May God bless you and your family as they go through life missing you. Some day your little girl is going to grow up and realize just how special her Daddy was. You left behind one of the greatest joys any man could leave. A beautiful girl named Matilda.

Hello Heath Ledger family,i am sorry i have not showed up yet but i am waiting for a job and i can.t think of anything else.I miss Heath and i can remember everything,i wanted to send something but it is not going to take away the pain.I wish i could do something on the internet to honour Heath and god loves you and so do i.I don.t feel good and because of it live is not going the way i want it to be,i have stalkers and i wish someone would tell them to leave.I want to thank everyone who believed in me and thank you for your support,love always

As I wipe a tear each day from both eyes I cry, My soul aches in divine wretched horror. The heartbreak of those gone bestows such sorrow. Why must a genius die and be put asunder? Why must such a brilliant mind be squandered? I gaze towards the heavens and wonder, How can humankind take part in such plunder? The rain can never wash away your lightening and thunder. What pain and grief we suffer from such a hideous blunder. We love and miss you, Heath. RED

Hows it going, missing and thinking of you as usual. Can't get you out of my head but see u soon honey,yeah that be some day hah, can't wait.LOVE YOU

There's no word to describe what i felt when i read about your death! That was so crazy, for me was just a nightmare and after you will appear and say: "WHY SO SERIOUS?". Well, it didn't happen and now sir ledger, we're here, feeling all these strange emotions, 'cause we need you Heath. Maybe it sounds crazy, how could someone fell something so strong for a person who is unknown? For us, you're part of our families, you're a parte of our lives. You will be in heart since the stars starts to pour. HEATH LIVES ♥

Heath, I never really knew much about you while you were alive. But after you were gone, I found out what a beautiful and caring person you were. We actually have some things in common. Our drive and passion to do what we love, our way of overanalyzing everything, our love of photography, sports, music, and art. Even our distaste of movies based on comics. You would've been a cool person to get to know. I wish that our paths had crossed, and that we had the chance to be friends. We'll never have that chance now. Just know that even though we never knew each other, I feel somehow that I've lost a friend, and that I will never forget you. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us. See you someday.

Heath, your death has left me so lonely. You are the first one I talk to when I wake in the mornings and the last one I talk to at night. If only you hadn't died alone and cremated. I know everyone has their own beliefs about burials, but there is no grave marker for you and no place for anyone to place flowers in remembrance of you. Your ashes scattered. Perhaps that is what you wanted but it seems as if you was never here. I have all your movies except the last two. I will love you forever. There are no word to explain my feelings and heart ache. I know you are in Heaven looking down on me because I have prayed to you for five things not to happen and you have answered my prayers, you and God. You are my guardian Angle. I hope you are at peace now and are settled. Now you must know all the loss I as well as all your friends and family feel. You will never be replaced. There is no other actor that can ever take your place, no other that can act the way you did. You was and still are so special. Loving you forever... Emily

Heath, I just wanted to say that your death moves me so much, my eyes get wet when I think of you and the many great things you accomplished in a very short time. Your mission is now completed and it was time for you to travel home. What a loss for the world and for your family but I tell you, you will always live in my memory and also in many , many people's memories across the world. You challenged your fears, over and over again and you have shown a strenght and bravery that is outstanding. You were so intelligent and you worked hard, always looking for the truth. Long live the truth, love and understanding between people. Long live Heath, R.I.P!

5 months have gone by since you left us, thinking of you darling.

Heath est un jeune acteur talentueux et qui a beaucoup de sensibilités dans ses gestes et est parti si vite!! c'est une immense perte pour le monde du cinéma. Que son âme se repose en paix. Qu'il soit atteint le Nirvana grâce à ses bonnes actes!

heath you made me belive in the fact all things are possible. you are greatly missed and forever loved. i wish you could have stayed longer but god called his greatest son home. i will forever miss you and pray for your family and friends. you were and will always be the greatest actor to ever grace hollywood. this tragedy is a very heartbreaking ordeal. you will live on in memory and all the works you have accomplished in life. you will always be in my heart and mind and will always be remembered. Rip my dear friend.

Hey babe,thinking about you and wanted to say Hi, Hi and that ( love you) so much and can't wait to be with u.

