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7 years ago

I love you Jessica and miss you so much today I've been thinking about that day we took the kids down to the picture people and we got pictures of them in their costumes it was so cute and we had just such a nice day and I love you and I always remember that and just miss you always every day!

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8 years ago

I love you mom and miss you. Life is starting to be so much harder and I don't know how much longer I can deal with it I wish u were here to help me....

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10 years ago

next month will be your beautiful little girl's birthday-how I wish you were here to give her a beautiful party to celebrate the wonderful life you gave birth to that September day 8 years ago-; mothers never forget what a joy it is to have children and how special they are -children are truly gifts from God; too bad he also takes them away- miss you baby- I'd love to give you a birthday party; it would be glorious -like no one has ever seen. Oh yes, my dear you made such beautiful memories for very one- all we have to do if close our eyes an dream- I love you so very much; miss you, love always mom

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10 years ago

just a little note: God honey I do miss you so very much. I wake up at night or in the morning sometimes and I want to call you- but I can't. You told me once that you never get over a death-that you learn to live with it- sometimes I think no You don't really live- you learn to survive with the lose. Losing you my dear has been the worst burden, but yes, we do learn to survive. I wish you were here with me- I would tell you very day just how special you were- a real gem; one who really enriched so many of us who have gone on without you. You have a very loving little girl- she's still blonde hair and blue eyes, she does look like you and at times makes a gesture or turns a certain way that reminds me of you; she knows she had a wonderful mom; at times she asks me to tell her stories about when you were alive and things you did with her. She told me at Easter that you are always with her-that you are her angle and protects her; she says she can see you!! If you are with her stay there my dear and keep up the good work- I will always love you!!- People may die; but love always grows! I love you dear Jessica- mom

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12 years ago

Grandma sang Beautiful Dreamer to you on your wedding day when you stood at the alter. She loved you so very much. Today we are taking her off life support and what keeping going through my head is her singing to you with all the love beaming out across to you as she sang to her beautiful beloved granddaughter- I miss you so very much my beautiful girl - I love you now nad forever- mommie

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13 years ago


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13 years ago

Stone Hawk jessies death, still effects me deeply, sometimes daily, i just let it out and go on with what i need to do , sometimes after a good cry. if you were i wouldnt hold it against you. cuz i would understand, cuz i miss her too, i look at how o...ur lives were when she was alive, Jessie was the fabric in /of life that wove us together look at all of the people she touched, i hope that when i die i have touched and taught half as many people as she did, i hope i will always remember the example she set for us she always set the bar high and went for it. we could all do better by emulating jessie in our lives... I miss You Kiddo . your Godfather always UNCLESee More 20 hours ago · LikeUnlike

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13 years ago

When I first heard this song the way it is arranged and the music by Nora Jones- I recorded on a CD- one day Jessica said - you really like that song- don't you ; I answered yes, I do -everytime I hear it it reminds me of YOU- the way you walk with a little bounce and your eyes sparkle and your smile- the very first time I heard the song your image appeared in my mind. I chose Jessica Memorial Service them as over the rainbow and her cousin Ariel sang this song at her service- that's why this song plays on the homepage of Jessica"s web site- I cry almost every time I hear this song now- but I'm glad she knew that I was really thinking of her each and very time I heard that song and I still think of her and see that happy, wonderful woman who was my wonderful loving daughter.

