You were a wonderful actor. Im sure that your films would have only got better and better. Its so sad that your your life has been cut short.
You will be missed by so many.

R.I.P Heath... I will remember you... [*][*][*][*][*][*] I love you.... Forever...

i first saw him in "10 things i hate about you" and i was hooked. so sad that he has left us and hope that this angel will watch over everyone that he loved.

Such a wonderful talent taken way too soon. You will be greatly missed by many. We all take life for granted and don't realize how quickly it can be taken from us. You were an amazing actor. One of the best of your times. You will definetly NEVER be forgotten!

Such a wonderful talent, taken from this world too soon. I loved you in your many roles, and I loved eyes. I thought you were beautiful, and you will remain that way in my heart.

It has been one month since you passed and i still can't get over your death. Rest in peace Heath Ledger. you will be forever missed.

what a shame mate. wonderfull talented level headed.WHY!R.I.P Heath

R.I.P. , Mr Antihollywood..
You were so great,beautiful and talented.Miss you forever.Live with angels,sweetheart.

rest in peace beautiful angel.. you will live forever in my heart.. miss you so much..:-(

32 Days have gone by,yet it's hard 2 believe,Rest in peace u true blue and will meet again.What an actor,what a beautiful soul,I know you R with angels for sure.


you will be so missed by many.a great actor that you were .

When i was working at virgin mega store in hollywood, i Met heath. I just happen to see him and was struck by how handsome he was. I noticed he kepy staring at me because i was so shocked to see him. We then started making funny faces with each other. He was such a sweet guy and i knew he was down to earth. I was so hurt to see that he had passed. I will miss him and my prayers go out to michelle and matilda. God bless and see you on the other side. We can make more silly faces with each other.

My Memory of heath will always be his great performance in brokeback mountain, not only was he palying a role and doing it quite well i might add,he was making a statsment to all thr world that i can do roles that will leave a message to everyone who saw the movie. He was a actor who was just briginning to rise to the top of stardom and would have gone on to do great roles in flims. he will be greatly missed not onyl by his daughter and i am sure by michell as well, but of course his family and all the many people who lives he touched in his short 28 years. it is with great pleasure that i add this to the many other'd who have shared theior memories of heath. He is with God now and all the other stars who went before him and they are doinj one giant pictiure in heaven th elikes of which we will never see until we get there with him

Heath, you will be missed by all...Good night sweet prince, let flights of angels wing thee to thy rest...

you were a special,stunning,fabulous man and will be missed very is heartbraking god bless you you always xxxnicola

Heath Ledger was a wonderful person as well as and extrodinary actor. His passing will be hard for all of us especially his family and loved ones. He will always be remembered for the outstanding award winning actor and an absolutely wonderful father he was in life. My heart and thoughts are with his family, friends and loved ones in this tragic and difficult time. Heath will always and forever have a special place in my heart.

we miss you heath....our prays are with your family...

My heart goes out to his daughter, Michelle Williams and his family. I hope that in time, the media will allow them to walk down the street in peace. In the meantime, I hope that he's happy in heaven where he'll be waiting for his loved ones to meet him there one day.

You are gone,but because you shared your talent with will live forever.

see ya, Love. I belive you're in Heaven. R.I.P.

Heath, you were an amazing actor and a wonderful man. Its sad that such great talent and an inspiring man had to go so soon, but this was what the Lord planned for you and God makes no mistakes. You will always be remembered for your pure spirit and your smile, which makes me smile upon seeing your face light up the way it did. You will never be forgotten, RIP Heath

I think it's so sad to see someone so young die so fast.

