peace.

Heath did a wonderful job as the Joker in The Dark Knight. Nobody could have done a better job doing his character in my opinion. My husband and I saw it Saturday. He was a very talented young man. He did a good job in the movie the patriot as well. He will be forever missed. May God bless, strengthen and comfort the family.


Sadness, is what I feel about your premature death.
But, you participation in you movies wiil remember you forever...
My heart will be always wiyh you. till one day....

hello heath ledger,
my name is tagen and i am 8 and 3 quarter years old. I went to see the dark knight today. You as the joker were excellent and i so enjoyed it. You were a genius. I loved how you acted as the joker. You were one of the best actors i have ever seen.

Sono Italiana,ma seguivo tutti i suoi film... si è spenta una futura stella di Hollywood. Ci ha lasciato con una delle sue migliori interpretazioni,nel pieno della sua carriera.
Grazie Mr. Ledger. Non ti dimenticheremo mai.

Um actor de grande talento, promissor na 7ª arte para uma longa e incomparavel carreira de interminavel reconhecimento e sucesso. E justifica-se o seu inigualavel talento mesmo após a sua morte com actuações extraordinarias distinadas a este grande artista da industria do entretenimento. É com grande tristeza que o vi partir sabendo que n iria mais ver uma actuação sua.

I am so sad bcoz yesterday i watched the Dark night ....i didn't see any dedication for you in the movie in the end :(((( it was sooo sad bcoz i knew that you deserve better treatment ...
I have all your DVD in my place and i am every day sending you a Good Morning even if you are far ...
May God bless and sleep in piece
Love you heaps

Miss u so much,thinking of you always,love u.And what do humans know about angels and people. They only know what they've been told, never be a follower be the leader, discover the truth urself, universe is a big place.

Hoje em dia é quase impossivel acharmos atores que nem Heath. Que ele esteja bem onde está. Nós, aqui, lembraremos dele como o ator excepcional e encantador que sempre foi. Ta aí, uma pessoa que merecia viver muito mais, até ter concretizado todos os seus sonhos! Agora, ele será imortalizado com o seu último papel, o Coringa, que está fazendo um sucesso tremendo! Dessa forma, nunca, mas nuuuunca será esquecido. Não que seja fácil esquecer de uma pessoa linda que nem ele...

Will Be Greatly Missed By All And Will Be Remembered As A Hero In My Eyes. Matilda Will Grow Up To See What A Great Man And Role Model Her Father Was! MISS YOU BIG MAN! xXx

Muito lindo ele...Que pena que se foi tão cedo!!!!

..Sapete quel gusto amaro che rimane in bocca dopo la breve esaltazione dei sensi? sensazione è la stessa ..poche volte un essere umano riesce ad avvicinarsi alla pura essenza emozionale attraverso i personaggi che interpreta..lui era così..pur avendo vestito tantissimi personaggi uno diverso dall'altro..lo spirito non cambiava..e l'essenza si fa immortale!!!

Grazie ai tuoi film non ti dimenticherò mai....
Grazie per avermi trasmesso delle emozioni stupende....
Spero che tu ora sia finalmente felice......ovunque tu ti trovi....

You touched our hearts and our souls...Thank you for all of the emotions you gave us and still do. You'll live forever in our hearts...

recently i've been in NY from italy... everywhere there was a your photo... now u r the angel of the City... sarah

heath ledger

It is a comfort thinking people become angels after they die but they do not.
Angels are angels, People are people.
I am sorry for the losses listed here - it is always sad when somebody dies.

nao sei nem o que falar sobre ele, porque tipo
ele é PERFEITO, como ator e como pessoa
seu ultimo filme do batman
mexeu muito comigo, e eu to chorando muito por ele depois de ver esse filme, e ele realmente conseguiu deixar o batman no chinelo, porque a sua atuação foi realmente incrivel e parece que ele incorporou o personagem, porque ficou PERFEITA. espero que ele ganhe o oscar de melhor ator, porque eu fiquei sabendo que ele vai ser indicado.
eu só tenho a dizer que eu AMO muito o Heath Ledger e vou sentir muito a sua falta
queria que voce voltasse mas nao dá:S
meus pezames(:

Ele foi um maximo, incrivel ator que fez drama, comedia romantica, filme estilo epoca e batman..
Acho que todo mundo vai sentir falata..
Minha memoria dele eh cheia de pequnos momentos, mais minhas favoritas são :
algumas vezes que ele aparceu com o filho..
e ele como Enis de Broback... me apaixonei por sua atuação no filme...
o Coringa tb...ele superou tudo e todos ...

I never really heard of you until the new Batman movie. I think you did a wonderful performance and now I'm a big fan. It feels awkward writing this, since only other fans will read this...But...It's just weird how...everything happened...Even though I just "discovered" you in your latest movie, it's still shocking to hear you overdosed...But the thing is that you'll always live through the movies. Movies are forever.
Hell, I don't know why I'm crying if I only saw one movie of yours... hahaha. x_D
You really pack an impact in your performance. A very unique character and it must have been a challenge to become this character while battling a depression...
God why the hell am I still crying? hahaha. x_D
Pardon my language and rambling....
If heaven exists, can I meet you there? haha
--Kelly x_D

Thinking of you,misss you, love you

Heath you were an amazing actor, your talent will be missed but your work will live on forever. I hope you are at peace, god bless you!