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13 years ago

Snowball ; SNOWBALL THUMPER MORIN- your Christmas gift from your dad when you were alittle girl was a cute little ball of white fur- your own kitty, he grew and grew up with you- you dressed him up in baby clothes ; put a bonnet on his head, rocked him in your baby craddle, strolled him in the baby stroller- put eyeglasses on him; feed him candy-lollypops were his favorite- he eat banana bread and loved butter; once I saw him get on your rocking chair and walk back and forth rocking the chair- he tore up my new little blue chair- he pulled the button out of it and pushed it on the floor so he could lay his head down on a smooth surface, the was torn up by a coon and had surgery and we nursed him back to health-he hated the vets, cried all the way there so we found a special vet for cats only and he loved her; he'd go to have his teeth cleaned, you brushed his teeth with kitty toothpaste, bathed him- you loved him dearly-he grew up to be 27 lbs., he slept in your bed next to you all those years- purring a deep deep purr- he would go poop in the kitchen sink if we went away for a couple of days and would act angry at me when we came home; he always greeted you at the door and would run as fast as he could when you called him; when you turned 18 he became sick and we had to put him down, you were there right beside him till the end- you called uncle and he made a casket, we took him home from the vets and burried him in grandma back yard- you made a cross from wood to mark his grave- oh how much you loved him and he loved you right back my dear, he must sleep with you in heaven now- I can almost hear that deep purr he had for you and only you- saying oh how I love you!!! 12/07/10 Stone Hawk i remeber snowball cool cat for the most of the oldest cats ive seen but he was a cranky ass old fart..but i suppose we all get older, a little cranky achey and frustrated, as age plays its little artery hardening jokes on us. jessie is still here and so is snowball.

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13 years ago

you had a kermit you loved him and took him everywhere- one day when I picked up up from pre-school the teacher ran after me and said oh Mrs. Morin , Jessica forgot kermit, I thanked her and we took kermit home with us- several weeks latter you were playing with not one but two kermits- the teacher had given someone elses kermit to you thinking it was yours. Funny thing was that you ended up with both kermits as the teacher never found out the owner of the second kermit- so lucky you had two kermits

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13 years ago

you were around two years old- frantically searching the house asking where's fee fee where's fee fee- oh my fee fee, your father and I seaching asking what fee fee was. Poiinting out things asking if fee fee was this or that- we never found fee fee- one day not long after your father was empting out the trunk of the car- you screamed fee fee my fee fee- Out your father pulled was his frizbee that we had brought to the park, when we went on nice days

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13 years ago

The holiday stroll with your husband; watching the tree lighting; going on a holiday trip with your husband and children;decorationing your Christmas tree; Thanksgiving with me; watching the macy's day parade; making movie night for your cousins; going to Grampa's gave.........driving to goffstown to see the Christmas lights, going to see the Christmas Carol year after year-., the cards you sent -reminding everyone of your love for them., the roses you grew........the love, the warmth we felt together sharing............traditions

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13 years ago

Getting up and watch you watching the macy's day Parade- you loved it and never missed it, Thanksgiving was our special holiday!!- I worked on Christmas so we make the best Thanksgivings ever- we cooked together and readyed the house for the crowd- we made everyone their favorite dish-so sometimes I took us days to ready for the holiday- warm smelling cooking- people laughing and you celerbrating - I wish I could turn back the clock- today is Thanksgiving- I have the bird and all the fixing but the house will be empty- and no invites from anyone- Sierra and Doug are up in Vt this year- they will be surrounded with your relatives from his side of the family- it's good that Sierra gets a Thanksgiving with them- she should have at least one with them- honey sometimes Thanksgiving is harder for me than your birthday, death day- and all the rest- only because I know how very special Thanksgiving was to you- a day you were truly thank ful for what goodiness and kindness God had bestowed upon you- i am and always will be so very thankful that you were a great daughter!! You were thoughtful, loving, considerate and I know how very very much you loved me and I will always love you and you will be with me in my hopes and dreams forever!