It still baffles me how I can feel such a deep sense of loss, not ever have met you.
I think about you still. I cannot believe that you are gone. It just is not the way you were suppose to go. I feel utter heartache for your little girl, my daughter is about the same age. I hope that whereever you may be now, you have a sense of peace and can be without any pain. I miss you still beloved heath.
I cannot believe that you are no longer with us.
It´s to sad for words ...

Here is the deepest secret that nobody knows, here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life, which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart, I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart). I am never without it, anywhere I go you go my darling.And whatever is done only by me is your doing my love.I FEAR NOTHING, cos I know you are with me where ever I go.

Heath, you were such a good, sweet guy. The world is darker now that you're gone from here, but I know that Heaven is brighter. So many here miss you every day, but our pain is nothing compared to that of your family and close friends. I know that you are with them, especially little Matilda. Just know that you will always be in our hearts, and that so many look forward to meeting you one day when it is our time.

;( <333 i Love You ;** i Miss You... ;(
Why? Why You? ;(
great actor... [*]

Miss you so much

Lost the site somehow, don't know what they did to it,but the main thing is here i am babe and missing you like crazy,everyday.See you soon


I cant even exsplane how much im missing you.Im so mad at myself for not staying in toch whith wore not only a gerate acter but a axulent frend.Heath whin i told you my lerning prp you were so cool whith nice i miss you so much i need you.and im so sorry i did not stay intuch whith you to be there for you. i no you and i no it was a axident im verry mad at the olsun brat or shud i say bratsi no there resosubol for the drugs, I toke to you evry day sume days i can fill you nere me like you are lisuning . I to hope you get to toke to michelle she loves you so mush i can tell by the way she usto look at you. but whuts not to love you were a gerate man.the moves will nevere be the same we will nevere have a acter like Heath agen .man alls i do is cry i can finnley get thow sume of your moves whith out crying all the way thow it.brokback was the one i seen rite be for you died and i still can woch it.well whin it is my time i to hope you meet me at the golden gates.I love you and i miss you . i wish you wode toke to me seend me a sine you are ok . the theng Emly wrot abot you visiting michelle makes me fill your not at pece,I rilly hope im rong , i love you and wont the best for you . your long lost frend carrie MISSSSING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heath Ledger, you will always be remembered by me as long as I have life in me and then beyond. When it is my time to go I hope you will be there waiting for me. I can't believe all the things written about you is true and even if some of them was, I forgive you because you had a very busy movie career to keep up with. Whoever the person was that first introduced you to drugs, I wish him a life of hell. You was a good gentle man, loving and caring and I could see that in your photo's and pictures. You wanted to please all your fans by making one movie after the other. You wanted to be the greatest, and you was. I will never forget you and will love you always. I talk to you everyday. It doesn't matter if you hear me or not, talking and praying for you makes me feel close to you. You are now in God's care and will never see demons or go to dark places again. There was an article that says Michell has seen you twice and once you stood at the bottom of her bed and looked unsettled and wanted to talk to her. I hope you get to talk to her and make peace with her. If she loves you half as much as I do, then she will talk with you. I watch all your movies all the time and they make me cry. I liked Two Hands and also Ned Kelly. As an actor you was wonderful and no one will ever come close to your acting skills. I will love you forever, more then life. Take care and please accept your time with God because He saw what you had gotten yourself into here on earth and knew you needed help so took you to a better place. A place that everyone is having a hard time accepting because we all wanted you here on earth to be with us. R.I.P. Forever yours.....

Cara, fiquei super triste ao saber da morte desse autor. E muito triste ainda em saber das circunstancias da morte. Muito jovem.
Que ele repouse nos braços do nosso Pai Eterno!

why all those talanted people has to die si young!!!

rest in peace we love and miss you

hope ur creating havoc in heaven beautiful boy ;o) sleep tight..always missed xxkerry uk

If only u where still here, u were an inspired so many people and were a wonderful actor. i remembered u from brokeback mountain but even more from 10 things i h8 about u, u were amazing and such a short and waste of such good talent. R.I,.P 1 day u will be reunited with the people that cared for you and loved u xxxxx luv u always Jemma

Hi, sweetie. I still think of you every day. You deserved to live a long life. I know you are looking down on your family and friends as they all still face a very difficult journey through life without you. Things have changed here on earth since you left us. I just wish that you and I could've had a chance to meet while you were here, but now we will have to wait awhile. I know we will be good friends in heaven, and when its my time, I know you will be there by my side to guide me on.

