Planning a trip to Australia I remembered that Chris, my former classmate and friend from the Woltjer Gymnasium, moved to Wollongong around 1965 with his family. Searching for him on internet I discovered he just passed away. I remember Chris as a quick, intelligent person who always tried to look for the funny side of things and events. For 2 years we were very close friends, till we both graduated. While I did my 2 years of military service Chris moved to Australia.
I have always kept a warm place in my heart for him.

Planning a trip to Australia I remembered that Chris, my former classmate and friend from the Woltjer Gymnasium, moved to Wollongong around 1965 with his family. Searching for him on internet I discovered he just passed away. I remember Chris as a quick, intelligent person who always tried to look for the funny side of things and events. For 2 years we were very close friends, till we both graduated. While I did my 2 years of military service Chris moved to Australia. I have always kept a warm place in my heart for him.

Chris , tu va nous manquer, bien que nous soyons loin l'un de l'autre,nous gardons un si bon souvenir des 2 semaines que nous avons pu passer ensemble fin 2009, voyage que tu nous as si généreusement offert pour être ensemble pour fêter le 31 en famille, merci aussi Emma bien sûr.
Nous serons en pensées et prière lors des obsèques avec vous tous.
Merci pour tout ce que vous avez toujours fait pour toute la famille.
Claude Riek Patrick Emmanuel Victoire Coralie Marine, la famille de France.

At the end of 1976 I had the priveledge of staying with Chris and Emma for a few weeks when I had finished my matric (HSC). Louisa was a gorgeous golden haired toddler. My memories of Chris are vivid - I was so impressed with what wonderful parents CHris and Emma were to Louisa, and I had always asp[ired to be as calm, loving and yet firm as they were. It was a very formative period of my life to have such loving and gentle and caring "in-loco parents".
When I migrated to Australia in 1981, I will never forget how touched I was to see Chris at the airport to greet me together with my parens (Mirijana and Gerrit) and sister Fiona .
And only a few months ago I bumped into Chris and Emma at a coffee shop in Turramurra - and Chris's peace with himself and his openess about being given longer on earth was very moving.
Chris - you and Emma have been inspiring role models in my life. Thank you for touching my life and the world is a richer place for the life you have lived and God's Light you have brought to us all. I wish you Godspeed on this journey of your soul, and hold your Light in my heart for allways.
With much love to you and Emma