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13 years ago

you made some of the best meals I have ever had- you used to make a great ckicken cassorole that was to die for - I've tried to make it but it's not the same- you used to make stir fry-the only one who could make them that I liked- you didn't bake - but you could make a great meal- I don;t know where you learned to cook, but you were a very good cook- I remember we ere at your grandmothger's house and you were around 9 or 10 and you wanted to make fried eggs- well I let you- your grandmother was angry, she said oh she can't do that- well you made two of the blackist eggs I have ever seen and burned the pan - it took me a long time to get it clean, but that didn't stop you , you tried over and over until you became a great cook!!- I miss you and I miss some of the best meals I have ever had- love mommie

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13 years ago

Visited your grave yesterday- I don't know why, I guess because it was the first time this year- it's a hard place to visit- I know you're not there- your in heaven along side of all that is good- just like you "good" a good person, daughter, mother, and wife, friend. I remember when you where 6, you asked me if you had sinned?- you where afraid of committing a sin I explained you had not sinned and you were not a sinner. Funny the things you remember- you would wake up in morning smiling and laughing when you were a baby- you hated to miss school- I had to fight with you to get you to stay home when you were sick , I remember how much you wanted to be a mother, I remember how much snowball and hambone meant to you - they loved as much as you loved them- I can never remember to say these things when I'm at your gave- but I do remember- I love you very much. I remember how much you like the water, swimming, boating., how you hated camping-the bugs and how one summer the mosquitoes were so bad, I drove home every night when they came out and then drove back to the camp grounds every morning so we could have fun together and we did- love Mommie

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13 years ago

the first outdoor concert you attended you were about 9 months old, Heidi came and we had to hike a mountain carried you up , tent , food your father brought his cooler of bear, heidi had a broken leg and struggled with a cast- she finally had your dad cut it off so she could walk, denis farra came it was in Clarmont Nh and was blues? It was held in a cow pasture and there were cow pods all around - we finally got up there and set up our tent your dad found Steve Flewelling and the rest of the gang- Steve F. said why didn't you guys get a ride of the hay wagon like the rest of us- what a joke- well we spent the night and I remember Arlo Gauthy played - I went to sleep to wonderful music with you in my arms outside under the stars- we woke up the next day and continued on to the mountains and went camping. You stood there a young girl maybe 17 and asked if you could borrow the trooper to go to an outdoor concert to see the cranberries and was in shock when I said yes go an enjoy!! I don't remember how many went, but i know that you couldn't get one one person in that vehicle-you all had a grand time and I'm so glad!!-

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13 years ago

I remeember the first day we met, we were both new to Milford Middle School and we shared the same jitters and that is what bonded us together, then it got even better when I discovered that I would live one floor down in the same appartment building. For me who was always shy it seemed things couldn't get any better then to have a new friend who lived so close! That is when the real trouble making began with boyfriends and heart breaks but the best was being seperated in class because we talked to much! I can think of so many memories from Volleyball to fishing and swimming in the souhegan even walking to Rite Aid and spraying every Colonge and Perfume to find the best one even though neither of us had intentions of buying any of it. The walk home was never enough to cut the smell and we always got crap from our Mom's for reaking! I do remeber her first car we affectionatly called it the "Egg" and anyone who saw it thought the same thing. I remeber one day she needed to get to Soaprize so we "stole" the car to make it there, I say stole because she wasn't suposed to be driving it with out insurance. it didn't have a radio at the time so we had to grab one from inside the house. That car was the root of so many memories, like spinning out on black ice on the way to the 99 to celebrate her's, lisa's and my birthday's a tradition we caried on for a couple years with all of us. One of my favorite memories of all was a night that we were supposed to be at the Drive in but insteadwe snuck off to some cute guys house in Amherst. When they were bringing us home we saw Uncle Oscar drving frantically around the oval and Jess knew he was looking for us and was ready with his bat to clobber who ever we were with. We managed to get home before he did and I don't remeber exactly what went down but Dee was the greatest second Mom ever and promised not to tell on me. Jess and her family shared a lot with me and I do believe that it is because of them I turned out to be the person I am today. I will always and forever be thankful for knowing such a great and wonderful person. I only hope that my Daughter gets the same privalge as I did to be aparts of such a great family. There are days that I think of you Jess and always on June 6th I feel some sadness. I know that Sierra will grow and be the same wonderful friend to someone that you were always to me! Forever and always thinking of your family that I always felt was mine too. Jessica (Van Valkenburg) Hayes aka Jessie #2