Heath I understand ..I feel the stress of life too.. One cannot know the challenges a person in your circumstance lived with.... Matilda's Father, you will always be... How closely her angel glides with her feet.. Special spirit are you. Thank You Heath Teaching me to get out of my own way. Hugs & Kisses Glenda from Ohio

If only once could i have met you , I know we could have become good friends, so I hope in heaven it will be you to guide me thru the gates of heaven to be with the other angels that surrround you today, I hope that we will become friends there if not here. I miss you more and more. Love Always, Amanda

I still can't understand why you are not here with us. Most days I find myself looking up at the stars talking to you... And the good part is that I actually feel a strange sensation around me even if I never knew what it felt like to be in your presense I feel that you are around me listening to me... I miss you, yes even if I never met you I miss you because I'm never going to get the chance to actually meet you and I miss you for that. I miss that we are never gonna get to see Matilda grow with you by your side. I still wonder what happened that day...? Whats gonna happen with all of us that love you and miss you?? We are miserable with out you. I hate all the things that have been said about you since you left us, all those people should of said all those things about you when you were here so you could defend yourself... But F**K all of them, I know you would of said the same thing. I LOVE YOU HEATH!♥

Hey there babe, thinking of you and misssing you so very much.

It breaks my heart to see that Matilda will never know her dad the way she should have


cute pic... I wonder if he would have gotten help to get over his illnesses or addictions to be a great father to her.

My Dearest Heath: Always Love You~ Always Miss You ~ Always So Hope~You Still Here With Us~ No matter where are you now~You always always in my Heart.... Still So So So MISS YOU~

3 months has gone by 2day since you left us yet it only seems like yesterday,the pain grows sronger with every heartbeat,love you so so much.

i still miss you so mush i cant belev you are gon. the world will nevere be the same.r.i.p

Hi Carrie thank you, i too am driving everybody around me mad.It seems like people don't understand and after the death of Heath i am beginning to realise the kind of world we are living in.Its so sad to see people making stories or comment on this beautiful man Heath,Heath must be glad in some way that his not here in this evil world surrounded by so many evil people, FOREVER MISS U HEATH.

How do we get over you ?How do we get rid of the pane?Heath i miss you so much im driving evry one aron me crazy becus i cant get you out of my mind.i love and miss you so tell we meet agen carrie

hello i meat heath one time 10 years a go and he was a man i cant even thenk of a word that desrivs how nice and cool he rilly was so Anisha yes heath was a verry speshol man. dont lison to the nagitiv about him we no the truth abut him. whin i told him i had a lerning disubility do to cansere whin i was 3. he was so suportiv most make fun of my spelling.but any way he was a grate man and is grate ley missed . the then i hate abut the bad stuff seed is i just hope his famley dus not see it.and gratfull his doter can not reed it. man thay make me so mad to say the stuff thay do .you r rite thay dont have a life and there cormu will get them.

Hello babe, just finished on readers comment about an article involving you..I always use ur character name Gabriel .Some of the readers think they are Saints,like they are without sin, i told the m***** f**ks where to go.As long as i live i'll back u up.I'll be there for u .Some of the idiots who made the comment are now gonna look inside their soul to see what they really are.PURE EVIL IN THE FORM OF HUMAN.That's the only reason they make comments like that cos we know u are AN ANGEL, SO PURE ,LOVE AND INSPIRATION U ARE TO ME .

hello heath i cant get you out of my mind. i miss you so much.there will never be a star like were one of a kind .rip your bigist fan carrie

Just wanted to say hi,hi and let you know still miss u so bad.

