Something I was thinking about a few days ago was how Mandy and I would see how many words we could put in one big word. like howdya = how did you, and stuff. Also, I remember she made fun of me cause while I was working in Florida, I said chou instead of you a lot of the time. The night before I left florida, I was so nervous about the plane ride, so I called Mandy and sat out in the garage for about and hour talking to her. Then she made me promise her to call her everytime I could at the airports and even on the plane. I called her about three times I think that day. I know this isn't that important, but I was just thinking about those times lately.
This year has been a wake up call for me. I remember the times you came over to my place , not caring about the comfort of it but caring to be with me... you brought chocolate chip cookies and your music. I remember you making a tape for me... I miss you.
cand am auzit ca ai plecat dintre noi intro secunda am fost am zis doamne..iti multumesc ca nu ai luato pe sora inima mea plangea pt ca stiu cat de greu trebuie sai fi fost lui amelia si sa nu mai zic de parintii tai....dar imediat am facut-o pe deny sami promita ca no sa ma ca nu stiu ce as face fara ea...dar ma bucur sa vad ca surorile tale te pastreaza atat de vie printre fost o cred ca cerul sa luminat cand ai aparut acolo...o sati simtim lipsa...abia astept sa te vad...