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13 years ago

Little feet jumpin on my bed, "carerful jessie dont fall and bump your head". only she could jump on uncles bed. little girl sledding down the hill ,come on jessie uncle take you sledding... first new bicycle on your birthday,another new one the next year too,dad left my bicycle when we moved,uncle i need a new bike...yes jessie uncle will get you one. i told her not to buy that ugly white car ,her first car. graduation...i was so proud of her. jessie taking care of uncle after my accident.....and having sierra, who looks and acts just like her mom.. i love essie like she is my own child...and i miss her so... Oscar lane II

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13 years ago

the littlest baby born that day- the nurses told me be careful- she's delicate -she was so so very beautiful - I was and have always been so very proud of her. I still can't believe you are gone- I mis you- I miss all the little things you did for me love you always mommie

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13 years ago

Meghan With Jessie's birthday comming up I found myself thinking about birthdays when we were little kids, I remember one I went to, I forget how old Jessie was turning but I remember sitting around a table telling knock knock jokes and why did the chicken cross the road jokes, and thinking how cool it was that I got to hang out with the big kids. I remember I told a really lame one, and all the kids just kind of rolled their eyes (cause ya know I was the little kid) and Jessie being the sweet wonderful cousin she always was, laughed, even though she was the only one laughing, just to make me feel cool, or special. Just because Jessie was born a kind caring natured person. a genuinly sweet person. I am so sad that Jessie's own child will not know her mother, the thought is gut wrenching for me now that I have my own babies, When my first daughter was a baby, I was driving to work one night, she was home with her father, and I almost got in an accident, and bad one, and I pulled over to catch my breath, and realized that my own life was not going through my head but The fact that I would not see my daughter again, not get to raise her, and that she would not know me. I started to cry. When she was a toddler I fell head over heals down a flight of steep stairs, while moving, the scream of terror "MOMMY" that came from my 15 month old daughter was heart breaking, the same sad thought crossed my mind.. Words can not describe how sad I am that Jessie and Seirra are not together. That my worst fear came true for her, It is just heart breaking. I know Jessie tried to have another baby for a long time after Heather skye, and how sad it is that they were seperated so soon.. I hope that Jessie is able to be a mother to Heather skye now, and I am sure she is watching over Seirra. Happy birthday a few days early to Jessie. You cross my mind every day!

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

My dear sweet little girl, Sierra will be five years old very soon; she looks like you when you were about her age-she's so dramatic at times- I called her on the phone one day and she said oh grammie my toe hurts and my belly hurts- I told her I was so sorry that she didn't feel well and maybe she should lie down- she said oh no! She felt better when she ran all over-and if she put her foot up instead of letting her foot dangle when she sat -it didn't hurt anymore.- well I did the best I could to make her feel better(over the phone)- I do wish you could be with her- she needs a mommie sometimes- because mommie always seem to say the right things when children don't feel well.- You always knew what to say to every one- I'm so sorry you aren't here with us- We all miss you terribly! I'm sorry you have missed out on all of these wonderful memories mother's have as there children grow. I try to tell Sierra about you- so she'll at lest know that you were always special even as a child- maybe she can see a little of you through a childs eyes hearing about her mother when she was a child- I love you with all my heart pumkin- love mommie deanna morin letter to jessie February 28, 2010 Jessica; we celebrate the holidays without you very year because you would have wanted us too. We miss your presence when we are together- one night Sierra told me that when she sleeps you visit her- I asked her if you are sleeping then how do you know it's your mother?- she said because she knows it's you!- I showed her a picture of you when you were 12-Sierra reconized you -honey! She is a wonderful little girl-but so were you! but you had better manners!- I am truly sorry that you have missed out on being her mother-she will never have a better one than you- you had only two years with her I pray she will remember the deep love you had for her-I am so sorry that you have gone to heaven, I miss you terribly! I go on each day- but a piece of me is missing- you once told me that you had never gotten over Heather-skye's death- that you learned to live with the grief- you were so right Jessica- you just learn to live with the grief. I held together for your family-for you children and your husband because you my dear child taught me how to burry a child- I will never get past your death as you were such an important part of my life I will love you for the rest of my life I was always so very proud of everything you did- I have always had such respect for you, for your choices,for your intelligence, for your determination, and your success- I have always been so very gratifull that you my dear child were my sweet loving girl- I smile, I laugh, I cry, I dance, I live until we see one another again- love mommie Deanna Morin For my daughter 12/01/08 December 1, 2008 I am and will be etenally sorry that you could't grow old to see how very special your daughter has become. She is her own person even at three; she has learned to stand up for her rights-just as you did, she loves to shop, she loves clothes- My heart is broken- honey- We will go on but we will never forget the light ou brought to us. Total Condolences: 3 Pages:: 1 « 1 »

