Brendan was many things,always an inspiration.
Because of the endless experiences and memories of time spent with Bren it is hard to grasp the full impact of his leaving this life.
Sometimes it seems only time will allow this.
That time has started, it will be a long time. But the legacy, memories inspiration are strong.
Adios Bren

So many fabulous memories…
Pre drink on my 21st before partying until 4am
Making ‘happy’ cakes for one of your parties and not telling the guests
Crazy BB’s nights
Hat parties
Sailing on the harbour, and nearly totalling another boat
Red wine
An amazing van trip across 5 countries in Europe – still one of the best trips I’ve ever done
Dinners at Fat mans
More red wine
You coming to my wedding
Your wedding!
To many to continue… And in general just awesome conversations with wit and soul. I’m gutted you’re not with us anymore. The world is at a loss.

You were one in a million Brendan.
Your energy and enthusiasm for life was boundless, and time spent with you was always entertaining and often included a great deal of hilarity. However you had a quiet thoughtful side as well and managed to spread a huge amount of kindness around your enormous circle of friends & acquaintances. You were a very good man indeed and a dear pal.
My condolences to all of the Crawford family.
Gaie Wilson

I grew to know Brendan from my days at Satnnies as a student in Andrew's year group. To our Year Brendan was always the big burly brother of 'Gums'(Andrew). However, Brendan was never anything other than kind to us all and in fact for many treated as a big brother. He was a kind, cheerful sometimes rogue who added sparkle to our school days and beyond. Always up for a good yarn and catch up he will be sorely missed. My condolances to Heidi, Andrew and the entire Crawford family. Zac and Trish Inwood