Dear sweet Freddie, I just wanted to tell you that you are the only one who can excite me with your beautiful songs and voice! I miss you so bad, I wish I could hold you tight and never leave more! I sincerely hope to meet you one day in Heaven...I STILL LOVE YOU FREDDIE...ESSENCE OF MY LIFE!!!

rest in peace freddie u r greatly loved and missed by fans all over the world! my thoughts and prayers to your family! your mother is an amazing woman! i have always loved QUEENS music and i will till its time for me to cross the other side
freddie you still hold us in the palm of your hand! forever and ever!!

Your songs always takes my sadness, Many Thanks Freddie, Please Help if you're not, Freddie even if you knew in life, what we've passed in each of our generations never forget, no matter how you die, no matter who has imitators that matters is that you are always in our hearts, never forget you are heart immensely cast, long life to Freddie Mercury and long life to QUEEN.

Heard them for the first time back in '74 with Killer Queen. I was immediately mesmerized by the sound of the singer, the guitar and the backing harmonies. And the melody of the song was so attractive!! What an amazing music they made. Their concerts were legendary!! And back then everybody thougt it was normal. But it wasn't. It was something send to us from above. Freddie, you are always in my heart en thougts. Thank you for you voice. Thank you for your music. Thank you for your performances. Thank you for your art, greatest singer, greatest songwriter, greatest performer of the greatest rockband ever!!!!

<3 <3 <3 <3 Freddie!!!!!!!!

He was flawless and his songs were very emotional. He made good music. He was perfect. Queen's all songs are best. I think Queen is the best band i have ever seen. Now, he lives with his songs.. We'll never forget him.

Quite simply, one of the greatest singers who ever lived. He died a hero of gay rights.

Love your music and you are amazing R.I.P.

"Crazy Little Thing Called Love" was the very first Queen song I ever heard. I was about 4 or 5. My first vision of the band was Live Aid in 1985. Man I was foolish not to have flipped for Freddie, looking ever handsome in his white tank top and powder blue jeans!
As the 80s led to the 90s, I became enthralled with never-before-heard hits such as "Bohemian Rhapsody" & "Killer Queen". But it wasn't until 1991 when my mother broke the news of Freddie's passing from AIDS that I began to see how important Queen really are. The final touch...Wayne's World jammin' out to "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the Mirth Mobile.

You will live forever in our hearts, the greatest showman. We still love you <3

Freddie Mercury I never forget you. You in my heart forever, you is the greatest!!!

You are the refuge of my soul.

Love Love Love!!!!

Thank you for your voice, your talent, your spirit, Thank you for making our lives brighter. Others may try to copy you, but none can compare - you were one of a kind, and none can take your place in our hearts or our minds. We love and miss you. .

You live forever in our hearts.....Thank you for coming

I love you too Freddie and will miss you always, but just until we meet in heaven then I will love you for eternity and everlasting!

freddie you was a very big legend that cradles the rock of our youth are gone you and despite your toujour in each legend chansson and happy as a pure queen continues the legend thank you very much

Freddie , I love you forever

Forever you Mr mercury...

I Love You, you are the love of my life. I never forget You, I still love you!!

I still want to move to your music every time I hear a song come on. You will live on in our hearts and always as an inspiration to so many

You have always been, and will always be an inspiration to me. Everybody can be who he or she wants to be. RIP Freddie

Ill be seeing you in all the old famuler places.... I know who you are as you will know me.........

My dear Freddie Mercury/ Farrokh Bulsara.....I adore your career and you have been my inspiration since the first moment I heard your music...Honey, you are an admirable person and I thank you everything you gave the world....your music, your power, your charisma, YOUR EVERYTHING :3 I LOVE YOU DARLING! I will love you, till I die...

Freddie My dear I Love You!!!!

yyears and years ago i went ro my first dance./social event and the song "i want to break free" came on... at 14 i was hooked and as i grew older 31 now i came to love the music of Freddie Mercury and Queen...When i go to heaven I'm goin to party hard with Freddie!!! Happy bday man!!!!!

RIP Freddie. Always in my heart.

i first herd of freddie as a teanager 11 years ago when i was bullied at school he gav e me insperation to live and just be me thankyou freddy you were one in a million a gift from god to the world you are an angel sent from heaven love sarah green and the greyhound

When I was 9 years old I discovered Queen ad that was 20 years ago. At age 10, my brother died and it was Freddie and Queen who got me through those years of immense pain and change. Freddie is my IDOL - he will always be my number one - I would not be the woman I am today - the singer -if it weren't for him. Love you forever Freddie. xxxx's

My name is Kelly Casselman, I am from Canada; and I am bi-sexual HE WAS AN IMMENSE INSPIRATION to all of us, gay, straight, bi, whatever, because he believed as all should believe, love knows no gender, no race, no teachings, no religion, LOVE is between one person and another without race, teaching, religion, gender or anything else.Blessed Be, Namistae, because Namistae means The God in Me Sees the God in You, and The Lord of All knows no sexual or any other boundries between all of us. I miss you. I send my blessings to you. Blessed Be, A true Crusader! I know you always were and always will be, A Master of The Universe. My Heart cries.

Dearest fred


I still cry when i listen to his music,his voice is amazing...sorry but i can't speak about him at the past...sorry for my bad english

I am glad too that this site exists. I've heard Queen songs since I was a child, but never knew the full extent of Freddie and Queen's brilliance until I reached adulthood. I saw a wonderful special on Logo last night and I must say I now have a new appreciation of his music. Classic and full of soul. I was moved to tears, I'm so sad he is gone, but so glad he was here and left so much beautiful music for us. My dream is to one day visit the statue in Montreux and pay my respects. Bless you Freddie, thank you for sharing your gift with us. You will never be forgotten. You are still so loved. Rest in peace!

ill luv u forever darling, go and make heaven as queer as u can babe (K)

Yesterday i saw a beautiful documentary on Freddy on Dutch television. I guess it is called 'Freddy Mercury: The untold story'. What a great documentary on an extraordinary life of an evermore extraordinary person. I did not much know of his lifestory, but now I am glad I do. Not being a particular fan or having followed his career, the documentary perfectly showed what special souls can create and mean to the people they have/had around them.

It's amazing that someone has made a Tribute to Freddie The KING OF QUEEN! He was an amazing guy :) He always helps me out when im low or feel i can't carry on and all i do is think of Freddie's Life and it goves me a boost like i can't imagine! I love you freddie your in my heart i was born to love you and i know that and i will love you till i die! Hippy Amy x

any one
12 years agoqueen is the best and we all miss freddie we love u freddie mercury