I Don't Know Why You Had To Go. You Were Young, Good-looking, Talented And Had A Good Career Ahead. I Will Miss Your Smile. You Were 1 Of A Kind! I Love You So Much and Hope You Rest In Peace. I Hope Your Little Girl Will Grow Up Knowing How Amazing Her Daddy Was! I Still Can't Believe Your Gone xxxxxx

Ich bin immer noch zutiefst berührt von den Bildern der letzten Wochen! Sie stimmen mich traurig, verletzen zum Teil zutiefst, bringen mich aber auch zum lachen und lassen mich auf das rasante Leben des wundervollen Heath zurück denken. Ich haben an ihm nicht nur seine herrausragende Begabung des schauspielerns bewundernd. Von seinem Lebenslauf und seinem wirklichen Charakter war ich viel mehr faszinierd. Von Anfang an hat er seine Träume verfolgt, sein Ziel nie aus den Augen verloren und doch wurde er nicht zu einem eingebildeten unantastbaren Star, sonder blieb immer der nette Junge von nebenan. Wenn ihm etwas unbehagen bereitet, wenn er nervös war, wenn er sich freute, wenn er glücklich war... egal was er liess seine Umfeld immer teil an seinen Gefühlen haben. Genau das machte ihn so liebenswert so einzigartig.
In meinem Herzen und meinen Gedanken wird immer ein Platz für dich sein Heath. Mögen Deine Familie und deinen Liebsten die schwere Zeit überstehen... ich wünsche Ihnen alle Kraft, um irgendwann wieder ruhig atmen zu können, ohne das es zu sehr schmerzt.
Du wirst immer unvergessen bleiben!

Ciao dolce angelo, rimarrai per sempre nel mio cuore, Valentina

oggi..... domani..... per sempre nei nostri cuori

i can't even began to describe the feeling that i had when i found out heath was gone i'd never amagine him dying like this

I think heath and his little daugther she would never meet her dad, but her mother will make that she is brought in his remember.

What to say?? All these weeks later and I am still grieving and in disbelief that Heath Ledger is no longer with us. I think of him every day and can't understand why this person whom I have never met has affected me this way. I have loved all his films and feel I have been robbed. Robbed of this man who I am sure would have developed into one of the most talented actors of our time. I rejoice in the life he had, the films he left us with, and the daughter he adored. I only hope that he has found peace and comfort wherever he maybe. I pray for his daughter and his entire family. I am comforted believing that they know what a spectacular individual he was. I am saddened beyond belief that he is gone. The world was a better place with Heath Ledger in it!!!!

I still think of Heath every day. It's so sad for someone so kind and loving and having such talent to pass so young. The greatest victim here is sweet Matilda. I pray for her and Michelle and Heath's family. I am gathering pictures to make a scrapbook of him for my own closure. It's unbelievable that someone I'd never met had such an impact on my heart. He will be truely missed by so many. I will never forget him. The Lord lent us one of his Angels and now he's back home. Rest easy sweet Heath.

I only knew him from his films but when he died I felt like I had lost an old friend. He touched so many just by being here. He will be missed

Dearest Heath still in my Heart and will be forever missed will miss you Heath always xxx R.I.P 1979-2008 xxx

Heath you will be missed here but your are welcomed where you are now with the Lord. He owned you here and he owns you now and you are with him what a peaceful thought.

I frist saw Heath in Roar I loved all his movies. I send all my love to his family.

One month already! Can't believe it still. Miss you so much Heath. Can't stop watching your movies. Even my 3 year old knows now who Heath Ledger is. All 4 of my children will grow up watching his movies and loving him the way I do.
RIP Sweet Heath! Your smile still lights up this world!

Honestly, I didn't appreciate Heath until I saw Brokeback Mountain. Then I went and rented everything he was in because I realized how great an actor he was. I was horribly shocked and deeply saddened upon hearing the news that he had died. I could have thought of 10 other people that I would not have even blinked upon hearing of thier deaths. This is such a great loss for the acting community and, of course, Heath's family and friends. His movies will live on as a testament to what a great actor he was....only a great actor could have played Enis Del Mar with such passion. He was perfection in motion. I await The Dark Knight with a mix of excitement and sadness. God Bless him in heaven.

Heath was my 2nd favorite living actor but I might change my mind after I see the Joker and all his films.He might become my number one.My condolences to his family.If you ever run out of money which I doubt look me up Michelle.If you want me to write a biography on him then look me up but maybe that should be written by his number one fan.I'd write it like David Dalton's Mutant King which might not be to your taste and I respect your family.Heath was great he could actually make me sit and watch a performance.Normally Im more into visual fine arts, music, and writing but I paid attention to him.I can't pick a favorite of his films.I like too many of them.I wrote a poem about him on titled Super Spartan.If you don't like it I'll take it off.