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13 years ago

I remember the 4th grade play you were in ; it was around this time of year and you may have been a pilgrim; I sat in the gym? to watch it - I rememeber I couldn't hear a word you said but I sat and cried- I was so proud of my little star- love mommie

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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10 years ago

you were so happy and proud the day Sierra was born! You glowed! my love for you grows and grows; see you in heaven soon my darling! Happy Mother's Day in this year of our Lord 2014

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13 years ago

I spanked you twice in your life not once like you remembered once when you were 5 and once when you were 13- I sould not have ever spanked you but you know I know why I spanked you- it was because I was afraid; I'm glad we were able to resolve everything else with communication- we fought loud at times and voiced our opinions; but what I liked best- was after many a couple of days latter, we would set special time aside and talk about how we felt when something was wrong or when we were angry; and what the feeling that we had experinced were good or bad feelings and why- great insite- we discussed the importance of rules and often changed them or agreed to new or different rules- I used to worry about you; if I was right with all my strict rules and regs- but I think in the end - A parent has to be strict, but also listen, have open dicsussions and hear the childs side and then evualute for each child as they are indiviuals. Or at least somthing like that- it worked for us- we had love, respect and honor between us- what more could a parent ask for

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Jakeb Potter
13 years ago

i rember the day i meet my mom...she told me i look like crap with the clothes i had been sent up NH in.. so she took me shoping and got me all this cool nice cloths and later when we were done she took to wal-mart and got me a sliver mogoose with it tricked out..i loved it..when i got back to the house she took me into the bathroom and showed me how to really take care of my teeth. let me tell u that hurt alot that night.. later that year she found out i would not wright my name or spell at all she worked with it with me tell the day she passed away..i it wa my last year of high school when it happen i could not finsh if i did not tell my self to keep going to make her happy..i did..this year i have had a childed and i her name is addyson grace..she makes me think of mom bec she act like the way sierra did as a baby and i know my monther would have been happy for me..we mom love u lots and miss u so much..

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13 years ago

Sierra spent 4 days with me for the first time- and I brought her to the big E, she road on and 7 different rides and she went to the circus and saw cows- she is in awe with cows - she watched them milk a cow and then she saw one nurse- as we were going through the rides I remembered our times a canibe lake park and how you loved the rides- many times you rode on rides that were for adults and loved them - but I remember once on the swings we both went and every time the man was going to let us off you would scream oh no more more and he would laugh and speed up the ride- I think we were on it for about 20 minuets- iwas so sick from going around and around =but you had a grand time.

