I always, regarded Chris as my best friend after my wife. Chris and I spent many wonderful times together as good mates. On many occassions before this terrible illness struck him down did he would come down to my place to talk, play scrabble or watch the Rugby, all which he loved. Likewise He wasn't remise in asking me to stay at his various locations up the mountains, especially Ferguson Road Springwood. Chris had such great faith in the Lord Jesus and his Mother Mary and we often prayed the Rosary and Chapulet together. Chris rarely had anything bad to say about anybody often he reminded me - "We are all Human Beings and God's creatures!" I was always struck by Chris's passion to further his studies how 'Cerebal' he was and when he did go off on a tangent (no fault of his own!) I would also say to him, he was getting 'ethereal' this made him laugh. In all my experience of meeting people in my entire life, I can say I have never met such a truely wonderful, generous, loving, caring and faith filled person as Chris - He made many friends wherever he went, He loved his mother and family very, very much - An Chris mate on behalf me and Kathleen you will be sadly missed! Your Friend Christopher Pemberton