Hello, Heath, I've left a few postings here and elsewhere. I just want you to know that you're still on my mind. While you were alive, most of us never had more than just a passing thought about you, myself included. Whenever I saw a candid picture of you in a magazine or something, I was happy for you. You found someone you loved dearly, you had a daughter that you cherished. I was happy for you. Now that you're gone, you're always in my thoughts. Its sad, that after your death, most of us outside your circle of friends are now realizing what an amazing and unique individual you were. You were great at chess, writing, sports, art, and anything you put your mind to. You cherished your friends and family, and your life. Its so unfair that you were cheated out of so much. It shouldn't have been you. There's so much bad in this world, but you were one of the good ones. And now that you're gone, nothing will be the same. I really wish I would've had a chance encounter or something with you, as I would have loved to just sit and talk to you. Don't worry about all the negative things being said about you, because everyone has secrets and problems in their lives, and its a shame some of your personal business is being brought out. Just know that I and thousands like me know how kind and genuine you were and still are, and I will always miss you. Even though we never had our chance encounter, I still feel like I have somehow lost a friend. See you in heaven, Heath.

You know, it's amazing how unexpected death can be. Most of the time, you know you're going to die. You just don't know when. There is, however, those rare times when death can just happen out of the blue. A few months ago death cast it's shadow upon the streets of Hollywood, claiming the life of one Heath Ledger. Can you believe it?! Heath Ledger?! Of all the people in the world, it had to be Heath Ledger!
Along with his legions of fans around the world, I was crushed when I heard the news. Mr. Ledger had always been one of my favorite actors. He out shined Mel Gibson in "The Patriot". His role as Ennis Delmar in "Brokeback Mountain" was so moving and sincere that it earned him an academy award nomination. His most recent performance as Bob Dylan in the biopic, "I'm Not There", was very convincible. This summer, his final role as the Joker in the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight", is bound to be another great performance.
One can only imagine how those who were close to Mr. Ledger feel about his death. I certainly can't percieve how Michelle Williams, mother of Mr. Ledger's daughter, Mitilda, is taking this in. She must be heartbroken. But I'm sure she'll realize that with Mitilda, She still has a living part of Mr. Ledger with her. Don't be too sad, Ms. Williams . The spirit of the Heath Ledger you knew and loved is still with you. You can still see him in your dreams.
Heath Ledger was more than just a actor. He was a master at his art. Sure he may have had problems in his life, but who doen't. Overall, Heath Ledger is in a class with Marlon Brando and James Dean. He certainly was one of the best artists to grace the silver screen. So, goodnight Mr. Ledger. Physically, you may be gone. But, spirtually you're still with us. You shall never be forgotten.

You know, it's amazing how unexpected death can be. Most of the time, you know you're going to die. You just don't know when. There is, however, those rare times when death can just happen out of the blue. A few months ago death cast it's shadow upon the streets of Hollywood, claiming the life of one Heath Ledger. Can you believe it?! Heath Ledger?! Of all the people in the world, it had to be Heath Ledger!
Along with his legions of fans around the world, I was crushed when I heard the news. Mr. Ledger had always been one of my favorite actors. He out shined Mel Gibson in "The Patriot". His role as Ennis Delmar in "Brokeback Mountain" was so moving and sincere that it earned him an academy award nomination. His most recent performance as Bob Dylan in the biopic, "I'm Not There", was very convincible. This summer, his final role as the Joker in the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight", is bound to be another great performance.
One can only imagine how those who were close to Mr. Ledger feel about his death. I certainly can't percieve how Michelle Williams, mother of Mr. Ledger's daughter, Mitilda, is taking this in. She must be heartbroken. But I'm sure she'll realize that with Mitilda, She still has a living part of Mr. Ledger with her. Don't be too sad, Ms. Williams . The spirit of the Heath Ledger you knew and loved is still with you. You can still see him in your dreams.
Heath Ledger was more than just a actor. He was a master at his art. Sure he may have had problems in his life, but who doen't. Overall, Heath Ledger is in a class with Marlon Brando and James Dean. He certainly was one of the best artists to grace the silver screen. So, goodnight Mr. Ledger. Physically, you may be gone. But, spirtually you're still with us. You shall never be forgotten.

i miss u::(((((
i can't believe ur u!!!

still missing you i dont thenk any of us her will evere be the same whith out you. you made us smile. there will never be any one to take your plase you are one of a kind and you are missed more ever day.tell we meat agen r.i.p.
16 years agoBeautifull man.