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13 years ago

I was sick tonight and had to go to the hospital- I couldn't breath- I remember the last time this happened and you had to come and get me and bring me home - you called my dr. and you and him agreed that if I wasn't better by morning he would like to admitt me to the hospital- I remember all the tender loving care you gave me and how claming you were to me and because you where with me I was able to breath and wasn't admitted to the hospital- you were always special and could calm anyone down- you really showed your love for us by your actions- agreat mother the best daughter anyone could be so very lucky to have- I'm breathing ok now and I think- being able to remember what happened the first time when you were with me helped me get through this tonight- I love you honey with all my heart- it's too bad you couldn't have lived - I would have glady changed places with you so you could have - but this is reality- and I have the most wonderful memories you gave me to get through the rough times- love mommie

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13 years ago

birthday parties were always fun- you were a happy little girl, I remember one when you ran around the house in a new swim suite Heidi had gotten you - you had just turned eight and kept poising in your swim suit as if you were a model- Sierra will be turning five on the 22nd; she is going to have a tea party with her dad; but I'm going to make a cake and have a little private party here at my house with her as she will be visiting me for four days prior to her birthday- I remember you loved Wopi Goldberg ice cream and chocolate cake-Sierra loves choclate too honey- I miss you very much-I will try to give Sierra a nice little celebration. Love Mommie

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Terry Larouche
13 years ago

The one time I saw your daughter was at a small store in Nashua when she was very young. You interduced her to me as she was looking at the candy. I had my kids with me as we were going to walk across town to meet my husband ( at that time ) after that we went our own ways and to this day I Wondered about you and your family. Sorry to find out about your lost! May God be with you today and every day as you go on your journey in life. Sincerely, Terry Larouche

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13 years ago

I love and Miss you so much Jess, You are in my heart forever..!!You were a dear friend to me always and I think of you most often !!!!

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14 years ago

mother's day 08 after you died little one your son jake called me and wished me a happy mother's day-he left the message on my cell phone- when I played the message back over his voiced I heard you say happy mother's day mom, I love you!! I played the message back several times but I only heard your voice the first time the message played- no one has called again to wish me a happy mother's day (kids) so I just wanted to know Jessica I heard You and I still love you- Sunday is mother's day !!- so If you are around happy mother's sweetie- I going to meet doug and Sierra- I bought her a pretty dress white with large purple flowers on it-something that you would like and it's cotton so she won't scratch- Jessica you were the best!! Love Mommie

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14 years ago

I will always miss you girl love you always Theresa !!

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14 years ago

My memory Of Jessie was always good never bad always lifted ym spirit when i was down and out she was just such a good friend to me and sweet person !!!!!!!!

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14 years ago

A beautiful young women, always there for her friends a true hero. I miss her kindness, her smile and those phone calls just to say Hello. She was a wonderful mother and it was her dream to parent! I will see someday agian and we will pick up where we left off.. Laughing careing, and shareing.....

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14 years ago

Jessie was a daughter to me from the moment I saw her I knew we would have a very special bond. She became part of my family, a sister to my children, a very special person. We have lost a piece of us, she will never be forgotten. My memories begin when Jess was two months old, us see I had a horrible loss in my life,my brother Greg died he was on 19 years old. The funny part is Jess came into my life just after he pasted, and Jess filled a whole in my heart, and she didn't even know it. God really works in funny ways huh? I have so many memories most make me smile,some make me cry but most of all they are all Beautiful,just like Jess. Boy oh Boy the pain I have experienced over the last serveral years, Jess always said to place it in HIS HANDS, this is the only way I am able to get by. Jess was a teacher, also never letting us down. I pray for her child , her husband, her Mom and Dad. God will carry you now. Until we meet agian. I love You Jess The candles will always burn for the loved ones we lost!

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14 years ago

It;s now July 2009 and I still miss my little heart is broken and doesn't know how to heal. I must go on and be positive for my granddaughter; A little girl who doesn;t remember her mother ; yet I think maybe this is a blessing............

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15 years ago

Yesterday Oct. 18, 2008 We had a wonderful memorial service for Jessica, many people who loved and knew her join her family and spoke about her, sang for her, and talked about her. her Uncle was the offical at the service, her second mother; Heidi spoke-she is still as broken hearted as I am over Jessica death; but I am gratiful my sister Heidi was there for me. Two mothers, two sisters, both must heal there hearts and go on; just as jess would want. ................................................................................Deanna

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