Today in this very moment someone is happy or sad... But Heath would be happy and smiling with that beautiful smile that he had.. Heath had such a great talent that is beyond words can express. Heath was taken from this earth to soon. He will always and forever be missed. You look at all those wonderful pictures of Heath and he had such life in him. He was far not done on this earth. Heath had such a passion for acting. His main passion in life was his daughter Matilda Rose which he lived for each and everyday. It is so sad to think she will not get to know him. She will have the best memories of him. Heath is gone to heaven but he will live throught beautiful Matilda. She is so precious.. She looks so much like Heath... I wish that I could have got to meet Heath. He was such a gorgeous man with a beautiful soul. Heath was my favorite actor and I always thought he was so HOttt !!! His Smile made me melt... I will always remember you... Your Beautiful and talented life was cut to short. Rest in peace beautiful Heathy...

I'm very sorry for your families loss. That your children and wife are alone now. You were an incredible actor, gifted in everyway. Its to bad they just worked you to death and at 28 years old. God rest your soul and give your family strength.

Perfect in every way is all that needs to be said....

Im from Dublin, and the way we speak down here is different to american people, even english people, all I can say is Heath, you were beautiful, words can not describe how sexy you are, sexy bastard, you will be missed dearly, bye gorgous, xx

Heath was the best acot ever!! he was sooo cute i9n Brokeback Mountain, Knights Tale and 10 things i hate about you!!
never forget your heah yor the best!!!

Heathy was a solid, true blue Aussie guy, and anyone who knows Aussies will know they don't easily look for a shoulder to cry on. Heath was in a bad way emotionally, but he kept smiling and joking and working hard, only when he was alone his troubles got to him. To keep a brave front, he tried taking prescription medication to get some sleep and rest to try and get over his upsets. He didn't have a clue what effect that toxic mix of prescribed drugs would have on his exhausted body! I only wish he'd spoken-up instead of trying to go it alone.... No-one blames you buddy, we just miss you stacks.

he was my fav. 2 favorite movies he was in was 10 things i hate bout you and candy./...RIP

At least we will still get to see those amazing powerful brown eyes through his daughter. He was definitely the most handsome actor in a long time.

I will always remember what a great actor Heath was and how I watched him grow up and mature into a great man, actor and loving father. I loved him in the Patriot with Mel Gibson. He just had a great smile and just was very genuine to me. I knew from that movie that he had great talent and that he would be around for a long time and really show us great talent. I believe deep down in my heart that he was meant to be a Director. He was a great actor but I saw a lot of potential in him more and more. You deserve it more than anything. I felt maybe you pushed yourself which is not a bad thing but I think eventually you pushed maybe too hard. I know deep down in my heart that you will always watch over Matilda and Michelle because that was the kind of person you were -- very unselfish and always caring about other people and not yourself. You did your work on earth and I believe it was your time because unfortunately God had other plans for you. You are now one of the angels in heaven watching over all of us. Say hi to my loving Mom up there for me. Rest in Peace Heath Always.

A Great Loss to Us on Earth, However an Amazing Addition to Heaven Above, Heath will watch over his little girl and guide her with the wings he will soon have. His Smile and Kind Heart and Great Talent will live on with us all. God Bless Is His Family and let them have peace knowing He was Treasured by all and will be greatly missed.

Heath you were fantastic in Casanova, wonderful in Ten Things I Hate About You and you brought a tear to my eye in in Brokeback Mountain. I will never forget you. You will always be one of my favorite actors may you rest in peace. Your soul will live on through those who loved and knew you and your little girl.

Heath you were fantastic in Casanova, wonderful in Ten Things I Hate About You and you brought a tear to my in in Brokeback Mountain. I will never forget you. You will always be one of my favorite actors may you rest in peace. Your soul will live on through those who loved and knew you and your little girl.