I had a dream that I died.

a fixed narrative to my dream has been forgotten and i have been wondering weather i dreamed i had the dream. what i do remember is the light, it was like the sky is when it is about to thunderstorm. Almost dark but not quite, colours especially greens are saturated and the landscape appears hazy. i remember the colour pink and now that i type i have the feeling that i was coming to see you, and was in your room, the sky was restless and perhaps you where there, but dead, so not there perhaps, and i was trying to wake you but couldn't.

a fixed narrative to my dream has been forgotten and i have been wondering weather i dreamed i had the dream. what i do remember is the light, it was like the sky is when it is about to thunderstorm. Almost dark but not quite, colours especially greens are saturated and the landscape appears hazy. i remember the colour pink and now that i type i have the feeling that i was coming to see you, and was in your room, the sky was restless and perhaps you where there, but dead, so not there perhaps, and i was trying to wake you but couldn't.

eugenelukehoward@yahoo.com.au<br /> ReplyReply<br /> More<br /> Rev Father Augustan Goodluck. fgg7877@msn.com<br /> <br /> show details Oct 10 (12 days ago)<br /> <br /> Re: Payment Notification:<br /> <br /> We are writhing to know if it's true that you are DEAD. Because we received a notification from one Mr. Bob Chantler of USA stating that you are DEAD and that you have giving him the right to claim your US$ 5.5M funds. He stated you died on a CAR accident last week. He has been calling us regarding this issue, but we cannot proceed with him until we confirmed this by not hearing from you after 3 working days. Be advised that we have made all arrangements for you to receive your funds of US$ 5.5M without anymore stress, and without any further delays.<br /> <br /> Kindly reconfirm the below information’s if you are not dead and also get back to this Office for immediate delivery of your fund at your home address.<br /> <br /> 1. Your house address<br /> 2. Your Full name<br /> 3. Phone Number,<br /> 4. Age<br /> 5. Male/Female<br /> 6. Occupation<br /> 7) A copy of your ID<br /> <br /> All we need to confirm now is your been DEAD or still Alive. Because this Man messaged brought shock to our minds. And we just can't proceed with him until we confirmed if this is a reality OR not but if it happened we did not hear from you after 3 days, and then we say: MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE"<br /> <br /> YOU'R JOY AND SUCCESS REMAINS OUR GOAL.<br /> <br /> May the peace of the Lord be with you wherever you may be now?<br /> <br /> Yours faithfully,<br /> <br /> Rev Father Augustan Goodluck.

I've walked into a room, not sure where exactly. Its familiar though. Leilani is sitting down, she has one leg up and is twiddling or knitting or something. there is no chairs for me and I feel a little awkward. The room is small and there is now half a dozen of us in there. I ask where Eugene is and am told that he has died. I recoil slightly in shock and look to the faces around me to mirror my grief. But I am the only one upset, I start crying. I ask Leilani why she is not upset and she tells me bluntly that it is too late for that kind of behavior. The funeral was yesterday and 'they' are all at a more advanced stage of grief. I stop crying out of confusion and embarassment and stand quietly in the doorway.<br />
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